cereal_lib 1.0.0

This is an experiment to help me learn. The library does the cereal box problem in either single or multi-threaded mode
version = "0.2.1"

version = "0.7.2"

version = "1.0.0"

authors = ["notrodes <reallystupidid@gmail.com>"]
categories = ["mathematics"]
description = "This is an experiment to help me learn. The library does the cereal box problem in either single or multi-threaded mode"
edition = "2018"
exclude = [".gitignore", ".gitlab-ci.yml", ".idea/"]
license = "MIT"
name = "cereal_lib"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://gitlab.com/notrodes/cereal_lib"
version = "1.0.0"