ceph 0.4.2

Official Ceph-rust. A rust-lang specific interface to Ceph librados and Admin Sockets. You can create a Ceph development environment with the Chef automation tools: https://github.com/bloomberg/chef-bcs or with ceph-ansible. Chef-bcs uses the ceph-chef cookbook created and manage at github.com/ceph/ceph-chef. It will build out a full Ceph environment which you can then use for development etc. See README.md for details.
// Copyright 2017 LambdaStack All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#![cfg(target_os = "linux")]

use JsonData;

use JsonValue;
use admin_sockets::*;
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use error::*;
use json::*;
use libc::*;
use nom::{IResult, le_u32};
use serde_json;

use rados::*;
use status::*;
use std::{ptr, str};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};

use std::io::{BufRead, Cursor};
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use utils::*;

use uuid::Uuid;
// use JsonError;

const CEPH_OSD_TMAP_HDR: char = 'h';
const CEPH_OSD_TMAP_SET: char = 's';
const CEPH_OSD_TMAP_CREATE: char = 'c';
const CEPH_OSD_TMAP_RM: char = 'r';

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CephHealth {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CephCommandTypes {
pub(crate) fn get_error(n: c_int) -> RadosResult<String> {
    let mut buf = vec![0u8; 256];
    unsafe {
        strerror_r(n, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut ::libc::c_char, buf.len());
        let message = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf).into_owned();

        data_len: le_u32~
        data: take!(data_len),
            let mut data_vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
                data: data_vec

        key_name_len: le_u32~
        key_name: take_str!(key_name_len)~
        data_len: le_u32~
        data: take!(data_len),
            let mut data_vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
                name: key_name.to_string(),
                data: data_vec

        key_name_len: le_u32~
        key_name: take_str!(key_name_len)~
        data_len: le_u32~
        data: take!(data_len),
            let mut data_vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
                key: key_name.to_string(),
                data: data_vec

        key_name_len: le_u32~
        key_name: take_str!(key_name_len),
                name: key_name.to_string()

pub enum TmapOperation {
    Header { data: Vec<u8> },
    Set { key: String, data: Vec<u8> },
    Create { name: String, data: Vec<u8> },
    Remove { name: String },

impl TmapOperation {
    fn serialize(&self) -> RadosResult<Vec<u8>> {
        let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
        match *self {
            TmapOperation::Header { ref data } => {
                buffer.push(CEPH_OSD_TMAP_HDR as u8);
                try!(buffer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(data.len() as u32));
            TmapOperation::Set { ref key, ref data } => {
                buffer.push(CEPH_OSD_TMAP_SET as u8);
                try!(buffer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(key.len() as u32));
                try!(buffer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(data.len() as u32));
            TmapOperation::Create { ref name, ref data } => {
                buffer.push(CEPH_OSD_TMAP_CREATE as u8);
                try!(buffer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(name.len() as u32));
                try!(buffer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(data.len() as u32));
            TmapOperation::Remove { ref name } => {
                buffer.push(CEPH_OSD_TMAP_RM as u8);
                try!(buffer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>(name.len() as u32));

    fn deserialize(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Vec<TmapOperation>> {
                complete!(parse_create) |
                complete!(parse_set) |

/// Helper to iterate over pool objects
pub struct Pool {
    pub ctx: rados_list_ctx_t,

pub struct CephObject {
    pub name: String,
    pub entry_locator: String,
    pub namespace: String,

impl Iterator for Pool {
    type Item = CephObject;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<CephObject> {
        let mut entry_ptr: *mut *const ::libc::c_char = ptr::null_mut();
        let mut key_ptr: *mut *const ::libc::c_char = ptr::null_mut();
        let mut nspace_ptr: *mut *const ::libc::c_char = ptr::null_mut();

        unsafe {
            let ret_code = rados_nobjects_list_next(self.ctx, &mut entry_ptr, &mut key_ptr, &mut nspace_ptr);
            if ret_code == -ENOENT {
                // We're done
            } else if ret_code < 0 {
                // Unknown error
            } else {
                let object_name = CStr::from_ptr(entry_ptr as *const ::libc::c_char);
                let mut object_locator = String::new();
                let mut namespace = String::new();
                if !key_ptr.is_null() {
                    object_locator.push_str(&CStr::from_ptr(key_ptr as *const ::libc::c_char).to_string_lossy());
                if !nspace_ptr.is_null() {
                    namespace.push_str(&CStr::from_ptr(nspace_ptr as *const ::libc::c_char).to_string_lossy());

                return Some(CephObject {
                    name: object_name.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
                    entry_locator: object_locator,
                    namespace: namespace,

/// A helper to create rados read operation
/// An object read operation stores a number of operations which can be
/// executed atomically.
pub struct ReadOperation {
    pub object_name: String,
    /// flags are set by calling LIBRADOS_OPERATION_NOFLAG |
    /// all the other flags are documented in rados.rs
    pub flags: u32,
    read_op_handle: rados_read_op_t,

impl Drop for ReadOperation {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

/// A helper to create rados write operation
/// An object write operation stores a number of operations which can be
/// executed atomically.
pub struct WriteOperation {
    pub object_name: String,
    /// flags are set by calling LIBRADOS_OPERATION_NOFLAG |
    /// all the other flags are documented in rados.rs
    pub flags: u32,
    pub mtime: time_t,
    write_op_handle: rados_write_op_t,

impl Drop for WriteOperation {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

