cgmath 0.15.0

A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics.
// Copyright 2013-2014 The CGMath Developers. For a full listing of the authors,
// refer to the Cargo.toml file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! Points are fixed positions in affine space with no length or direction. This
//! disinguishes them from vectors, which have a length and direction, but do
//! not have a fixed position.

use num_traits::NumCast;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::*;

use structure::*;

use approx::ApproxEq;
use num::{BaseNum, BaseFloat};
use vector::{Vector1, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4};

#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
use mint;

/// A point in 1-dimensional space.
/// This type is marked as `#[repr(C)]`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Point1<S> {
    pub x: S,

/// A point in 2-dimensional space.
/// This type is marked as `#[repr(C)]`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Point2<S> {
    pub x: S,
    pub y: S,

/// A point in 3-dimensional space.
/// This type is marked as `#[repr(C)]`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Point3<S> {
    pub x: S,
    pub y: S,
    pub z: S,

impl<S: BaseNum> Point1<S> {
    pub fn new(x: S) -> Point1<S> {
        Point1 { x: x }

impl<S: BaseNum> Point2<S> {
    pub fn new(x: S, y: S) -> Point2<S> {
        Point2 { x: x, y: y }

impl<S: BaseNum> Point3<S> {
    pub fn new(x: S, y: S, z: S) -> Point3<S> {
        Point3 { x: x, y: y, z: z }

impl<S: BaseNum> Point3<S> {
    pub fn from_homogeneous(v: Vector4<S>) -> Point3<S> {
        let e = v.truncate() * (S::one() / v.w);
        Point3::new(e.x, e.y, e.z)  //FIXME

    pub fn to_homogeneous(self) -> Vector4<S> {
        Vector4::new(self.x, self.y, self.z, S::one())

macro_rules! impl_point {
    ($PointN:ident { $($field:ident),+ }, $VectorN:ident, $n:expr) => {
        impl<S: BaseNum> Array for $PointN<S> {
            type Element = S;

            fn from_value(scalar: S) -> $PointN<S> {
                $PointN { $($field: scalar),+ }

            fn sum(self) -> S where S: Add<Output = S> {
                fold_array!(add, { $(self.$field),+ })

            fn product(self) -> S where S: Mul<Output = S> {
                fold_array!(mul, { $(self.$field),+ })

        impl<S: NumCast + Copy> $PointN<S> {
            /// Component-wise casting to another type
            pub fn cast<T: NumCast>(&self) -> $PointN<T> {
                $PointN { $($field: NumCast::from(self.$field).unwrap()),+ }

        impl<S: BaseFloat> MetricSpace for $PointN<S> {
            type Metric = S;

            fn distance2(self, other: Self) -> S {
                (other - self).magnitude2()

        impl<S: BaseNum> EuclideanSpace for $PointN<S> {
            type Scalar = S;
            type Diff = $VectorN<S>;

            fn origin() -> $PointN<S> {
                $PointN { $($field: S::zero()),+ }

            fn from_vec(v: $VectorN<S>) -> $PointN<S> {

            fn to_vec(self) -> $VectorN<S> {

            fn dot(self, v: $VectorN<S>) -> S {
                $VectorN::new($(self.$field * v.$field),+).sum()

        impl<S: BaseFloat> ApproxEq for $PointN<S> {
            type Epsilon = S::Epsilon;

            fn default_epsilon() -> S::Epsilon {

            fn default_max_relative() -> S::Epsilon {

            fn default_max_ulps() -> u32 {

            fn relative_eq(&self, other: &Self, epsilon: S::Epsilon, max_relative: S::Epsilon) -> bool {
                $(S::relative_eq(&self.$field, &other.$field, epsilon, max_relative))&&+

            fn ulps_eq(&self, other: &Self, epsilon: S::Epsilon, max_ulps: u32) -> bool {
                $(S::ulps_eq(&self.$field, &other.$field, epsilon, max_ulps))&&+

        impl_operator!(<S: BaseNum> Add<$VectorN<S> > for $PointN<S> {
            fn add(lhs, rhs) -> $PointN<S> { $PointN::new($(lhs.$field + rhs.$field),+) }
        impl_assignment_operator!(<S: BaseNum> AddAssign<$VectorN<S> > for $PointN<S> {
            fn add_assign(&mut self, vector) { $(self.$field += vector.$field);+ }

