chess 3.0.1

This is a fast chess move generator. It has a very good set of documentation, so you should take advantage of that. It (now) generates all lookup tabels with a file, which means that very little pseudo-legal move generation requires branching. There are some convenience functions that are exposed to, for example, find all the squares between two squares. This uses a copy-on-make style structure, and the Board structure is as slimmed down as possible to reduce the cost of copying the board. There are places to improve perft-test performance further, but I instead opt to be more feature-complete to make it useful in real applications. For example, I generate both a hash of the board and a pawn-hash of the board for use in evaluation lookup tables (using Zobrist hashing). There are two ways to generate moves, one is faster, the other has more features that will be useful if making a chess engine. See the documentation for more details.
use rand::thread_rng;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;

use crate::bitboard::{BitBoard, EMPTY};
use crate::gen_tables::magic_helpers::{
    magic_mask, questions_and_answers, random_bitboard, NUM_MOVES,
use crate::gen_tables::rays::get_rays;
use crate::piece::Piece;
use crate::square::{Square, ALL_SQUARES, NUM_SQUARES};

// This structure is for the "Magic Bitboard" generation
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Magic {
    magic_number: BitBoard,
    mask: BitBoard,
    offset: u32,
    rightshift: u8,

// These numbers allow you to hash a set of blocking pieces, and get an index in the MOVES
// array to return the valid moves, given a set of blocking pieces.
// This will be generated here, but then put into the as a const array.
static mut MAGIC_NUMBERS: [[Magic; NUM_SQUARES]; 2] = [[Magic {
    magic_number: EMPTY,
    mask: EMPTY,
    offset: 0,
    rightshift: 0,
}; 64]; 2];

// How many squares can a blocking piece be on for the rook?
static mut GENERATED_NUM_MOVES: usize = 0;

// This is the valid move lookup table.  This will be generated here, then put into
// the as a const array.
static mut MOVES: [BitBoard; NUM_MOVES] = [EMPTY; NUM_MOVES];

// When a MOVES bitboard is updated, update this with the rays that the MOVES bitboard
// may have set.  This helps with compressing the MOVES array.
static mut MOVE_RAYS: [BitBoard; NUM_MOVES] = [EMPTY; NUM_MOVES];

// Find a perfect hashing function for the move generation for a particular square and piece type
// Store the resulting move array in MOVES[cur_offset...], and return the next offset
// to be used
fn generate_magic(sq: Square, piece: Piece, cur_offset: usize) -> usize {
    let (questions, answers) = questions_and_answers(sq, piece);
    assert_eq!(questions.len().count_ones(), 1);
    assert_eq!(questions.len(), answers.len());
    let mask = magic_mask(sq, piece);

    assert_eq!(questions.iter().fold(EMPTY, |b, n| b | *n), mask);
        answers.iter().fold(EMPTY, |b, n| b | *n),
        get_rays(sq, piece)
    let mut new_offset = cur_offset;

    for i in 0..cur_offset {
        let mut found = true;
        for j in 0..answers.len() {
            unsafe {
                if MOVE_RAYS[i + j] & get_rays(sq, piece) != EMPTY {
                    found = false;
        if found {
            new_offset = i;

    let mut new_magic = Magic {
        magic_number: EMPTY,
        mask: mask,
        offset: new_offset as u32,
        rightshift: (questions.len().leading_zeros() + 1) as u8,

    let mut done = false;
    let mut rng = thread_rng();

    while !done {
        let magic_bitboard = random_bitboard(&mut rng);

        if (mask * magic_bitboard).popcnt() < 6 {

        let mut new_answers = vec![EMPTY; questions.len()];
        done = true;
        for i in 0..questions.len() {
            let j = (magic_bitboard * questions[i]).to_size(new_magic.rightshift);
            if new_answers[j] == EMPTY || new_answers[j] == answers[i] {
                new_answers[j] = answers[i];
            } else {
                done = false;
        if done {
            new_magic.magic_number = magic_bitboard;

    unsafe {
        MAGIC_NUMBERS[if piece == Piece::Rook { 0 } else { 1 }][sq.to_index()] = new_magic;

        for i in 0..questions.len() {
            let j = (new_magic.magic_number * questions[i]).to_size(new_magic.rightshift);
            MOVES[(new_magic.offset as usize) + j] |= answers[i];
            MOVE_RAYS[(new_magic.offset as usize) + j] |= get_rays(sq, piece);
        if new_offset + questions.len() < cur_offset {
            new_offset = cur_offset;
        } else {
            new_offset += questions.len();
        GENERATED_NUM_MOVES = new_offset;

// Generate the magic each square for both rooks and bishops.
pub fn gen_all_magic() {
    let mut cur_offset = 0;
    for piece in [Piece::Bishop, Piece::Rook].iter() {
        for sq in ALL_SQUARES.iter() {
            cur_offset = generate_magic(*sq, *piece, cur_offset);

// Write the MAGIC_NUMBERS and MOVES arrays to the specified file.
pub fn write_magic(f: &mut File) {
    write!(f, "#[derive(Copy, Clone)]\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "struct Magic {{\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "    magic_number: BitBoard,\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "    mask: BitBoard,\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "    offset: u32,\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "    rightshift: u8\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "}}\n\n").unwrap();

    write!(f, "const MAGIC_NUMBERS: [[Magic; 64]; 2] = [[\n").unwrap();
    for i in 0..2 {
        for j in 0..64 {
            unsafe {
                write!(f, "    Magic {{ magic_number: BitBoard({}), mask: BitBoard({}), offset: {}, rightshift: {} }},\n",
        if i != 1 {
            write!(f, "], [\n").unwrap();
    write!(f, "]];\n").unwrap();

    unsafe {
        write!(f, "const MOVES: [BitBoard; {}] = [\n", GENERATED_NUM_MOVES).unwrap();
        for i in 0..GENERATED_NUM_MOVES {
            write!(f, "    BitBoard({}),\n", MOVES[i].to_size(0)).unwrap();
    write!(f, "];\n").unwrap();