cerk_port_unix_socket 0.2.10

This is a package for CERK. CERK is an open source CloudEvents Router written in Rust with a MicroKernel architecture.
# cerk_port_unix_socket

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This is a package for [CERK](https://github.com/ce-rust/cerk).
CERK is an open source [CloudEvents](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec) Router written in Rust with a MicroKernel architecture.

## Introduction

CERK lets you route your [CloudEvents](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec) between different different ports.
Ports are transport layer bindings over which CloudEvents can be exchanged.
It is built with modularity and portability in mind.

## Components

CERK comes with a couple of prefabricated components, but implementing custom components is easy.

A good overview is provided on [GitHub](https://github.com/ce-rust/cerk/).

## This Crate: UNIX Ports

These ports read or write CloudEvents from/to a UNIX Socket.

The ports are:

* port_input_unix_socket_json
* port_output_unix_socket_json

## Update Readme

The original readme text is a Rust doc comment in the [lib.rs](./src/lib.rs) file

1. `cargo install cargo-readme`
2. `cargo readme  > README.md`

## License