        impl_operator!(<S: BaseNum> Sub<$PointN<S> > for $PointN<S> {
            fn sub(lhs, rhs) -> $VectorN<S> { $VectorN::new($(lhs.$field - rhs.$field),+) }

        impl_operator!(<S: BaseNum> Mul<S> for $PointN<S> {
            fn mul(point, scalar) -> $PointN<S> { $PointN::new($(point.$field * scalar),+) }
        impl_operator!(<S: BaseNum> Div<S> for $PointN<S> {
            fn div(point, scalar) -> $PointN<S> { $PointN::new($(point.$field / scalar),+) }
        impl_operator!(<S: BaseNum> Rem<S> for $PointN<S> {
            fn rem(point, scalar) -> $PointN<S> { $PointN::new($(point.$field % scalar),+) }
        impl_assignment_operator!(<S: BaseNum> MulAssign<S> for $PointN<S> {
            fn mul_assign(&mut self, scalar) { $(self.$field *= scalar);+ }
        impl_assignment_operator!(<S: BaseNum> DivAssign<S> for $PointN<S> {
            fn div_assign(&mut self, scalar) { $(self.$field /= scalar);+ }
        impl_assignment_operator!(<S: BaseNum> RemAssign<S> for $PointN<S> {
            fn rem_assign(&mut self, scalar) { $(self.$field %= scalar);+ }

        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<usize> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<u8> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<u16> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<u32> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<u64> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<isize> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<i8> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<i16> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<i32> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<i64> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<f32> { $($field),+ });
        impl_scalar_ops!($PointN<f64> { $($field),+ });

        impl_index_operators!($PointN<S>, $n, S, usize);
        impl_index_operators!($PointN<S>, $n, [S], Range<usize>);
        impl_index_operators!($PointN<S>, $n, [S], RangeTo<usize>);
        impl_index_operators!($PointN<S>, $n, [S], RangeFrom<usize>);
        impl_index_operators!($PointN<S>, $n, [S], RangeFull);

macro_rules! impl_scalar_ops {
    ($PointN:ident<$S:ident> { $($field:ident),+ }) => {
        impl_operator!(Mul<$PointN<$S>> for $S {
            fn mul(scalar, point) -> $PointN<$S> { $PointN::new($(scalar * point.$field),+) }
        impl_operator!(Div<$PointN<$S>> for $S {
            fn div(scalar, point) -> $PointN<$S> { $PointN::new($(scalar / point.$field),+) }
        impl_operator!(Rem<$PointN<$S>> for $S {
            fn rem(scalar, point) -> $PointN<$S> { $PointN::new($(scalar % point.$field),+) }

impl_point!(Point1 { x }, Vector1, 1);
impl_point!(Point2 { x, y }, Vector2, 2);
impl_point!(Point3 { x, y, z }, Vector3, 3);

impl_fixed_array_conversions!(Point1<S> { x: 0 }, 1);
impl_fixed_array_conversions!(Point2<S> { x: 0, y: 1 }, 2);
impl_fixed_array_conversions!(Point3<S> { x: 0, y: 1, z: 2 }, 3);

impl_tuple_conversions!(Point1<S> { x }, (S,));
impl_tuple_conversions!(Point2<S> { x, y }, (S, S));
impl_tuple_conversions!(Point3<S> { x, y, z }, (S, S, S));

#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
impl_mint_conversions!(Point2 { x, y }, Point2);
#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
impl_mint_conversions!(Point3 { x, y, z }, Point3);

impl<S: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Point1<S> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        try!(write!(f, "Point1 "));
        <[S; 1] as fmt::Debug>::fmt(self.as_ref(), f)

impl<S: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Point2<S> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        try!(write!(f, "Point2 "));
        <[S; 2] as fmt::Debug>::fmt(self.as_ref(), f)

impl<S: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Point3<S> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        try!(write!(f, "Point3 "));
        <[S; 3] as fmt::Debug>::fmt(self.as_ref(), f)

mod tests {
    mod point2 {
        use point::*;

        const POINT2: Point2<i32> = Point2 { x: 1, y: 2 };

        fn test_index() {
            assert_eq!(POINT2[0], POINT2.x);
            assert_eq!(POINT2[1], POINT2.y);