/// A rados object extended attribute with name and value.
/// Can be iterated over
pub struct XAttr {
    pub name: String,
    pub value: String,
    iter: rados_xattrs_iter_t,

/// The version of the librados library.
pub struct RadosVersion {
    pub major: i32,
    pub minor: i32,
    pub extra: i32,

/// Connect to a Ceph cluster and return a connection handle rados_t
pub fn connect_to_ceph(user_id: &str, config_file: &str) -> RadosResult<rados_t> {
    let connect_id = try!(CString::new(user_id));
    let conf_file = try!(CString::new(config_file));
    unsafe {
        let mut cluster_handle: rados_t = ptr::null_mut();
        let ret_code = rados_create(&mut cluster_handle, connect_id.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
        let ret_code = rados_conf_read_file(cluster_handle, conf_file.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
        let ret_code = rados_connect(cluster_handle);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

/// Disconnect from a Ceph cluster and destroy the connection handle rados_t
/// For clean up, this is only necessary after connect_to_ceph() has succeeded.
pub fn disconnect_from_ceph(cluster: rados_t) {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        // No need to do anything
    unsafe {

/// Set the value of a configuration option
pub fn config_set(cluster: rados_t, name: &str, value: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    let name_str = try!(CString::new(name));
    let value_str = try!(CString::new(value));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_conf_set(cluster, name_str.as_ptr(), value_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(get_error(ret_code as i32)?));

/// Get the value of a configuration option
pub fn config_get(cluster: rados_t, name: &str) -> RadosResult<String> {
    let name_str = try!(CString::new(name));
    // 5K should be plenty for a config key right?
    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(5120);
    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_conf_get(cluster, name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(get_error(ret_code as i32)?));
        // Ceph doesn't return how many bytes were written
        // We need to search for the first NUL byte
        let num_bytes = buffer.iter().position(|x| x==&0u8);

/// Create an io context. The io context allows you to perform operations
/// within a particular pool.
/// For more details see rados_ioctx_t.
pub fn get_rados_ioctx(cluster: rados_t, pool_name: &str) -> RadosResult<rados_ioctx_t> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let pool_name_str = try!(CString::new(pool_name));
    unsafe {
        let mut ioctx: rados_ioctx_t = ptr::null_mut();
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_create(cluster, pool_name_str.as_ptr(), &mut ioctx);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

/// Create an io context. The io context allows you to perform operations
/// within a particular pool.
/// For more details see rados_ioctx_t.
pub fn get_rados_ioctx2(cluster: rados_t, pool_id: i64) -> RadosResult<rados_ioctx_t> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let mut ioctx: rados_ioctx_t = ptr::null_mut();
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_create2(cluster, pool_id, &mut ioctx);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

/// This just tells librados that you no longer need to use the io context.
/// It may not be freed immediately if there are pending asynchronous requests
/// on it, but you
/// should not use an io context again after calling this function on it.
/// This does not guarantee any asynchronous writes have completed. You must
/// call rados_aio_flush()
/// on the io context before destroying it to do that.
pub fn destroy_rados_ioctx(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        // No need to do anything
    unsafe {

/// Note: Ceph uses kibibytes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibibyte
pub fn rados_stat_pool(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<Struct_rados_pool_stat_t> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let mut pool_stat = Struct_rados_pool_stat_t::default();
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_pool_stat(ctx, &mut pool_stat);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

pub fn rados_pool_set_auid(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, auid: u64) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_pool_set_auid(ctx, auid);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
        return Ok(());

pub fn rados_pool_get_auid(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<u64> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let mut auid: u64 = 0;
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_pool_get_auid(ctx, &mut auid);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
        return Ok(auid);

/// Test whether the specified pool requires alignment or not.
pub fn rados_pool_requires_alignment(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<bool> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_pool_requires_alignment(ctx);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
        if ret_code == 0 {
            return Ok(false);
        } else {
            return Ok(true);

/// Get the alignment flavor of a pool
pub fn rados_pool_required_alignment(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<u64> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_pool_required_alignment(ctx);
        return Ok(ret_code);

/// Get the pool id of the io context
pub fn rados_object_get_id(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<i64> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let pool_id = rados_ioctx_get_id(ctx);


/// Get the pool name of the io context
pub fn rados_get_pool_name(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<String> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(500);

    unsafe {
        // length of string stored, or -ERANGE if buffer too small
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_get_pool_name(ctx, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity() as c_uint);
        if ret_code == -ERANGE {
            // Buffer was too small
            let ret_code =
                rados_ioctx_get_pool_name(ctx, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity() as c_uint);
            if ret_code < 0 {
                return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
            return Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer).into_owned());
        } else if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
        } else {
            buffer.set_len(ret_code as usize);
            return Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer).into_owned());


/// Set the key for mapping objects to pgs within an io context.
pub fn rados_locator_set_key(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, key: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let key_str = try!(CString::new(key));
    unsafe {
        rados_ioctx_locator_set_key(ctx, key_str.as_ptr());

/// Set the namespace for objects within an io context
/// The namespace specification further refines a pool into different domains.
/// The mapping of objects to pgs is also based on this value.
pub fn rados_set_namespace(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, namespace: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let namespace_str = try!(CString::new(namespace));
    unsafe {
        rados_ioctx_set_namespace(ctx, namespace_str.as_ptr());

