cellar 0.1.0

A password tool for user to derive a large amount of application passwords deterministically based on a passphrase. Cryptographically strong.
cellar-0.1.0 is not a library.

Cellar is a command line tool to generate derived application passwords from a single password.

cellar init

Initialize a cellar (default: $HOME/.cellar/default.toml)

$ cellar init
Creating cellar "$HOME/.cellar/default.toml"
Password: [hidden]
Your cellar "$HOME/.cellar/default.toml" is created! Feel free to use `cellar generate` to create or display your application password.

after initialization, a ~/.cellar/default.toml is generated. This files stores the random salt and the encrypted random seed like this:

$ cat ~/.cellar/default.toml
salt = "C6TQW8joYp2XoIkvaCNfo0ihJ3OacxlTbx68_oW8pF4"
encrypted_seed = "bHn5Lu3yX0g68rRJ4lTOwAvx_uMDFaBnZ_WMkJSU8TM"

Note that even if you regenerate the cellar with the same password you will get very different master key and derived application keys. So make sure you backup this file into your private cloud.

cellar generate

Generate an application password.

$ cellar generate --app-info "user@gmail.com"
Password: [hidden]
Password for user@gmail.com: FLugCDPDQ5NP_Nb0whUMwY2YD3wMWqoGcoywqqZ_JSU