cess-sp-porep 0.1.2

CESS Storage Proofs - Proofs of replication
use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard};

use anyhow::{format_err, Result};
use hwloc::{Bitmap, ObjectType, Topology, TopologyObject, CPUBIND_THREAD};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use storage_proofs_core::settings::SETTINGS;

type CoreGroup = Vec<CoreIndex>;
lazy_static! {
    pub static ref TOPOLOGY: Mutex<Topology> = Mutex::new(Topology::new());
    pub static ref CORE_GROUPS: Option<Vec<Mutex<CoreGroup>>> = {
        let num_producers = &SETTINGS.multicore_sdr_producers;
        let cores_per_unit = num_producers + 1;


#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// `CoreIndex` is a simple wrapper type for indexes into the set of vixible cores. A `CoreIndex` should only ever be
/// created with a value known to be less than the number of visible cores.
pub struct CoreIndex(usize);

pub fn checkout_core_group() -> Option<MutexGuard<'static, CoreGroup>> {
    match &*CORE_GROUPS {
        Some(groups) => {
            for (i, group) in groups.iter().enumerate() {
                match group.try_lock() {
                    Ok(guard) => {
                        debug!("checked out core group {}", i);
                        return Some(guard);
                    Err(_) => debug!("core group {} locked, could not checkout", i),
        None => None,

#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub type ThreadId = libc::pthread_t;

#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub type ThreadId = winapi::winnt::HANDLE;

/// Helper method to get the thread id through libc, with current rust stable (1.5.0) its not
/// possible otherwise I think.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
fn get_thread_id() -> ThreadId {
    unsafe { libc::pthread_self() }

#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn get_thread_id() -> ThreadId {
    unsafe { kernel32::GetCurrentThread() }

pub struct Cleanup {
    tid: ThreadId,
    prior_state: Option<Bitmap>,

impl Drop for Cleanup {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(prior) = self.prior_state.take() {
            let child_topo = &TOPOLOGY;
            let mut locked_topo = child_topo.lock().expect("poisded lock");
            let _ = locked_topo.set_cpubind_for_thread(self.tid, prior, CPUBIND_THREAD);

pub fn bind_core(core_index: CoreIndex) -> Result<Cleanup> {
    let child_topo = &TOPOLOGY;
    let tid = get_thread_id();
    let mut locked_topo = child_topo.lock().expect("poisoned lock");
    let core = get_core_by_index(&locked_topo, core_index)
        .map_err(|err| format_err!("failed to get core at index {}: {:?}", core_index.0, err))?;

    let cpuset = core
        .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no allowed cpuset for core at index {}", core_index.0,))?;
    debug!("allowed cpuset: {:?}", cpuset);
    let mut bind_to = cpuset;

    // Get only one logical processor (in case the core is SMT/hyper-threaded).

    // Thread binding before explicit set.
    let before = locked_topo.get_cpubind_for_thread(tid, CPUBIND_THREAD);

    debug!("binding to {:?}", bind_to);
    // Set the binding.
    let result = locked_topo
        .set_cpubind_for_thread(tid, bind_to, CPUBIND_THREAD)
        .map_err(|err| format_err!("failed to bind CPU: {:?}", err));

    if result.is_err() {
        warn!("error in bind_core, {:?}", result);

    Ok(Cleanup {
        prior_state: before,

fn get_core_by_index(topo: &Topology, index: CoreIndex) -> Result<&TopologyObject> {
    let idx = index.0;

    match topo.objects_with_type(&ObjectType::Core) {
        Ok(all_cores) if idx < all_cores.len() => Ok(all_cores[idx]),
        Ok(all_cores) => Err(format_err!(
            "idx ({}) out of range for {} cores",
        _e => Err(format_err!("failed to get core by index {}", idx,)),

fn core_groups(cores_per_unit: usize) -> Option<Vec<Mutex<Vec<CoreIndex>>>> {
    let topo = TOPOLOGY.lock().expect("poisoned lock");

    let core_depth = match topo.depth_or_below_for_type(&ObjectType::Core) {
        Ok(depth) => depth,
        Err(_) => return None,
    let all_cores = topo
        .expect("objects_with_type failed");
    let core_count = all_cores.len();

    let mut cache_depth = core_depth;
    let mut cache_count = 1;

    while cache_depth > 0 {
        let objs = topo.objects_at_depth(cache_depth);
        let obj_count = objs.len();
        if obj_count < core_count {
            cache_count = obj_count;

        cache_depth -= 1;

    assert_eq!(0, core_count % cache_count);
    let mut group_size = core_count / cache_count;
    let mut group_count = cache_count;

    if cache_count <= 1 {
        // If there are not more than one shared caches, there is no benefit in trying to group cores by cache.
        // In that case, prefer more groups so we can still bind cores and also get some parallelism.
        // Create as many full groups as possible. The last group may not be full.
        group_count = core_count / cores_per_unit;
        group_size = cores_per_unit;

            "found only {} shared cache(s), heuristically grouping cores into {} groups",
            cache_count, group_count
    } else {
            "Cores: {}, Shared Caches: {}, cores per cache (group_size): {}",
            core_count, cache_count, group_size

    let core_groups = (0..group_count)
        .map(|i| {
                .map(|j| {
                    let core_index = i * group_size + j;
                    assert!(core_index < core_count);

            .map(|group| Mutex::new(group.clone()))

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_cores() {

    #[cfg(feature = "isolated-testing")]
    // This test should not be run while other tests are running, as
    // the cores we're working with may otherwise be busy and cause a
    // failure.
    fn test_checkout_cores() {
        let checkout1 = checkout_core_group();
        let checkout2 = checkout_core_group();

        // This test might fail if run on a machine with fewer than four cores.
        match (checkout1, checkout2) {
            (Some(c1), Some(c2)) => assert!(*c1 != *c2),
            _ => panic!("failed to get two checkouts"),