/// Start listing objects in a pool
pub fn rados_list_pool_objects(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<rados_list_ctx_t> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let mut rados_list_ctx: rados_list_ctx_t = ptr::null_mut();
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_nobjects_list_open(ctx, &mut rados_list_ctx);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Create a pool-wide snapshot
pub fn rados_snap_create(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));

    let snap_name_str = try!(CString::new(snap_name));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_create(ctx, snap_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Delete a pool snapshot
pub fn rados_snap_remove(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let snap_name_str = try!(CString::new(snap_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_remove(ctx, snap_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Rollback an object to a pool snapshot
/// The contents of the object will be the same as when the snapshot was taken.
pub fn rados_snap_rollback(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, snap_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let snap_name_str = try!(CString::new(snap_name));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_rollback(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), snap_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Set the snapshot from which reads are performed.
/// Subsequent reads will return data as it was at the time of that snapshot.
pub fn rados_snap_set_read(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_id: u64) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));

    unsafe {
        rados_ioctx_snap_set_read(ctx, snap_id);

/// Allocate an ID for a self-managed snapshot
/// Get a unique ID to put in the snaphot context to create a snapshot.
/// A clone of an object is not created until a write with the new snapshot
/// context is completed.
pub fn rados_selfmanaged_snap_create(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<u64> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let mut snap_id: u64 = 0;
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_create(ctx, &mut snap_id);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Remove a self-managed snapshot
/// This increases the snapshot sequence number, which will cause snapshots to
/// be removed lazily.
pub fn rados_selfmanaged_snap_remove(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_id: u64) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_remove(ctx, snap_id);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Rollback an object to a self-managed snapshot
/// The contents of the object will be the same as when the snapshot was taken.
pub fn rados_selfmanaged_snap_rollback(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, snap_id: u64) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_rollback(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), snap_id);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Set the snapshot context for use when writing to objects
/// This is stored in the io context, and applies to all future writes.
// pub fn rados_selfmanaged_snap_set_write_ctx(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
/// List all the ids of pool snapshots
// pub fn rados_snap_list(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snaps: *mut rados_snap_t) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// let mut buffer: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(500);
// unsafe {
// let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_list(ctx, &mut buffer, buffer.capacity());
// if ret_code == -ERANGE {
// }
// if ret_code < 0 {
// return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
// }
// }
// Ok(buffer)
// }
/// Get the id of a pool snapshot
pub fn rados_snap_lookup(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_name: &str) -> RadosResult<u64> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let snap_name_str = try!(CString::new(snap_name));
    let mut snap_id: u64 = 0;
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_lookup(ctx, snap_name_str.as_ptr(), &mut snap_id);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Get the name of a pool snapshot
pub fn rados_snap_get_name(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_id: u64) -> RadosResult<String> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));

    let out_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(500);
    let out_buff_size = out_buffer.capacity();
    let out_str = try!(CString::new(out_buffer));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_get_name(ctx, snap_id, out_str.as_ptr() as *mut c_char, out_buff_size as c_int);
        if ret_code == -ERANGE {}
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Find when a pool snapshot occurred
pub fn rados_snap_get_stamp(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, snap_id: u64) -> RadosResult<time_t> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));

    let mut time_id: time_t = 0;
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ioctx_snap_get_stamp(ctx, snap_id, &mut time_id);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Return the version of the last object read or written to.
/// This exposes the internal version number of the last object read or written
/// via this io context
pub fn rados_get_object_last_version(ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<u64> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let obj_id = rados_get_last_version(ctx);

/// Write len bytes from buf into the oid object, starting at offset off.
/// The value of len must be <= UINT_MAX/2.
pub fn rados_object_write(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, buffer: &[u8], offset: u64) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let obj_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_write(ctx, obj_name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_ptr() as *const c_char, buffer.len(), offset);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// The object is filled with the provided data. If the object exists, it is
/// atomically
/// truncated and then written.
pub fn rados_object_write_full(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, buffer: &[u8]) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let obj_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_write_full(ctx, obj_name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_ptr() as *const ::libc::c_char, buffer.len());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Efficiently copy a portion of one object to another
/// If the underlying filesystem on the OSD supports it, this will be a
/// copy-on-write clone.
/// The src and dest objects must be in the same pg. To ensure this, the io
/// context should
/// have a locator key set (see rados_ioctx_locator_set_key()).
pub fn rados_object_clone_range(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, dst_object_name: &str, dst_offset: u64, src_object_name: &str, src_offset: u64, length: usize)
    -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let dst_name_str = try!(CString::new(dst_object_name));
    let src_name_str = try!(CString::new(src_object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_clone_range(ctx, dst_name_str.as_ptr(), dst_offset, src_name_str.as_ptr(), src_offset, length);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Append len bytes from buf into the oid object.
pub fn rados_object_append(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, buffer: &[u8]) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let obj_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_append(ctx, obj_name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_ptr() as *const c_char, buffer.len());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Read data from an object.  This fills the slice given and returns the
/// amount of bytes read
/// The io context determines the snapshot to read from, if any was set by
/// rados_ioctx_snap_set_read().
/// Default read size is 64K unless you call Vec::with_capacity(1024*128) with
/// a larger size.
pub fn rados_object_read(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, fill_buffer: &mut Vec<u8>, read_offset: u64)
    -> RadosResult<i32> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let mut len = fill_buffer.capacity();
    if len == 0 {
        fill_buffer.reserve_exact(1024 * 64);
        len = fill_buffer.capacity();

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_read(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), fill_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, len, read_offset);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
        fill_buffer.set_len(ret_code as usize);

