checkpoint 0.1.2

Provides checkpointing of application data for the Rust Programming Language.


Provides checkpointing of application data for the Rust Programming Language.

Please see the API documentation for details.

Example Usage:

// Checkpoint data is serialized and deserialized with the Serde library.
extern crate serde;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;

use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::ser::Serialize;

extern crate checkpoint;

use checkpoint::Result;
use checkpoint::storage::{
    CommittedCheckpoint, Storage, MemoryStorage, UncommittedCheckpoint};
use checkpoint::wrappers::ChecksumWrapper;

// Any type implementing the Serialize and DeserializeOwned traits can be checkpointed.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u8

// Create the data that will be stored in a checkpoint.
let person = Person {
    name: String::from("John Smith"),
    age: 50

// Create a MemoryStorage object to hold checkpoint data.
let storage = MemoryStorage::new()?;

// Add integrity checks to checkpoint data with a ChecksumWrapper.
let mut wrapped_storage = ChecksumWrapper::wrap(storage);

// Create a new checkpoint.
let mut uncommitted_checkpoint = wrapped_storage.create_checkpoint("Checkpoint")?;

// Add data to the checkpoint.
uncommitted_checkpoint.put("Person", &person)?;

// Commit the checkpoint.
let mut committed_checkpoint = wrapped_storage.commit_checkpoint(uncommitted_checkpoint)?;

// Retrieve the checkpoint data.
let stored_person: Person = committed_checkpoint.get("Person")?;

// The data retrieved from the checkpoint is the same as what was put in.
assert_eq!(person.age, stored_person.age);