        fn test_index_mut() {
            let mut p = POINT2;
            *&mut p[0] = 0;
            assert_eq!(p, [0, 2].into());

        fn test_index_out_of_bounds() {

        fn test_index_range() {
            assert_eq!(&POINT2[..0], &[]);
            assert_eq!(&POINT2[..1], &[1]);
            assert_eq!(POINT2[..0].len(), 0);
            assert_eq!(POINT2[..1].len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(&POINT2[2..], &[]);
            assert_eq!(&POINT2[1..], &[2]);
            assert_eq!(POINT2[2..].len(), 0);
            assert_eq!(POINT2[1..].len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(&POINT2[..], &[1, 2]);
            assert_eq!(POINT2[..].len(), 2);

        fn test_into() {
            let p = POINT2;
                let p: [i32; 2] = p.into();
                assert_eq!(p, [1, 2]);
                let p: (i32, i32) = p.into();
                assert_eq!(p, (1, 2));

        fn test_as_ref() {
            let p = POINT2;
                let p: &[i32; 2] = p.as_ref();
                assert_eq!(p, &[1, 2]);
                let p: &(i32, i32) = p.as_ref();
                assert_eq!(p, &(1, 2));

        fn test_as_mut() {
            let mut p = POINT2;
                let p: &mut [i32; 2] = p.as_mut();
                assert_eq!(p, &mut [1, 2]);
                let p: &mut (i32, i32) = p.as_mut();
                assert_eq!(p, &mut (1, 2));

        fn test_from() {
            assert_eq!(Point2::from([1, 2]), POINT2);
                let p = &[1, 2];
                let p: &Point2<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT2);
                let p = &mut [1, 2];
                let p: &mut Point2<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT2);
            assert_eq!(Point2::from((1, 2)), POINT2);
                let p = &(1, 2);
                let p: &Point2<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT2);
                let p = &mut (1, 2);
                let p: &mut Point2<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT2);

    mod point3 {
        use point::*;

        const POINT3: Point3<i32> = Point3 { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };

        fn test_index() {
            assert_eq!(POINT3[0], POINT3.x);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[1], POINT3.y);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[2], POINT3.z);

        fn test_index_mut() {
            let mut p = POINT3;
            *&mut p[1] = 0;
            assert_eq!(p, [1, 0, 3].into());

        fn test_index_out_of_bounds() {

        fn test_index_range() {
            assert_eq!(&POINT3[..1], &[1]);
            assert_eq!(&POINT3[..2], &[1, 2]);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[..1].len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[..2].len(), 2);
            assert_eq!(&POINT3[2..], &[3]);
            assert_eq!(&POINT3[1..], &[2, 3]);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[2..].len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[1..].len(), 2);
            assert_eq!(&POINT3[..], &[1, 2, 3]);
            assert_eq!(POINT3[..].len(), 3);

        fn test_into() {
            let p = POINT3;
                let p: [i32; 3] = p.into();
                assert_eq!(p, [1, 2, 3]);
                let p: (i32, i32, i32) = p.into();
                assert_eq!(p, (1, 2, 3));

        fn test_as_ref() {
            let p = POINT3;
                let p: &[i32; 3] = p.as_ref();
                assert_eq!(p, &[1, 2, 3]);
                let p: &(i32, i32, i32) = p.as_ref();
                assert_eq!(p, &(1, 2, 3));

        fn test_as_mut() {
            let mut p = POINT3;
                let p: &mut [i32; 3] = p.as_mut();
                assert_eq!(p, &mut [1, 2, 3]);
                let p: &mut (i32, i32, i32) = p.as_mut();
                assert_eq!(p, &mut (1, 2, 3));

        fn test_from() {
            assert_eq!(Point3::from([1, 2, 3]), POINT3);
                let p = &[1, 2, 3];
                let p: &Point3<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT3);
                let p = &mut [1, 2, 3];
                let p: &mut Point3<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT3);
            assert_eq!(Point3::from((1, 2, 3)), POINT3);
                let p = &(1, 2, 3);
                let p: &Point3<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT3);
                let p = &mut (1, 2, 3);
                let p: &mut Point3<_> = From::from(p);
                assert_eq!(p, &POINT3);