/// Delete an object
/// Note: This does not delete any snapshots of the object.
pub fn rados_object_remove(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_remove(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Resize an object
/// If this enlarges the object, the new area is logically filled with zeroes.
/// If this shrinks the object, the excess data is removed.
pub fn rados_object_trunc(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, new_size: u64) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_trunc(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), new_size);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Get the value of an extended attribute on an object.
pub fn rados_object_getxattr(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, attr_name: &str, fill_buffer: &mut [u8])
    -> RadosResult<i32> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let attr_name_str = try!(CString::new(attr_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_getxattr(
            object_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
            attr_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
            fill_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Set an extended attribute on an object.
pub fn rados_object_setxattr(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, attr_name: &str, attr_value: &mut [u8])
    -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let attr_name_str = try!(CString::new(attr_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_setxattr(
            object_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
            attr_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
            attr_value.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Delete an extended attribute from an object.
pub fn rados_object_rmxattr(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, attr_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let attr_name_str = try!(CString::new(attr_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_rmxattr(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char, attr_name_str.as_ptr() as *const c_char);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

impl XAttr {
    /// Creates a new XAttr.  Call rados_getxattrs to create the iterator for
    /// this struct
    pub fn new(iter: rados_xattrs_iter_t) -> XAttr {
        XAttr {
            name: String::new(),
            value: String::new(),
            iter: iter,

impl Iterator for XAttr {
    type Item = XAttr;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // max xattr name is 255 bytes from what I can find
        let mut name_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(255);
        // max xattr is 64Kb from what I can find
        let mut value_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(64 * 1024);
        let mut val_length: usize = 0;
        unsafe {
            let ret_code = rados_getxattrs_next(
                name_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut *const c_char,
                value_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut *const c_char,
                &mut val_length,

            if ret_code < 0 {
                // Something failed, however Iterator doesn't return Result so we return None
            // end of iterator reached
            else if val_length == 0 {
            } else {
                Some(XAttr {
                    name: String::from_utf8_lossy(&name_buffer).into_owned(),
                    value: String::from_utf8_lossy(&value_buffer).into_owned(),
                    iter: self.iter,

/// Get the rados_xattrs_iter_t reference to iterate over xattrs on an object
/// Used in conjuction with XAttr::new() to iterate.
pub fn rados_get_xattr_iterator(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) -> RadosResult<rados_xattrs_iter_t> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let mut xattr_iterator_handle: rados_xattrs_iter_t = ptr::null_mut();

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_getxattrs(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), &mut xattr_iterator_handle);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Get object stats (size,SystemTime)
pub fn rados_object_stat(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) -> RadosResult<(u64, SystemTime)> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let mut psize: u64 = 0;
    let mut time: ::libc::time_t = 0;

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_stat(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), &mut psize, &mut time);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
    Ok((psize, (UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(time as u64))))

/// Update tmap (trivial map)
pub fn rados_object_tmap_update(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, update: TmapOperation) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let buffer = try!(update.serialize());
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_tmap_update(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_ptr() as *const c_char, buffer.len());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

// pub fn rados_object_tmap_put(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }

/// Fetch complete tmap (trivial map) object
pub fn rados_object_tmap_get(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) -> RadosResult<Vec<TmapOperation>> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(500);

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_tmap_get(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity());
        if ret_code == -ERANGE {
            let ret_code =
                rados_tmap_get(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity());
            if ret_code < 0 {
                return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
        } else if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
    match TmapOperation::deserialize(&buffer) {
        IResult::Done(_, tmap) => Ok(tmap),
        IResult::Incomplete(needed) => {
            Err(RadosError::new(format!("deserialize of ceph tmap failed.
            Input from Ceph was too small.  Needed: {:?} more bytes", needed)))
        IResult::Error(e) => Err(RadosError::new(e.to_string())),

/// Execute an OSD class method on an object
/// The OSD has a plugin mechanism for performing complicated operations on an
/// object atomically.
/// These plugins are called classes. This function allows librados users to
/// call the custom
/// methods. The input and output formats are defined by the class. Classes in
/// ceph.git can
/// be found in src/cls subdirectories
pub fn rados_object_exec(
    ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, class_name: &str, method_name: &str, input_buffer: &[u8],
    output_buffer: &mut [u8]
) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let class_name_str = try!(CString::new(class_name));
    let method_name_str = try!(CString::new(method_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_exec(
            input_buffer.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
            output_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
// pub fn rados_object_watch(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
// pub fn rados_object_watch2(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
// pub fn rados_object_watch_check(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, cookie: u64) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
// pub fn rados_object_unwatch(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
// pub fn rados_object_unwatch2(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, cookie: u64) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
/// Sychronously notify watchers of an object
/// This blocks until all watchers of the object have received and reacted to
/// the notify, or a timeout is reached.
pub fn rados_object_notify(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, data: &[u8]) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_notify(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), 0, data.as_ptr() as *const c_char, data.len() as i32);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
// pub fn rados_object_notify2(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str) ->
// RadosResult<()> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// unsafe {
// }
// }
/// Acknolwedge receipt of a notify
pub fn rados_object_notify_ack(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, notify_id: u64, cookie: u64, buffer: Option<&[u8]>)
    -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    match buffer {
        Some(buf) => unsafe {
            let ret_code = rados_notify_ack(
                buf.as_ptr() as *const c_char,
                buf.len() as i32,
            if ret_code < 0 {
                return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
        None => unsafe {
            let ret_code = rados_notify_ack(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), notify_id, cookie, ptr::null(), 0);
            if ret_code < 0 {
                return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Set allocation hint for an object
/// This is an advisory operation, it will always succeed (as if it was
/// submitted with a
/// LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FAILOK flag set) and is not guaranteed to do anything on
/// the backend.
pub fn rados_object_set_alloc_hint(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, expected_object_size: u64, expected_write_size: u64)
    -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_set_alloc_hint(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), expected_object_size, expected_write_size);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

