channel-drain 0.1.0

Drain channels with simple syntax


Drains a (crossbeam) channel.

Hoare Was Right - we should prefer channels over shared memory for communicating between threads. This is trivial for a thread that consumes a single channel in Rust:

fn my_thread(rx: Receiver<i32>) {
    while let Ok(num) = rx.recv() {
        // Cool stuff

Awesome! With almost no code, it

  • Handles synchronization for you, doing work when inputs are ready and sleeping when they're not.

  • Automatically closes itself when no inputs remain. (We can construct entire DAGs of these, close the original producer, and watch all consumers gracefully shut themselves down.)

But in more complicated systems, we often want to receive from multiple channels. Crossbeam (and some other channel libraries) provide a nice Select mechanism for this, but you need to write a decent bit of boilerplate to remove a channel from the set you're polling when it closes.

No more:

fn smoke_test() {
    let (tx1, rx1) = bounded(10);
    let (tx2, rx2) = bounded(10);

    tx1.send("For a successful technology").unwrap();
    tx1.send("reality must take precedence over public relations").unwrap();
    tx1.send("for nature cannot be fooled").unwrap();


        rx1(wisdom) => { println!("Feynman Says: \"{}\"", wisdom) },
        rx2(num) => println!("Some num: {}", num)

gives us:

Some num: 42
Some num: 22
Feynman Says: "For a successful technology"
Some num: 99
Feynman Says: "reality must take precedence over public relations"
Feynman Says: "for nature cannot be fooled"

(Crossbeam randomly selects a ready channel to promote fairness.)