celery 0.5.5

Rust implementation of Celery
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## Unreleased

## [v0.5.5]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.5.5 - 2023-09-25

### Fixed

- Replaced unnecessary `println!` with `log::info!`.

## [v0.5.4]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.5.4 - 2023-09-11

### Fixed

- Skip warning about redis heartbeat when not necessary.

## [v0.5.3]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.5.3 - 2023-02-28

### Fixed

- `BrokerBuilder` is now `Send + Sync`.

## [v0.5.2]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.5.2 - 2023-02-20

### Changed

- Store a reference to the Celery app in Request.

### Fixed

- Fixed compilation issue on Windows.

## [v0.5.1]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.5.1 - 2023-02-16

### Fixed

- Bumped base64 to it's latest and safest version
- Bumped tokio to it's latest version
- Bumped rmp-serde to it's latest version
- Bumped serde_yaml to it's latest version
- Bumped uuid to it's latest version
- Bumped once_cell to it's latest version
- Bumped redis to it's latest version
- Bumped env_logger to it's latest version
- Bumped mypy to it's latest version
- Bumped black to it's latest version
- Bumped flake8 to it's latest version

## [v0.5.0]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.5.0 - 2023-02-14

### Changed

- Changed Celery type to be broker agnostic, allowing broker to be chosen dynamically at runtime.

## [v0.4.0]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.4.0 - 2023-02-03

### Fixed

- Bumped Lapin to it's latest and safest version
- Bumped black to it's latest version, since current was breaking

### Added

- Add explicit feature support for rustls/native-tls

## [v0.4.0-rcn.11]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.4.0-rcn.11 - 2021-10-07

### Fixed

- Fixed SemVer ordering.

## [v0.4.0-rc10]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.4.0-rc10 - 2021-08-30

### Fixed

- Fixed another bug with the `app!` and `beat!` related to issue [#250]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/issues/250.

## [v0.4.0-rc8]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.4.0-rc8 - 2021-08-05

### Changed


  The `RegularSchedule` in the `beat` module has been renamed to `DeltaSchedule` to
  be more coherent with Python Celery terminology, where it is sometimes called *timedelta*.
- Tokio updated to 1.0.0.
- The `Broker::configure_task_routes` produces `BrokerError` instead of `CeleryError`.
- The `beat` macro now expects a list of tasks that is used to initialize the scheduler.
- Errors have been refactored:
   * The `BadRoutingPattern` variant has been moved from `CeleryError` to `BrokerError`;
   * The `CronScheduleError` has been replaced by a `ScheduleError` enum with a `CronScheduleError` variant;
   * A `ScheduleError` variant has been added to `BeatError`
   * A `BadRoutingPattern` error has been added.

### Added

- 🚀🚀 Redis broker support 🚀🚀
- Added the `max_sleep_duration` property on the `Beat` which can be used to ensure that
  the scheduler backend is called regularly (which may be necessary for custom backends).
- Added a method `Beat::schedule_named_task` to add a scheduled task with a custom name.
- Added a method `Broker::cancel` to cancel an existing consumer.
- Changed `Ok` variant type of the the return type of `Broker::consume`. This is now a tuple that includes a unique
  consumer tag that can then be passed to `Broker::cancel` to cancel the corresponding consumer.
- Added a "coverage" job to GitHub Actions.
- Completed MessageBuilder struct

### Fixed

- Fixed a bug with `AMQPBroker::close()` that would result in an error with `lapin`.
- Fixed a bug with the `celery::app!` macro that caused it to fail to compile when the broker connection string was passed as a variable instead of an expression.

## [v0.4.0-rc5]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/releases/tag/v0.4.0-rc5 - 2020-11-19

### Added

- Added the `CronSchedule` struct to support Celery's

### Changed


  To improve the `app!` and `beat!` macros and accommodate custom `Broker`s and `SchedulerBackend`s,
  we've had to make breaking changes to the way these macros are invoked.