// Perform a compound read operation synchronously
pub fn rados_perform_read_operations(read_op: ReadOperation, ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(read_op.object_name.clone()));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_read_op_operate(read_op.read_op_handle, ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), read_op.flags as i32);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

// Perform a compound write operation synchronously
pub fn rados_commit_write_operations(write_op: &mut WriteOperation, ctx: rados_ioctx_t) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(write_op.object_name.clone()));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_write_op_operate(
            &mut write_op.mtime,
            write_op.flags as i32,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Take an exclusive lock on an object.
pub fn rados_object_lock_exclusive(
    ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, lock_name: &str, cookie_name: &str, description: &str,
    duration_time: &mut timeval, lock_flags: u8
) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let lock_name_str = try!(CString::new(lock_name));
    let cookie_name_str = try!(CString::new(cookie_name));
    let description_str = try!(CString::new(description));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_lock_exclusive(
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Take a shared lock on an object.
pub fn rados_object_lock_shared(
    ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, lock_name: &str, cookie_name: &str, description: &str, tag_name: &str,
    duration_time: &mut timeval, lock_flags: u8
) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let lock_name_str = try!(CString::new(lock_name));
    let cookie_name_str = try!(CString::new(cookie_name));
    let description_str = try!(CString::new(description));
    let tag_name_str = try!(CString::new(tag_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_lock_shared(
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Release a shared or exclusive lock on an object.
pub fn rados_object_unlock(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, lock_name: &str, cookie_name: &str)
    -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let lock_name_str = try!(CString::new(lock_name));
    let cookie_name_str = try!(CString::new(cookie_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_unlock(ctx, object_name_str.as_ptr(), lock_name_str.as_ptr(), cookie_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// List clients that have locked the named object lock and information about
/// the lock.
/// The number of bytes required in each buffer is put in the corresponding
/// size out parameter.
/// If any of the provided buffers are too short, -ERANGE is returned after
/// these sizes are filled in.
// pub fn rados_object_list_lockers(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str,
// lock_name: &str, exclusive: u8, ) ->
// RadosResult<isize> {
// if ctx.is_null() {
// return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize
// first".to_string()));
// }
// let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
// unsafe {
// let ret_code = rados_list_lockers(ctx,
// o: *const ::libc::c_char,
// name: *const ::libc::c_char,
// exclusive: *mut ::libc::c_int,
// tag: *mut ::libc::c_char,
// tag_len: *mut size_t,
// clients: *mut ::libc::c_char,
// clients_len: *mut size_t,
// cookies: *mut ::libc::c_char,
// cookies_len: *mut size_t,
// addrs: *mut ::libc::c_char,
// addrs_len: *mut size_t);
// }
// }
/// Releases a shared or exclusive lock on an object, which was taken by the
/// specified client.
pub fn rados_object_break_lock(ctx: rados_ioctx_t, object_name: &str, lock_name: &str, client_name: &str, cookie_name: &str)
    -> RadosResult<()> {
    if ctx.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados ioctx not created.  Please initialize first".to_string()));
    let object_name_str = try!(CString::new(object_name));
    let lock_name_str = try!(CString::new(lock_name));
    let cookie_name_str = try!(CString::new(cookie_name));
    let client_name_str = try!(CString::new(client_name));

    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_break_lock(
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

pub fn rados_blacklist_client(cluster: rados_t, client: IpAddr, expire_seconds: u32) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let client_address = try!(CString::new(client.to_string()));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_blacklist_add(cluster, client_address.as_ptr() as *mut c_char, expire_seconds);

        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

/// Returns back a collection of Rados Pools
/// pool_buffer should be allocated with:
/// ```
/// let pool_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(<whatever size>);
/// ```
/// buf_size should be the value used with_capacity
/// Returns Ok(Vec<String>) - A list of Strings of the pool names.
pub fn rados_pools(cluster: rados_t) -> RadosResult<Vec<String>> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let mut pools: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let pool_slice: &[u8];
    let mut pool_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(500);

    unsafe {
        let len = rados_pool_list(cluster, pool_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, pool_buffer.capacity());
        if len > pool_buffer.capacity() as i32 {
            // rados_pool_list requires more buffer than we gave it
            pool_buffer.reserve(len as usize);
            let len = rados_pool_list(cluster, pool_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, pool_buffer.capacity());
            // Tell the Vec how much Ceph read into the buffer
            pool_buffer.set_len(len as usize);
        } else {
            // Tell the Vec how much Ceph read into the buffer
            pool_buffer.set_len(len as usize);
    let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&pool_buffer);
    loop {
        let mut string_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
        let read = try!(cursor.read_until(0x00, &mut string_buf));
        if read == 0 {
            // End of the pool_buffer;
        } else if read == 1 {
            // Read a double \0.  Time to break
        } else {
            // Read a String


