cerk_config_loader_file 0.2.8

This is a package for CERK. CERK is an open source CloudEvents Router written in Rust with a MicroKernel architecture.
cerk_config_loader_file-0.2.8 doesn't have any documentation.


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This is a package for CERK. CERK is an open source CloudEvents Router written in Rust with a MicroKernel architecture.


CERK lets you route your CloudEvents between different different ports. Ports are transport layer bindings over which CloudEvents can be exchanged. It is built with modularity and portability in mind.


CERK comes with a couple of prefabricated components, but implementing custom components is easy.

A good overview is provided on GitHub.

This Component: File Based Config Loader

This port loads configurations from a json file.

The file path could be set with the env variable CONFIG_PATH, default is ./config.json.

Example Config

  "routing_rules": [
  "ports": {
    "ampq-input": {
      "uri": "amqp://",
      "consume_channels": [
          "name": "test",
          "ensure_queue": true,
          "bind_to_exchange": "test"
      "publish_channels": [
          "name": "test",
          "ensure_exchange": true
    "dummy-logger-output": null


Update Readme

The original readme text is a Rust doc comment in the lib.rs file

  1. cargo install cargo-readme
  2. cargo readme > README.md

