celestia-types 0.2.0

Core types, traits and constants for working with the Celestia ecosystem

Celestia types

Core types, traits and constants you may encounter when working with the Celestia ecosystem.

Most of the types are built on top of the celestia-tendermint-rs and celestia-proto and support the serialization and deserialization using protobuf and serde to the format understood by nodes in celestia network.

use celestia_types::{Blob, nmt::Namespace};

let my_namespace = Namespace::new_v0(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).expect("Invalid namespace");
let blob = Blob::new(my_namespace, b"some data to store on blockchain".to_vec())
    .expect("Failed to create a blob");

    indoc::indoc! {r#"{
      "data": "c29tZSBkYXRhIHRvIHN0b3JlIG9uIGJsb2NrY2hhaW4=",
      "share_version": 0,
      "commitment": "m0A4feU6Fqd5Zy9td3M7lntG8A3PKqe6YdugmAsWz28="