/// Create a pool with default settings
/// The default owner is the admin user (auid 0). The default crush rule is
/// rule 0.
pub fn rados_create_pool(cluster: rados_t, pool_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let pool_name_str = try!(CString::new(pool_name));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_pool_create(cluster, pool_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
    return Ok(());
/// Delete a pool and all data inside it
/// The pool is removed from the cluster immediately, but the actual data is
/// deleted in
/// the background.
pub fn rados_delete_pool(cluster: rados_t, pool_name: &str) -> RadosResult<()> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let pool_name_str = try!(CString::new(pool_name));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_pool_delete(cluster, pool_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
    return Ok(());

/// Lookup a Ceph pool id.  If the pool doesn't exist it will return Ok(None).
pub fn rados_lookup_pool(cluster: rados_t, pool_name: &str) -> RadosResult<Option<i64>> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let pool_name_str = try!(CString::new(pool_name));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code: i64 = rados_pool_lookup(cluster, pool_name_str.as_ptr());
        if ret_code >= 0 {
            return Ok(Some(ret_code));
        } else if ret_code as i32 == -ENOENT {
            return Ok(None);
        } else {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));

pub fn rados_reverse_lookup_pool(cluster: rados_t, pool_id: i64) -> RadosResult<String> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(500);

    unsafe {
        let ret_code =
            rados_pool_reverse_lookup(cluster, pool_id, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity());
        if ret_code == -ERANGE {
            // Buffer was too small
            let ret_code =
                rados_pool_reverse_lookup(cluster, pool_id, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, buffer.capacity());
            if ret_code < 0 {
                return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
            return Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer).into_owned());
        } else if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code as i32))));
        } else {
            return Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer).into_owned());

/// Get the version of librados.
pub fn rados_libversion() -> RadosVersion {
    let mut major: c_int = 0;
    let mut minor: c_int = 0;
    let mut extra: c_int = 0;
    unsafe {
        rados_version(&mut major, &mut minor, &mut extra);
    return RadosVersion {
        major: major,
        minor: minor,
        extra: extra,

/// Read usage info about the cluster
/// This tells you total space, space used, space available, and number of
/// objects.
/// These are not updated immediately when data is written, they are eventually
/// consistent.
/// Note: Ceph uses kibibytes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibibyte
pub fn rados_stat_cluster(cluster: rados_t) -> RadosResult<Struct_rados_cluster_stat_t> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let mut cluster_stat = Struct_rados_cluster_stat_t::default();
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_cluster_stat(cluster, &mut cluster_stat);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

    return Ok(cluster_stat);

pub fn rados_fsid(cluster: rados_t) -> RadosResult<Uuid> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let mut fsid_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(37);
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_cluster_fsid(cluster, fsid_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char, fsid_buffer.capacity());
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));
        // Tell the Vec how much Ceph read into the buffer
        fsid_buffer.set_len(ret_code as usize);
    // Ceph actually returns the fsid as a uuid string
    let fsid_str = String::from_utf8(fsid_buffer)?;
    // Parse into a UUID and return

/// Ping a monitor to assess liveness
/// May be used as a simply way to assess liveness, or to obtain
/// information about the monitor in a simple way even in the
/// absence of quorum.
pub fn ping_monitor(cluster: rados_t, mon_id: &str) -> RadosResult<String> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));

    let mon_id_str = try!(CString::new(mon_id));
    let out_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(500);
    let out_buff_size = out_buffer.capacity();
    let out_str = try!(CString::new(out_buffer));
    unsafe {
        let ret_code = rados_ping_monitor(
            out_str.as_ptr() as *mut *mut c_char,
            out_buff_size as *mut usize,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));


/// Ceph version - Ceph during the make release process generates the version
/// number along with
/// the github hash of the release and embeds the hard coded value into
/// `ceph.py` which is the
/// the default ceph utility.
pub fn ceph_version(socket: &str) -> Option<String> {
    let cmd = "version";

    admin_socket_command(&cmd, socket).ok().and_then(|json| {
        json_data(&json).and_then(|jsondata| json_find(jsondata, &[cmd]).and_then(|data| Some(json_as_string(&data))))

/// This version call parses the `ceph -s` output. It does not need `sudo`
/// rights like
/// `ceph_version` does since it pulls from the admin socket.
pub fn ceph_version_parse() -> Option<String> {
    match run_cli("ceph --version") {
        Ok(output) => {
            let n = output.status.code().unwrap();
            if n == 0 {
            } else {
        Err(_) => None,

/// Only single String value
pub fn ceph_status(cluster: rados_t, keys: &[&str]) -> RadosResult<String> {
    match ceph_mon_command(cluster, "prefix", "status", Some("json")) {
        Ok((json, _)) => {
            match json {
                Some(json) => {
                    match json_data(&json) {
                        Some(jsondata) => {
                            let data = json_find(jsondata, keys);
                            if data.is_some() {
                            } else {
                                Err(RadosError::new("The attributes were not found in the output.".to_string()))
                        _ => Err(RadosError::new("JSON data not found.".to_string())),
                _ => Err(RadosError::new("JSON data not found.".to_string())),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

/// string with the `health HEALTH_OK` or `HEALTH_WARN` or `HEALTH_ERR` which
/// is also not efficient.
pub fn ceph_health_string(cluster: rados_t) -> RadosResult<String> {
    match ceph_mon_command(cluster, "prefix", "health", None) {
        Ok((data, _)) => Ok(data.unwrap().replace("\n", "")),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

/// Returns an enum value of:
/// CephHealth::Ok
/// CephHealth::Warning
/// CephHealth::Error
pub fn ceph_health(cluster: rados_t) -> CephHealth {
    match ceph_health_string(cluster) {
        Ok(health) => {
            if health.contains("HEALTH_OK") {
            } else if health.contains("HEALTH_WARN") {
            } else {
        Err(_) => CephHealth::Error,

