chbs 0.0.1

A crate providing secure passphrase generation based on a wordlist

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Rust library: Correct Horse Battery Staple

A crate providing secure passphrase generation based on a wordlist also known as diceware.


The name chbs is short for the well known "Correct Horse Battery Staple" password which originates from the XKCD comic shown above.

This library uses cryptographically secure randomization, and may be used for generating secret passphrases.


  • this crate is still in development, and should thus be used with care
  • no warranty is provided for the quality of the passwords generated through this library

TODO before stabilization which will require API changes:

  • use secure strings
  • allow using custom wordlists
  • ability to configure various passphrase generation properties:
    • random word capitalisation
    • add numbers
    • add special characters
    • different separators
    • unique words
  • calculate entropy


Here are some basic examples on how to use this crate.

Add chbs as dependency in your Cargo.toml first:

chbs = "0.0.1"

Generate a passphrase using the helper function consisting of 5 words (, cargo run --example passphrase):

extern crate chbs;
use chbs::passphrase;

println!("Passphrase: {:?}", passphrase(5));

Use a word sampler to generate an infinite number of random words (, cargo run --example sampler):

extern crate chbs;
use chbs::word_sampler;

let mut sampler = word_sampler();

for i in 0..8 {
        "Sampled word #{}: {:?}",


This project is released under the MIT license. Check out the LICENSE file for more information.