cdtoc 0.1.5

Parser and tools for CDTOC metadata tags.
# CDTOC: CUETools Database

use crate::{
use std::collections::BTreeMap;

impl Toc {
	#[cfg_attr(feature = "docsrs", doc(cfg(feature = "ctdb")))]
	/// # CUETools Database ID.
	/// This returns the [CUETools Database]( ID
	/// corresponding to the table of contents.
	/// ## Examples
	/// ```
	/// use cdtoc::Toc;
	/// let toc = Toc::from_cdtoc("4+96+2D2B+6256+B327+D84A").unwrap();
	/// assert_eq!(
	///     toc.ctdb_id(),
	///     "VukMWWItblELRM.CEFpXxw0FlME-",
	/// );
	/// ```
	pub fn ctdb_id(&self) -> String {
		use sha1::Digest;
		let mut sha = sha1::Sha1::new();
		let mut buf = [b'0'; 8];

		// Write all but the first tracks relative to the first.
		let [leadin, sectors @ ..] = self.audio_sectors() else { unreachable!() };
		for v in sectors {
			faster_hex::hex_encode((v - leadin).to_be_bytes().as_slice(), &mut buf).unwrap();

		// Add the leadout, likewise relative.
		faster_hex::hex_encode((self.audio_leadout() - leadin).to_be_bytes().as_slice(), &mut buf).unwrap();

		// And padding for a total of 99 tracks.
		let padding = 99 - sectors.len();
		if padding != 0 { sha.update(&crate::ZEROES[..padding * 8]); }

		// Run it through base64 and we're done!

	#[cfg_attr(feature = "docsrs", doc(cfg(feature = "ctdb")))]
	/// # CUETools Database Checksum URL.
	/// This returns the URL where you can download the checksums for the disc,
	/// provided it is actually _in_ the CTDB. (If it isn't, their server will
	/// return a `404` or empty XML document.)
	/// ## Examples
	/// ```
	/// use cdtoc::Toc;
	/// let toc = Toc::from_cdtoc("4+96+2D2B+6256+B327+D84A").unwrap();
	/// assert_eq!(
	///     toc.ctdb_checksum_url(),
	///     "",
	/// );
	/// ```
	pub fn ctdb_checksum_url(&self) -> String {
		let mut url = "".to_string();
		let mut buf = itoa::Buffer::new();

		// Leading data?
		if matches!(self.kind, TocKind::DataFirst) {
			url.push_str(buf.format( - 150));

		// Each audio track relative to the first.
		for v in & {
			url.push_str(buf.format(v - 150));

		// Trailing data?
		if matches!(self.kind, TocKind::CDExtra) {
			url.push_str(buf.format( - 150));

		// And the leadout.
		url.push_str(buf.format(self.leadout - 150));


	#[cfg_attr(feature = "docsrs", doc(cfg(feature = "ctdb")))]
	/// # Parse Checksums.
	/// This will parse the track checksums from an XML CTDB [lookup](Toc::ctdb_checksum_url).
	/// The return result is a vector — indexed by track number (`n-1`) — of
	/// `checksum => confidence` pairs.
	/// ## Errors
	/// This method uses naive parsing so does not worry about strict XML
	/// validation, but will return an error if other parsing errors are
	/// encountered or no checksums are found.
	pub fn ctdb_parse_checksums(&self, xml: &str) -> Result<Vec<BTreeMap<u32, u16>>, TocError> {
		let audio_len = self.audio_len();
		let mut out: Vec<BTreeMap<u32, u16>> = vec![BTreeMap::default(); audio_len];

		for line in xml.lines() {
			if let Some((confidence, crcs)) = parse_entry(line.trim()) {
				let confidence: u16 = confidence.parse().map_err(|_| TocError::Checksums)?;
				let mut id = 0;
				for chk in crcs.split_ascii_whitespace() {
					let crc = super::hex_decode_u32(chk.as_bytes()).ok_or(TocError::Checksums)?;
					if crc != 0 {
						let e = out[id].entry(crc).or_insert(0);
						*e = e.saturating_add(confidence);
					id += 1;

				if id != audio_len { return Err(TocError::Checksums); }

		// Consider it okay if we found at least one checksum.
		if out.iter().any(|v| ! v.is_empty()) { Ok(out) }
		else { Err(TocError::NoChecksums) }

/// # Parse XML Entry.
/// This returns the value subslices corresponding to the "confidence" and
/// "trackcrcs" attributes.
fn parse_entry(line: &str) -> Option<(&str, &str)> {
	if line.starts_with("<entry ") {
		let confidence = parse_attr(line, " confidence=\"")?;
		let crcs = parse_attr(line, " trackcrcs=\"")?;
		Some((confidence, crcs))
	else { None }

/// # Parse Entry Value.
/// This naively parses an attribute value from a tag, returning the subslice
/// corresponding to its value if non-empty.
/// But that's okay; there shouldn't be!
fn parse_attr<'a>(mut line: &'a str, attr: &'static str) -> Option<&'a str> {
	let start = line.find(attr)?;
	line = &line[start + attr.len()..];
	let end = line.find('"')?;

	if 0 < end { Some(line[..end].trim()) }
	else { None }

mod tests {
	use super::*;

	fn t_ctdb() {
		for (t, id, lookup) in [
		] {
			let toc = Toc::from_cdtoc(t).expect("Invalid TOC");
			assert_eq!(toc.ctdb_id(), id);
			assert_eq!(toc.ctdb_checksum_url(), lookup);