chiapos-chacha8 0.1.0

A chiapos compatible implementation of chiapos-chacha8. NOTE: This is not an implementation of standard ChaCha8 and should not be used as such.


This is a byte-for-byte compatible implementation of chiapos' ChaCha8 in Rust. It has been manually verified in a custom implementation of chiapos in Rust to produce identical output.

On top of producing identical output, this implementation is also multi-threaded using Rayon producing data extremely fast.


This crate has some strict expectations that match the original use-case:

  • Output data must be in 512bit blocks
  • The input key must be 256 bits long (ChaCha8 takes either a 128bit or 256bit input in the original implementation)
  • The IV will be zeroed
// Randomize this key however you would like
let mut key = [0u8; 32];
let chacha8 = ChaCha8::new_from_256bit_key(&key);

// Output data goes in this vec, note that 64 * 8 = 512bits
let num_blocks = 128;
let mut chacha_blocks = vec![0u8; 64 * num_blocks];

// pos is the offset in the output keystream
let pos = 0;
chacha8.get_keystream(pos, &mut chacha_blocks);


This crate generates pseudorandom data extremely fast in 512bit blocks. The output is also deterministic for the same inputs.


This crate makes no guarantees about:

  • Correctness with regards to the original ChaCha8 implementation / specification
  • Cryptographical security