chakracore 0.2.0

High-level bindings to JRST, the ChakraCore API
//! Execution contexts and sandboxing.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ptr;
use boolinator::Boolinator;
use anymap::AnyMap;
use chakracore_sys::*;
use error::*;
use util::jstry;
use {value, Runtime};

/// Used for holding context instance data.
struct ContextData {
    promise_queue: Vec<value::Function>,
    user_data: AnyMap,

/// A sandboxed execution context with its own set of built-in objects and
/// functions.
/// The majority of APIs require an active context.
/// In a browser or Node.JS environment, the task of executing promises is
/// handled by the runtime. This is not the case with **ChakraCore**. To run
/// promise chains, `execute_tasks` must be called at a regular interval. This
/// is done using the `ContextGuard`.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Context(JsContextRef);

// TODO: Should context lifetime explicitly depend on runtime?
impl Context {
    /// Creates a new context and returns a handle to it.
    pub fn new(runtime: &Runtime) -> Result<Context> {
        let mut reference = JsContextRef::new();
        unsafe {
            jstry!(JsCreateContext(runtime.as_raw(), &mut reference));
            jstry!(JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback(reference, ptr::null_mut(), Some(Self::collect)));

            let context = Self::from_raw(reference);
            context.set_data(Box::new(ContextData {
                promise_queue: Vec::new(),
                user_data: AnyMap::new(),

            // Promise continuation callback requires an active context
            context.exec_with(|_| {
                let data = context.get_data() as *mut _ as *mut _;
                jstry(JsSetPromiseContinuationCallback(Some(Self::promise_handler), data))
            .expect("activating promise continuation callback")
            .map(|_| context)

    /// Binds the context to the current scope.
    pub fn make_current<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<ContextGuard<'a>> {
        // Preserve the previous context so it can be restored later
        let current = unsafe { Self::get_current().map(|guard| guard.current.clone()) };

        self.enter().map(|_| {
            ContextGuard::<'a> {
                previous: current,
                current: self.clone(),
                phantom: PhantomData,
                drop: true,

    /// Returns the active context in the current thread.
    /// This is unsafe because there should be little reason to use it in
    /// idiomatic code.
    /// Usage patterns should utilize `ContextGuard` or
    /// `exec_with_current` instead.
    /// This `ContextGuard` does not reset the current context upon destruction,
    /// in contrast to a normally allocated `ContextGuard`. This is merely a
    /// hollow reference.
    pub unsafe fn get_current<'a>() -> Option<ContextGuard<'a>> {
        let mut reference = JsContextRef::new();
        jsassert!(JsGetCurrentContext(&mut reference));

        // The JSRT API returns null instead of an error code
        reference.0.as_ref().map(|_| ContextGuard {
            previous: None,
            current: Self::from_raw(reference),
            phantom: PhantomData,
            drop: false,

    /// Binds the context to the closure's scope.
    /// ```c
    /// let result = context.exec_with(|guard| script::eval(guard, "1 + 1")).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn exec_with<Ret, T: FnOnce(&ContextGuard) -> Ret>(&self, callback: T) -> Result<Ret> {
        self.make_current().map(|guard| callback(&guard))

    /// Executes a closure with the thread's active context.
    /// This is a safe alternative to `get_current`. It will either return the
    /// closures result wrapped in `Some`, or `None`, if no context is currently
    /// active.
    pub fn exec_with_current<Ret, T: FnOnce(&ContextGuard) -> Ret>(callback: T) -> Option<Ret> {
        unsafe { Self::get_current().as_ref().map(callback) }

    /// Executes a closure with a value's associated context.
    /// - The active context will only be changed if it differs from the value's.
    /// - If the switch fails, an error will be returned.
    /// - Due to the fact that this relies on `from_value`, it suffers from
    ///   the same limitations and should be avoided.
    /// - If the value has no associated context, `None` will be returned.
    pub(crate) fn exec_with_value<Ret, T>(value: &value::Value, callback: T) -> Result<Option<Ret>>
            where T: FnOnce(&ContextGuard) -> Ret {
        Context::from_value(value).map_or(Ok(None), |context| unsafe {
            // In case there is no active context, or if it differs from the
            // value's context, temporarily change the context.
            let guard = Context::get_current()
                .and_then(|guard| (guard.context() == context).as_some(guard))
                .map_or_else(|| context.make_current(), Ok);
  |guard| Some(callback(&guard)))

    /// Set user data associated with the context.
    /// - Only one value per type.
    /// - The internal implementation uses `AnyMap`.
    /// - Returns a previous value if applicable.
    /// - The data will live as long as the runtime keeps the context.
    pub fn insert_user_data<T>(&self, value: T) -> Option<T> where T: Send + 'static {
        unsafe { self.get_data().user_data.insert(value) }

    /// Remove user data associated with the context.
    pub fn remove_user_data<T>(&self) -> Option<T> where T: Send + 'static {
        unsafe { self.get_data().user_data.remove::<T>() }

