cell-gc 0.1.0

A fun garbage collector for that virtual machine you're writing in Rust


This crate contains a simple garbage collector for use in Rust. The goal is to help you quickly build a VM in Rust. So this GC is designed for:

  • Safety

  • No dependency on linters or compiler plugins

  • An API that's consistent with a high-performance implementation (though right now cellgc is not speedy)

  • Fun


cell-gc only works for toy-sized programs at present. See issue #4.

cell-gc is for use in VMs. So the assumption is that the data the GC is managing is not really your data; it's your end user's data. If you don't want every field of every GC-managed object to be public and mutable, cell-gc is not the GC for your project!

The API is completely unstable. I promise I will change it in ways that will break code; you'll just have to keep up until things stabilize.

cell-gc is not designed to support multithread access to a single heap (like Java). Instead, you can create one heap per thread (like JavaScript).

Currently it does not support lots of small heaps with random lifetimes (like Erlang), but I have some ideas on how to get there.

How to use it

Good luck!

#[macro_use] extern crate cell_gc;

/// A linked list of numbers that lives in the GC heap.
gc_ref_type! {
    // This declares four different related structs, but the last two are
    // for the GC's internal use. Read on to see the first two in action.
    struct IntList / RefIntList / InHeapIntList / InHeapRefIntList <'a> {
        head / set_head: i64,
        tail / set_tail: Option<RefIntList<'a>>

fn main() {
    // Create a heap (you'll only do this once in your whole program)
    cell_gc::with_heap(|heap| {
        // Allocate an object (returns a RefIntList)
        let obj1 = heap.alloc(IntList { head: 17, tail: None });
        assert_eq!(obj1.head(), 17);
        assert_eq!(obj1.tail(), None);

        // Allocate another object
        let obj2 = heap.alloc(IntList { head: 33, tail: Some(obj1) });
        assert_eq!(obj2.head(), 33);
        assert_eq!(obj2.tail().unwrap().head(), 17);

RefIntList values keep in-heap IntList values alive; once the last RefIntList pointing at an object is gone, it becomes available for garbage collection, and eventually it'll be recycled.

RefIntList is like std::rc::Rc: it's Clone but not Copy, and calling .clone() copies the Ref, not the object it points to.

Heap types

Right now, there is a separate macro for declaring enums: heap_inline_enum!{}. (But I hope to merge these two macros, so this will go away.)

Not every type is safe to use as a field of a heap struct or enum. Here are the allowed field types:

  • primitive types, like i32
  • macro-declared GC types like IntList<'a> and RefIntList<'a>
  • macro-declared enum types
  • Box<T> where T has 'static lifetime
  • Rc<T> where T has 'static lifetime
  • Option<T> where T is any of these types

If you try to use anything else, you'll get bizarre rustc error messages.


As long as you don't type the keyword unsafe in your code, this GC is safe.[citation needed]

Still, there's one weird rule to be aware of: Don't implement Drop or Clone for any type declared using the gc macros. It's safe in the full Rust sense of that word (it won't cause crashes or undefined behavior, as long as your .drop() or .clone() method does nothing unsafe), but it won't do what you want. Your .drop() and .clone() methods simply will not be called when you expect; and they'll be called at other times that make no sense.

So don't do that! The safe alternative is to put a Box or Rc around your value (the one that implements Drop or Clone) and use that as a field of a GC heap struct.

Why is it called "cell-gc"?

In cell-gc, every field of every GC-managed object is public and mutable.

It's as though every field were a Cell.