cddl 0.3.5

Parser for the Concise data definition language (CDDL)

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This crate is very much experimental and is being developed as a personal learning exercise for getting acquainted with Rust and about parsing in general. It is far from complete. There are likely more performant and stable libraries out there for parsing CDDL. This one should not be used in production in any form or fashion.

A Rust implementation of the Concise data definition language (CDDL). CDDL is an IETF standard that "proposes a notational convention to express CBOR and JSON data structures." As of 2019-06-12, it is published as RFC 8610 (Proposed Standard) at

This crate includes a handwritten parser and lexer for CDDL and is heavily inspired by Thorsten Ball's book "Writing An Interpretor In Go". The AST has been built to closely match the rules defined by the ABNF grammar in Appendix B. of the spec. All CDDL must use UTF-8 for its encoding per the spec.

This crate supports validation of both CBOR and JSON data structures. An extremely basic REPL is included as well, with plans to compile it for use in the browser with WebAssembly.


  • Parse CDDL documents into an AST
  • Verify conformance of CDDL documents against RFC 8610
  • Validate CBOR data structures
  • Validate JSON documents
  • Basic REPL
  • Generate dummy JSON from conformant CDDL
  • Close to zero-copy as possible
  • Compile for use in the browser with WebAssembly
  • no_std support (lexing and parsing only)


  • Performance (if this crate gains enough traction, it may be prudent to explore using a parser-combinator framework like nom)
  • Support CBOR diagnostic notation
  • I-JSON compatibility

Why Rust?

Rust is a systems programming language designed around safety and is ideally-suited for resource-constrained systems. CDDL and CBOR are designed around small code and message sizes and constrained nodes, scenarios that Rust has also been designed for.

Features supported by the parser

  • maps
    • structs
    • tables
    • cuts
  • groups
  • arrays
  • values
  • choices
  • ranges
  • enumeration (building a choice from a group)
  • root type
  • occurrence
  • predefined types
  • tags
  • unwrapping
  • controls
  • socket/plug
  • generics
  • operator precedence
  • comments
  • numerical int/uint values
  • numerical hexfloat values
  • numerical values with exponents
  • unprefixed byte strings
  • prefixed byte strings

Validating JSON

Incomplete. Under development

This crate uses the Serde framework, and more specifically, the serde_json crate, for parsing and validating JSON. Serde was chosen due to its maturity in the ecosystem and its support for serializing and deserializing CBOR via the serde_cbor crate.

As outlined in Appendix E. of the standard, only the JSON data model subset of CBOR can be used for validation. The limited prelude from the spec has been included below for brevity:

any = #

uint = #0
nint = #1
int = uint / nint

tstr = #3
text = tstr

number = int / float

float16 = #7.25
float32 = #7.26
float64 = #7.27
float16-32 = float16 / float32
float32-64 = float32 / float64
float = float16-32 / float64

false = #7.20
true = #7.21
bool = false / true
nil = #7.22
null = nil

The first non-group rule defined by a CDDL data structure definition determines the root type, which is subsequently used for validating the top-level JSON data type.

Supported JSON validation features

The following types and features of CDDL are supported by this crate for validating JSON:

structs objects
arrays arrays
text / tstr string
number / int / float number*
bool / true / false boolean
null / nil null
any any valid JSON

Occurrence indicators can be used to validate key/value pairs in a JSON object and the number of elements in a JSON array; depending on how the indicators are defined in a CDDL data definition. CDDL groups, generics, sockets/plugs and group-to-choice enumerations are all parsed into their full representations before being evaluated for JSON validation.

All CDDL control operators can be used for validating JSON, with the exception of the .cbor and .cborseq operators.

*Note: While JSON itself does not distinguish between integers and floating-point numbers, this crate does provide the ability to validate numbers against a more specific numerical CBOR type, provided that its equivalent representation is allowed by JSON.

Comparing with JSON schema and JSON schema language

CDDL, JSON schema and JSON schema language can all be used to define JSON data structures. However, the approaches taken to develop each of these are vastly different. A good place to find past discussions on the differences between thse formats is the IETF mail archive, specifically in the JSON and CBOR lists. The purpose of this crate is not to argue for the use of CDDL over any one of these formats, but simply to provide an example implementation in Rust.

Validating CBOR

Incomplete. Under development

This crate also uses Serde and serde_cbor for validating CBOR data structures. Similary to the JSON validation implementation, CBOR validation is done via the loosely typed Value enum. Unfortunately, due to a limitation of Serde, CBOR tags are ignored during deserialization.

no_std support

Only the lexer and parser can be used in a no_std context provided that a heap allocator is available. This can be enabled by opting out of the default features in your Cargo.toml file as follows:

cddl = { version = "<version>", default-features = false }

Zero-copy parsing is implemented to the extent that is possible, with prefixed byte strings containing whitespace being one of the few exceptions where allocation is required.

Both JSON and CBOR validation are dependent on their respective heap allocated Value types, but since these types aren't supported in a no_std context, they subsequently aren't supported in a no_std context in this crate.

Dependency graph

Below is a graph of the dependencies used by this project. It was generated using cargo-deps.

cddl dependencies