changepoint 0.3.0-beta.2

Change Point Detection in Rust
# changepoint - Change point detection for Rust
Changepoint is a library for doing change point detection for streams of data.

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## Usage
To use `changepoint`, first add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

changepoint = "0.1"

## Algorithms
Includes the following change point detection algorithms:
* `BOCPD` -- Online Bayesian Change Point Detection [Reference]

## Example
//! A demo of the online Bayesian change point detection on
//! the 3-month Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate from
//! After this example is run, the file `trasury_bill.ipynb` can be run to generate
//! plots for this dataset.
//! > Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary
//! > Market Rate [TB3MS], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;
//! >, August 5, 2019.

use changepoint::{constant_hazard, utils, BOCPD};
use rv::prelude::*;
use std::io;

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    // Parse the data from the TB3MS dataset
    let data: &str = include_str!("./TB3MS.csv");
    let (dates, pct_change): (Vec<&str>, Vec<f64>) = data
        .map(|line| {
            let split: Vec<&str> = line.splitn(2, ',').collect();
            let date = split[0];
            let raw_pct = split[1];
            (date, raw_pct.parse::<f64>().unwrap())

    // Create the BOCPD processor
    let mut cpd = BOCPD::new(
        NormalGamma::new_unchecked(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1E-5),

    // Feed data into change point detector
    let res: Vec<Vec<f64>> = pct_change.iter().map(|d| cpd.step(d)).collect();

    // Determine most likely change points
    let change_points: Vec<usize> =
        utils::most_likely_breaks(&res, utils::ChangePointDetectionMethod::DropThreshold(0.1));
    let change_dates: Vec<&str> = change_points.iter().map(|&i| dates[i]).collect();

    // Write output for processing my `trasury_bill.ipynb`.
    utils::write_data_and_r("treasury_bill_output", &pct_change, &res, &change_points)?;

    println!("Most likely dates of changes = {:#?}", change_dates);


To run this example, from the source root, run `cargo run --example treasury_bill`.
The partner notebook can be used to generate the following plots: 

![Treasury Bill Plots](./images/treasury_bill_plots.png)