/// Higher level `ceph_command`
pub fn ceph_command(cluster: rados_t, name: &str, value: &str, cmd_type: CephCommandTypes, keys: &[&str])
    -> RadosResult<JsonData> {
    match cmd_type {
        CephCommandTypes::Osd => Err(RadosError::new("OSD CMDs Not implemented.".to_string())),
        CephCommandTypes::Pgs => Err(RadosError::new("PGS CMDS Not implemented.".to_string())),
        _ => {
            match ceph_mon_command(cluster, name, value, Some("json")) {
                Ok((json, _)) => {
                    match json {
                        Some(json) => {
                            match json_data(&json) {
                                Some(jsondata) => {
                                    let data = json_find(jsondata, keys);
                                    if data.is_some() {
                                    } else {
                                        Err(RadosError::new("The attributes were not found in the output.".to_string()))
                                _ => Err(RadosError::new("JSON data not found.".to_string())),
                        _ => Err(RadosError::new("JSON data not found.".to_string())),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

/// Returns the list of available commands
pub fn ceph_commands(cluster: rados_t, keys: Option<&[&str]>) -> RadosResult<JsonData> {
    match ceph_mon_command(cluster, "prefix", "get_command_descriptions", Some("json")) {
        Ok((json, _)) => {
            match json {
                Some(json) => {
                    match json_data(&json) {
                        Some(jsondata) => {
                            if keys.is_some() {
                                let data = json_find(jsondata, keys.unwrap());
                                if data.is_some() {
                                } else {
                                    Err(RadosError::new("The attributes were not found in the output.".to_string()))
                            } else {
                        _ => Err(RadosError::new("JSON data not found.".to_string())),
                _ => Err(RadosError::new("JSON data not found.".to_string())),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

/// Mon command that does not pass in a data payload.
pub fn ceph_mon_command(cluster: rados_t, name: &str, value: &str, format: Option<&str>)
    -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    let data: Vec<*mut c_char> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
    ceph_mon_command_with_data(cluster, name, value, format, data)

pub fn ceph_mon_command_without_data(cluster: rados_t, cmd: &serde_json::Value) -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));
    let cmd_string = cmd.to_string();
    debug!("ceph_mon_command_without_data: {}", cmd_string);
    let data: Vec<*mut c_char> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
    let cmds = CString::new(cmd_string).unwrap();

    let mut outbuf = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outs = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outbuf_len = 0;
    let mut outs_len = 0;

    // Ceph librados allocates these buffers internally and the pointer that comes
    // back must be
    // freed by call `rados_buffer_free`
    let mut str_outbuf: Option<String> = None;
    let mut str_outs: Option<String> = None;

    debug!("Calling rados_mon_command with {:?}", cmd);

    unsafe {
        // cmd length is 1 because we only allow one command at a time.
        let ret_code = rados_mon_command(
            &mut cmds.as_ptr(),
            data.as_ptr() as *mut c_char,
            data.len() as usize,
            &mut outbuf,
            &mut outbuf_len,
            &mut outs,
            &mut outs_len,
        debug!("return code: {}", ret_code);
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

        // Copy the data from outbuf and then  call rados_buffer_free instead libc::free
        if outbuf_len > 0 && !outbuf.is_null() {
            let slice = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(outbuf as *const u8, outbuf_len as usize);
            str_outbuf = Some(String::from_utf8_lossy(slice).into_owned());


        if outs_len > 0 && !outs.is_null() {
            let slice = ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(outs as *const u8, outs_len as usize);
            str_outs = Some(String::from_utf8_lossy(slice).into_owned());


    Ok((str_outbuf, str_outs))

/// Mon command that does pass in a data payload.
/// Most all of the commands pass through this function.
pub fn ceph_mon_command_with_data(cluster: rados_t, name: &str, value: &str, format: Option<&str>, data: Vec<*mut c_char>)
    -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));

    let mut cmd_strings: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    match format {
        Some(fmt) => cmd_strings.push(format!("{{\"{}\": \"{}\", \"format\": \"{}\"}}", name, value, fmt)),
        None => cmd_strings.push(format!("{{\"{}\": \"{}\"}}", name, value)),

    let cstrings: Vec<CString> = cmd_strings[..]
        .map(|s| CString::new(s.clone()).unwrap())
    let mut cmds: Vec<*const c_char> = cstrings.iter().map(|c| c.as_ptr()).collect();

    let mut outbuf = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outs = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outbuf_len = 0;
    let mut outs_len = 0;

    // Ceph librados allocates these buffers internally and the pointer that comes
    // back must be
    // freed by call `rados_buffer_free`
    let mut str_outbuf: Option<String> = None;
    let mut str_outs: Option<String> = None;

    debug!("Calling rados_mon_command with {:?}", cstrings);

    unsafe {
        // cmd length is 1 because we only allow one command at a time.
        let ret_code = rados_mon_command(
            data.as_ptr() as *mut c_char,
            data.len() as usize,
            &mut outbuf,
            &mut outbuf_len,
            &mut outs,
            &mut outs_len,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

