cfg_aliases 0.1.0-alpha.1

A tiny utility to help save you a lot of effort with long winded `#[cfg()]` checks.

CFG Aliases

CFG Aliases is a tiny utility to help save you a lot of effort with long winded #[cfg()] checks. This crate provides a single [cfg_aliases!] macro that doesn't have any dependencies and specifically avoids pulling in syn or quote so that the impact on your comile times should be negligible.

You use the the [cfg_aliases!] macro in your script to define aliases such as x11 that could then be used in the cfg attribute or macro for conditional compilation: #[cfg(x11)].



cfg_aliases = "0.1.0-alpha.1"

use cfg_aliases::cfg_aliases;

fn main() {
    // Setup cfg aliases
    cfg_aliases! {
        // Platforms
        wasm: { target_arch = "wasm32" },
        android: { target_os = "android" },
        macos: { target_os = "macos" },
        linux: { target_os = "linux" },
        // Backends
        surfman: { all(unix, feature = "surfman", not(wasm)) },
        glutin: { all(feature = "glutin", not(wasm)) },
        wgl: { all(windows, feature = "wgl", not(wasm)) },
        dummy: { not(any(wasm, glutin, wgl, surfman)) },

Now that we have our aliases setup we can use them just like you would expect:

println!("This is running in WASM");

    // Do stuff related to surfman

println!("We're in dummy mode, specify another feature if you want a smarter app!");

This greatly improves what would otherwise look like this without the aliases:

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
println!("We're running in WASM");

#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "surfman", not(target_arch = "22")))]
    // Do stuff related to surfman

    target_arch = "wasm32",
    all(unix, feature = "surfman", not(target_arch = "wasm32")),
    all(windows, feature = "wgl", not(target_arch = "wasm32")),
    all(feature = "glutin", not(target_arch = "wasm32")),
println!("We're in dummy mode, specify another feature if you want a smarter app!");

You can also use the cfg! macro or combine your aliases with other checks using all(), not(), and any(). Your aliases are genuine cfg flags now!

if cfg!(glutin) {
    // use glutin
} else {
    // Do something else

#[cfg(all(glutin, surfman))]
compile_error!("You cannot specify both `glutin` and `surfman` features");

Attribution and Thanks

  • Thanks to my God and Father who led me through figuring this out and to whome I owe everything.
  • Thanks to @Yandros on the Rust forum for showing me some crazy macro hacks!
  • Thanks to @sfackler for pointing out the way to make cargo add the cfg flags.
  • Thanks to the authors of the tectonic_cfg_support::target_cfg macro from which most of the cfg attribute parsing logic is taken from. Also thanks to @ratmice for bringing it up on the Rust forum.