  The biggest change is that the macros now return a future of `Result<Celery>` or `Result<Beat>`.
  This means you must now call `.await?` on the return value of the macro.

  The other change is that you must now supply the actual `Broker` type.
  Previously, you could write something like `broker = AMQP { "amqp://my-broker-url" }`,
  but now you have to write it like `broker = celery::broker::AMQPBroker { "amqp://my-broker-url" }`.

  For a concrete example of these changes, the old way looked like this:

  async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
      let app = celery::app!(
          broker = AMQP { "amqp://my-broker-url" },
          tasks = [add],
          task_routes = ["*" => "celery"],

      // ...


  Whereas now that will look like this:

  async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
      let app = celery::app!(
          broker = celery::broker::AMQPBroker { "amqp://my-broker-url" },
          tasks = [add],
          task_routes = ["*" => "celery"],

      // ...


- Celery apps no longer need to have static lifetimes. To remove this constraint, we changed
  `Celery::consume` to take `&Arc<Self>` instead of a static reference to `self`.
- Now using `tokio-amqp` internally with `lapin`.
- Drop explicit dependency on amq-protocol.

### Fixed

- Task ID now logged when a beat app sends a task.
- Fixes to docs. Added a "Build Docs" job to GitHub Actions.
- Fixed a Celery beat [issue]https://github.com/rusty-celery/rusty-celery/issues/199
  that caused a task to be dropped if its scheduled run was delayed

## v0.4.0-rc4 - 2020-09-16

### Added

- Added a `MockBroker` for internal testing.
- Added more tests to the `app` module.
- Added a `prelude` module.
- Added support for YAML, MsgPack, and Pickle content types, behind the `extra_content_types` feature flag.

### Changed

- Improved `TaskResultExt`. Now takes a `FnOnce() -> Context` instead of `&str`.

### Fixed

- Ensure a `Signature` inherits default `TaskOptions` from the corresponding `Task` and `Celery` or `Beat` app.
- Cleaned up remaining uses of `.unwrap()` in the library.
- Options returned with `Task::options()` now have the current values, where app-level values are overridden by task-level values.

## v0.4.0-rc3 - 2020-09-09

### Added

- Added a `.display_pretty()` method on the `Celery` struct that prints out a cool ASCII logo
  with some useful information about the app.
- Added an `AsyncResult` struct that acts as a handler for task results.
- Added `Task::retry_with_countdown` and `Task::retry_with_eta` trait methods so that tasks can
  manually trigger a retry.

### Changed

- Fields of the `Signature` struct made private to avoid confusion around which fields of `TaskOptions` apply to a `Signature`.
- `Celery::send_task` now returns an `AsyncResult` instead of a `String` for the `Ok` variant.
- Renamed `DummyBackend` to `LocalSchedulerBackend`.
- Switched to [`thiserror`]https://github.com/dtolnay/thiserror for the error module instead of the deprecated `failure` crate.

### Fixed

- Fixed bug where `hard_time_limit` was ignored by worker if only specified at the app or task level.

## v0.4.0-rc2 - 2020-08-27

### Added

- Added a `reconnect` method on the `Broker`.

### Changed

- `Celery` and `Beat` apps will automatically try to reconnect the broker when the connection fails.

## v0.4.0-rc1 - 2020-08-18

### Added

- Added a `hard_time_limit` task option for compatability with Python.

### Changed

- The `timeout` task option was renamed to `time_limit` to be more consistent with the Python API.

### Fixed

- Compiles on Windows

## v0.3.1 - 2020-07-22

### Added

- `beat` module with basic support for scheduling tasks.
- `beat` macro to create a `Beat` app.

## v0.3.0 - 2020-05-28

### Changed

- `lapin` dependency updated to 1.0.
- `BrokerError` variants trimmed and simplified.
- The error handler closure passed to `Broker::consume` now takes a `BrokerError` as an argument.
- Improved error messages.