        // Copy the data from outbuf and then  call rados_buffer_free instead libc::free
        if outbuf_len > 0 {
            let c_str_outbuf: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(outbuf);
            let buf_outbuf: &[u8] = c_str_outbuf.to_bytes();
            let str_slice_outbuf: &str = str::from_utf8(buf_outbuf).unwrap();
            str_outbuf = Some(str_slice_outbuf.to_owned());


        if outs_len > 0 {
            let c_str_outs: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(outs);
            let buf_outs: &[u8] = c_str_outs.to_bytes();
            let str_slice_outs: &str = str::from_utf8(buf_outs).unwrap();
            str_outs = Some(str_slice_outs.to_owned());


    Ok((str_outbuf, str_outs))

/// OSD command that does not pass in a data payload.
pub fn ceph_osd_command(cluster: rados_t, id: i32, name: &str, value: &str, format: Option<&str>)
    -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    let data: Vec<*mut c_char> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
    ceph_osd_command_with_data(cluster, id, name, value, format, data)

/// OSD command that does pass in a data payload.
pub fn ceph_osd_command_with_data(cluster: rados_t, id: i32, name: &str, value: &str, format: Option<&str>, data: Vec<*mut c_char>)
    -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));

    let mut cmd_strings: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    match format {
        Some(fmt) => cmd_strings.push(format!("{{\"{}\": \"{}\", \"format\": \"{}\"}}", name, value, fmt)),
        None => cmd_strings.push(format!("{{\"{}\": \"{}\"}}", name, value)),

    let cstrings: Vec<CString> = cmd_strings[..]
        .map(|s| CString::new(s.clone()).unwrap())
    let mut cmds: Vec<*const c_char> = cstrings.iter().map(|c| c.as_ptr()).collect();

    let mut outbuf = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outs = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outbuf_len = 0;
    let mut outs_len = 0;

    // Ceph librados allocates these buffers internally and the pointer that comes
    // back must be
    // freed by call `rados_buffer_free`
    let mut str_outbuf: Option<String> = None;
    let mut str_outs: Option<String> = None;

    unsafe {
        // cmd length is 1 because we only allow one command at a time.
        let ret_code = rados_osd_command(
            data.as_ptr() as *mut c_char,
            data.len() as usize,
            &mut outbuf,
            &mut outbuf_len,
            &mut outs,
            &mut outs_len,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

        // Copy the data from outbuf and then  call rados_buffer_free instead libc::free
        if outbuf_len > 0 {
            let c_str_outbuf: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(outbuf);
            let buf_outbuf: &[u8] = c_str_outbuf.to_bytes();
            let str_slice_outbuf: &str = str::from_utf8(buf_outbuf).unwrap();
            str_outbuf = Some(str_slice_outbuf.to_owned());


        if outs_len > 0 {
            let c_str_outs: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(outs);
            let buf_outs: &[u8] = c_str_outs.to_bytes();
            let str_slice_outs: &str = str::from_utf8(buf_outs).unwrap();
            str_outs = Some(str_slice_outs.to_owned());


    Ok((str_outbuf, str_outs))

/// PG command that does not pass in a data payload.
pub fn ceph_pgs_command(cluster: rados_t, pg: &str, name: &str, value: &str, format: Option<&str>)
    -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    let data: Vec<*mut c_char> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
    ceph_pgs_command_with_data(cluster, pg, name, value, format, data)

/// PG command that does pass in a data payload.
pub fn ceph_pgs_command_with_data(cluster: rados_t, pg: &str, name: &str, value: &str, format: Option<&str>, data: Vec<*mut c_char>)
    -> RadosResult<(Option<String>, Option<String>)> {
    if cluster.is_null() {
        return Err(RadosError::new("Rados not connected.  Please initialize cluster".to_string()));

    let mut cmd_strings: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    match format {
        Some(fmt) => cmd_strings.push(format!("{{\"{}\": \"{}\", \"format\": \"{}\"}}", name, value, fmt)),
        None => cmd_strings.push(format!("{{\"{}\": \"{}\"}}", name, value)),

    let pg_str = CString::new(pg).unwrap();
    let cstrings: Vec<CString> = cmd_strings[..]
        .map(|s| CString::new(s.clone()).unwrap())
    let mut cmds: Vec<*const c_char> = cstrings.iter().map(|c| c.as_ptr()).collect();

    let mut outbuf = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outs = ptr::null_mut();
    let mut outbuf_len = 0;
    let mut outs_len = 0;

    // Ceph librados allocates these buffers internally and the pointer that comes
    // back must be
    // freed by call `rados_buffer_free`
    let mut str_outbuf: Option<String> = None;
    let mut str_outs: Option<String> = None;

    unsafe {
        // cmd length is 1 because we only allow one command at a time.
        let ret_code = rados_pg_command(
            data.as_ptr() as *mut c_char,
            data.len() as usize,
            &mut outbuf,
            &mut outbuf_len,
            &mut outs,
            &mut outs_len,
        if ret_code < 0 {
            return Err(RadosError::new(try!(get_error(ret_code))));

        // Copy the data from outbuf and then  call rados_buffer_free instead libc::free
        if outbuf_len > 0 {
            let c_str_outbuf: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(outbuf);
            let buf_outbuf: &[u8] = c_str_outbuf.to_bytes();
            let str_slice_outbuf: &str = str::from_utf8(buf_outbuf).unwrap();
            str_outbuf = Some(str_slice_outbuf.to_owned());


        if outs_len > 0 {
            let c_str_outs: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(outs);
            let buf_outs: &[u8] = c_str_outs.to_bytes();
            let str_slice_outs: &str = str::from_utf8(buf_outs).unwrap();
            str_outs = Some(str_slice_outs.to_owned());


    Ok((str_outbuf, str_outs))