[][src]Function chardetng_c::chardetng_encoding_detector_feed

#[no_mangle]pub unsafe extern "C" fn chardetng_encoding_detector_feed(
    detector: *mut EncodingDetector,
    buffer: *const u8,
    buffer_len: usize,
    last: bool
) -> bool

Inform the detector of a chunk of input.

The byte stream is represented as a sequence of calls to this function such that the concatenation of the arguments to this function form the byte stream. It does not matter how the application chooses to chunk the stream. It is OK to call this function with a zero-length byte slice.

The end of the stream is indicated by calling this function with last set to true. In that case, the end of the stream is considered to occur after the last byte of the buffer (which may be zero-length) passed in the same call. Once this function has been called with last set to true this function must not be called again.

If you want to perform detection on just the prefix of a longer stream, do not pass last=true after the prefix if the stream actually still continues.

Returns true if after processing buffer the stream has contained at least one non-ASCII byte and false if only ASCII has been seen so far.


If this function has previously been called with last set to true.

Undefined Behavior

UB ensues if

  • detector does not point to a detector obtained from chardetng_detector_new but not yet freed with chardetng_detector_free.
  • buffer is NULL. (It can be a bogus pointer when buffer_len is 0.)
  • ,buffer_lenis non-zero andbufferandbuffer_len` don't designate a range of memory valid for reading.