    /// Get user data associated with the context.
    pub fn get_user_data<T>(&self) -> Option<&T> where T: Send + 'static {
        unsafe { self.get_data().user_data.get::<T>() }

    /// Get mutable user data associated with the context.
    pub fn get_user_data_mut<T>(&self) -> Option<&mut T> where T: Send + 'static {
        unsafe { self.get_data().user_data.get_mut::<T>() }

    /// Returns a recyclable value's associated context.
    /// This is unreliable, because types that have an associated context is
    /// implementation defined (by the underlying runtime), based on whether they
    /// are recyclable or not, therefore it should be avoided.
    fn from_value(value: &value::Value) -> Option<Context> {
        let mut reference = JsContextRef::new();
        unsafe {
            jstry(JsGetContextOfObject(value.as_raw(), &mut reference))
                .map(|_| Self::from_raw(reference))

    /// Sets the internal data of the context.
    unsafe fn set_data(&self, data: Box<ContextData>) -> Result<()> {
        jstry(JsSetContextData(self.as_raw(), Box::into_raw(data) as *mut _))

    /// Gets the internal data of the context.
    unsafe fn get_data<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a mut ContextData {
        let mut data = ptr::null_mut();
        jsassert!(JsGetContextData(self.as_raw(), &mut data));
        (data as *mut _)
            .expect("retrieving context data")

    /// Sets the current context.
    fn enter(&self) -> Result<()> {
        jstry(unsafe { JsSetCurrentContext(self.as_raw()) })

    /// Unsets the current context.
    fn exit(&self, previous: Option<&Context>) -> Result<()> {
        jstry(unsafe {
            let next = previous
                .map(|context| context.as_raw())

    /// A promise handler, triggered whenever a promise method is used.
    unsafe extern "system" fn promise_handler(task: JsValueRef, data: *mut ::libc::c_void) {
        let data = (data as *mut ContextData).as_mut().expect("retrieving promise handler stack");

    /// A collect callback, triggered before the context is destroyed.
    unsafe extern "system" fn collect(context: JsContextRef, _: *mut ::libc::c_void) {
        let context = Self::from_raw(context);


/// A guard that keeps a context active while it is in scope.
pub struct ContextGuard<'a> {
    previous: Option<Context>,
    current: Context,
    phantom: PhantomData<&'a Context>,
    drop: bool,

impl<'a> ContextGuard<'a> {
    /// Returns the guard's associated context.
    pub fn context(&self) -> Context {

    /// Returns the active context's global object.
    pub fn global(&self) -> value::Object {
        let mut value = JsValueRef::new();
        unsafe {
            jsassert!(JsGetGlobalObject(&mut value));

    /// Executes all the context's queued promise tasks.
    pub fn execute_tasks(&self) {
        let data = unsafe { self.current.get_data() };
        while let Some(task) = data.promise_queue.pop() {
  , &[]).expect("executing promise task");

impl<'a> Drop for ContextGuard<'a> {
    /// Resets the currently active context.
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.drop {

mod tests {
    use {test, value, script, Context, Property};

    fn global() {
        test::run_with_context(|guard| {
            let global =;
            let dirname = Property::new(guard, "__dirname");

            global.set(guard, &dirname, &value::String::new(guard, "FooBar"));
            global.set_index(guard, 2, &value::Number::new(guard, 1337));

            let result1 = script::eval(guard, "__dirname").unwrap();
            let result2 = script::eval(guard, "this[2]").unwrap();

            assert_eq!(result1.to_string(guard), "FooBar");
            assert_eq!(result2.to_integer(guard), 1337);

    fn stack() {
        let (runtime, context) = test::setup_env();
            let get_current = || unsafe { Context::get_current().unwrap().context() };
            let _guard = context.make_current().unwrap();

            assert_eq!(get_current(), context);
                let inner_context = Context::new(&runtime).unwrap();
                let _guard = inner_context.make_current().unwrap();
                assert_eq!(get_current(), inner_context);
            assert_eq!(get_current(), context);
        assert!(unsafe { Context::get_current() }.is_none());

    fn user_data() {
        test::run_with_context(|guard| {
            type Data = Vec<i32>;
            let context = guard.context();

            let data: Data = vec![10, 20];

            let data = context.get_user_data::<Data>().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(data.as_slice(), [10, 20]);


    fn promise_queue() {
        test::run_with_context(|guard| {
            let result = script::eval(guard, "
                var object = {};
                    .then(val => val + 5)
                    .then(val => val / 5)
                    .then(val => object.val = val);


            let value = result
                .get(guard, &Property::new(guard, "val"))
            assert_eq!(value, 2);

    fn shared_objects() {
        let (runtime, context) = test::setup_env();
        let context2 = Context::new(&runtime).unwrap();

        let guard1 = context.make_current().unwrap();
        let object = script::eval(&guard1, "({ foo: 1337 })").unwrap();

        let guard2 = context2.make_current().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(object.to_json(&guard2).unwrap(), r#"{"foo":1337}"#);