cgats 0.1.5

Parse, transform, and write CGATS color files
# cgats

## Read, write, and manipulate [CGATS color files]

This crate is a library intended to read, write, and transform CGATS color files and is currently in development. The included binary is a simple implementation of the library's API.

I haven't finished documenting the library or decided which features to make available in the public API, so they're mostly all public now:

[Rust API Documentation](

Or build the documentation yourself:

cargo doc --no-deps --open

### The CGATS format

Here is a basic [CGATS color file](test_files/cgats1.tsv):

1	Cyan	100	0	0	0
2	Magenta	0	100	0	0
3	Yellow	0	0	100	0
4	Black	0	0	0	100
5	Blue	100	100	0	0
6	Red	0	100	100	0
7	Green	100	0	100	0
8	3cBlack	100	100	100	0
9	4cBlack	100	100	100	100
10	3cGray	50	40	40	0
11	1cGray	0	0	0	50

There are several more exmples in the [test_files](test_files) directory. The CGATS format is similar to TSV, but with a few additions. The `BEGIN_DATA_FORMAT`/`END_DATA_FORMAT` and `BEGIN_DATA`/`END_DATA` tags signal the way the measurements have been formatted.

### Binary Usage

    cgats [FILE]... [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <FILE>...    CGATS files

    average    Average 2 or more CGATS color files
    cat        Concatenate 2 or more CGATS color files
    delta      Calculate the Delta E between each sample in two CGATS files
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Print basic CGATS info to console:

cgats test_files/cgats0.txt

Average values of 3 CGATS files:

cgats average test_files/cgats{1,2,3}.tsv

* Note that these files must have the same `DATA_FORMAT` and sample count.

Concatenate sample sets from multiple CGATS files:

cgats cat test_files/cgats{1,2,3}.tsv

* Note that these files must have the same `DATA_FORMAT`.

Calculate Delta E between each value pair in two CGATS files:

cgats delta -m de2000 test_files/colorburst{1,2}.lin

Calculate Delta E with a report printed to stderr:

cgats delta --report test_files/colorburst{1,2}.lin

* Note that the two CGATS files must have the same number of samples and must each contain `LAB_L`, `LAB_A`, and `LAB_B` fields.

### Binary Installation

First, you'll need to [download and install rust]( Then:

git clone
cd cgats
cargo install --example=cgats --path=. --force

### TODO

* Add conversion functions and support for conversion to and from CXF/MXF
* Add smarter detection of DATA_FORMAT fields for better comparisons
* Add smoothing functions to correct measurement noise