chainer 0.1.1

A cursed crate that allows for global call chaining with access to chained function results
/// Enables immutable call chaining on all types.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use chainer::*;
/// struct HelloWorld;
/// impl HelloWorld {
///     fn print(&self) -> &'static str {
///         println!("Hello, world!");
///         "It works!"
///     }
/// }
/// fn main() {
///     let value: &'static str = HelloWorld
///         .chain(HelloWorld::print)
///         .chain(HelloWorld::print)
///         .chain(HelloWorld::print)
///         .result;
///     // Hello, world!
///     // Hello, world!
///     // Hello, world!
///     // It works!
/// }
/// ```
pub trait CallChain<S: ?Sized = Self> {
	/// Enables immutable call chaining on all types.
	/// # Example
	/// ```rust
	/// use chainer::*;
	/// struct HelloWorld;
	/// impl HelloWorld {
	///     fn print(&self) -> &'static str {
	///         println!("Hello, world!");
	///         "It works!"
	///     }
	/// }
	/// fn main() {
	///     let value: &'static str = HelloWorld
	///         .chain(HelloWorld::print)
	///         .chain(HelloWorld::print)
	///         .chain(HelloWorld::print)
	///         .result;
	///     // Hello, world!
	///     // Hello, world!
	///     // Hello, world!
	///     // It works!
	/// }
	/// ```
	fn chain<R, F: FnOnce(&S) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> CallChainResult<'_, S, R>;

/// Enables mutable call chaining on all types.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use chainer::*;
/// struct Counter { value: i32 }
/// impl Counter {
///     fn increment(&mut self) -> i32 {
///         self.value += 1;
///         println!("{}", self.value);
///         self.value
///     }
/// }
/// fn main() {
///     let value: i32 = Counter { value: 0 }
///         .chain_mut(Counter::increment)
///         .chain_mut(Counter::increment)
///         .chain_mut(Counter::increment)
///         .result;
///        println!("{value}");
///     // 1
///     // 2
///     // 3
///     // 3
/// }
/// ```
pub trait CallChainMut<S: ?Sized = Self> {
	/// Enables mutable call chaining on all types.
	/// # Example
	/// ```rust
	/// use chainer::*;
	/// struct Counter { value: i32 }
	/// impl Counter {
	///     fn increment(&mut self) -> i32 {
	///         self.value += 1;
	///         println!("{}", self.value);
	///         self.value
	///     }
	/// }
	/// fn main() {
	///     let value: i32 = Counter { value: 0 }
	///         .chain_mut(Counter::increment)
	///         .chain_mut(Counter::increment)
	///         .chain_mut(Counter::increment)
	///         .result;
	///        println!("{value}");
	///     // 1
	///     // 2
	///     // 3
	///     // 3
	/// }
	/// ```
	fn chain_mut<R, F: FnOnce(&mut S) -> R>(&mut self, f: F) -> CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R>;
impl<T: ?Sized> CallChain for T {
	default fn chain<R, F: FnOnce(&T) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> CallChainResult<'_, T, R> {
		CallChainResult {
			result: f(self),
			this: self
impl<T: ?Sized> CallChainMut for T {
	default fn chain_mut<R, F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> R>(&mut self, f: F) -> CallChainResultMut<'_, T, R> {
		CallChainResultMut {
			result: f(self),
			this: self

/// A result from a call chain. Dereferences to the return value but can also be used to chain further, immutably.
pub struct CallChainResult<'a, S: ?Sized, R> {
	this: &'a S,

	/// The result of the chained function.
	pub result: R
impl<S: ?Sized, R> CallChainResult<'_, S, R> {
	/// Returns the result of the chained function.
	pub fn into_result(self) -> R {
impl<S: ?Sized, R> AsRef<S> for CallChainResult<'_, S, R> {
	fn as_ref(&self) -> &S {
impl<S: ?Sized, T> CallChain<S> for CallChainResult<'_, S, T> {
	fn chain<R, F: FnOnce(&S) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> CallChainResult<'_, S, R> {
		CallChainResult {
			result: f(self.this),
			this: self.this
impl<S: ?Sized, R> core::ops::Deref for CallChainResult<'_, S, R> {
	type Target = R;

	fn deref(&self) -> &R {
impl<S: ?Sized, R> core::ops::DerefMut for CallChainResult<'_, S, R> {
	fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R {
		&mut self.result

/// A result from a call chain. Dereferences to the return value but can also be used to chain further, mutably.
pub struct CallChainResultMut<'a, S: ?Sized, R> {
	this: &'a mut S,

	/// The result of the chained function.
	pub result: R
impl<S: ?Sized, R> CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R> {
	/// Returns the result of the chained function.
	pub fn into_result(self) -> R {
impl<S: ?Sized, R> AsRef<S> for CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R> {
	fn as_ref(&self) -> &S {
impl<S: ?Sized, R> AsMut<S> for CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R> {
	fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S {

impl<S: ?Sized, T> CallChain<S> for CallChainResultMut<'_, S, T> {
	fn chain<R, F: FnOnce(&S) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> CallChainResult<'_, S, R> {
		CallChainResult {
			result: f(self.this),
			this: self.this
impl<S: ?Sized, T> CallChainMut<S> for CallChainResultMut<'_, S, T> {
	fn chain_mut<R, F: FnOnce(&mut S) -> R>(&mut self, f: F) -> CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R> {
		CallChainResultMut {
			result: f(self.this),
			this: self.this
impl<S: ?Sized, R> core::ops::Deref for CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R> {
	type Target = R;

	fn deref(&self) -> &R {
impl<S: ?Sized, R> core::ops::DerefMut for CallChainResultMut<'_, S, R> {
	fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R {
		&mut self.result