charwise 1.0.0

This lightweight, dependency-free rust library provides a convenient way to read characters from different resources.


This lightweight, dependency-free rust library provides a convenient way to read characters from different resources.

For now, the following resources are supported:

  • std::fs::File
  • std::io::Stdin

This library is particularly useful when implementing handwritten lexers, because on one hand, we read characters one at a time in code and on the other hand, we may need the following features:

  • Buffering of characters.
  • Peeking next characters without consuming them.
  • Abstracting from the source we are reading characters from.

All these features are implemented in charwise. Abstraction from the source is done via generics to eliminate the possible overhead of static dispatching.


In order to use charwise, simply add

charwise = "*"

to your Cargo.toml file.


(will be added shortly)