## v0.2.6 - 2020-05-14

### Fixed

- `Message::headers::origin` field fixed. Before it included quotes around the hostname.

### Added

- `Request::hostname` field now populated by the `Celery` app consuming the task.

### Changed

- Sending a task `with_timeout` will only set the `soft_time_limit` so that the behavior
is the same for Python consumers.

## v0.2.5 - 2020-03-24

### Changed

- Tasks must explicitly return a `TaskResult<T>` now.

## v0.2.4 - 2020-03-16

## Added

- A `retry_for_unexpected` task configuration option. By default this is `true` (so the default behavior is unchanged).
But if set to `false`, tasks that raised `TaskError::UnexpectedError` won't be retried.

## v0.2.3 - 2020-03-10

### Changed

- `CeleryBuilder::task_route` now infallible. Error could be raised during the `build` phase instead.
- `Celery::consume_from` will return `Err(CeleryError::NoQueueToConsume)` if the slice of queues is empty.

## v0.2.2 - 2020-03-06

### Changed

- `Celery::consume_from` now takes multiple queues instead of just a single queue.
- Retry ETA method moved from tracer to task so that it can be customized.
- `TaskError` variants restricted to only `ExpectedError`, `UnexpectedError`, and `TimeoutError`. The `Retry` and `ExpirationError` variants moved to a new (non-public) error type: `TracerError`.

## v0.2.1 - 2020-03-05

### Added

- `on_failure` and `on_success` options to `task` attribute macro.

### Changed

- Removed `task_id` and `params` arguments to `on_failure` and `on_success` callbacks, since those can be gotten from the request object.

## v0.2.0 - 2020-03-02

### Added

- A `Signature` struct with includes task execution options (previously the fields in `TaskSendOptions`).
- A `bind` argument to the `task` macro. When `bind = true` is given, the task will be run as an instance method.
- A `Request` struct.

### Changed

- `protocol::TryIntoMessage` trait renamed to `TryCreateMessage` and the one trait function `try_into_message` renamed to `try_create_message` to better reflect the fact that the trait function does not consume `self`.
- Task parameters are now separated from task struct.
- Task callback methods `on_failure` and `on_success` are now instance methods.
- `Celery::send_task` now takes a `Signature` instead of a `Task`.
- When tasks are defined through the `task` macro by annotating a function, that function needs to be explicitly marked async for the function to use async / await syntax.

### Removed

- `TaskContext` struct.
- `TaskSendOptions`.
- `Celery::send_task_with`.

## v0.2.0-alpha.2 - 2020-02-24

### Changed

- Uses of `std::sync::Mutex` and `std::sync::RwLock` changed to their async-aware equivalents from `tokio`.
- The `Celery::register_task` method is now an async function due to the above.
- Fixed bug where tasks with a future ETA were acked before they were due, resulting in such tasks being lost if the worker was shutdown before they were due.

### Removed

- The `SyncError` variants have been removed.

## v0.2.0-alpha.1 - 2020-02-19

### Changed

- `Celery::consume_from` now only accepts a single queue (once again) since there was a critical bug when we allowed consuming from multiple queues.

## v0.2.0-alpha.0 - 2020-02-17

### Added

- Several error enums: `CeleryError`, `TaskError`, `BrokerError`, `ProtocolError`.
- `TaskResultExt` for easily converting the error type in a `Result` to a `TaskError` variant.

### Changed

- The `error` module.
- The structure of the public API is now more compact. We expose a few more modules, including `broker`, `task`, and `error` instead of exporting all of the public elements from the crate root.
- The `app` macro (previously `celery_app`) no longer takes an actual broker type (like `AMQPBroker`) for the `broker` parameter. Instead you can just use the literal token `AMQP`. This means one less import for the user.

### Removed

- The `Error` type.
- The `celery_app` macro has been renamed to just `app`.
- The `ResultExt` re-export.