cccedict 0.2.0

A CC-Cedict parser with Cantonese support (via readings)


cccedict is a CC-CEDICT parser for parsing Chinese/English natural language dictionaries. It has the unique feature of supporting the extensions to the CC-CEDICT format, which adds support for jyutping pronunciations.


A CedictEntry represents a single entry in a Cedict:

use cccedict::cedict_entry::*;

let line = "你好嗎 你好吗 [ni3 hao3 ma5] {nei5 hou2 maa1} /how are you?/";
let entry = CedictEntry::new(line).unwrap();

assert_eq!(entry.traditional, "你好嗎");
assert_eq!(entry.simplified, "你好吗");
assert_eq!(entry.pinyin, Some(
        Syllable::new("ni", "3"),
        Syllable::new("hao", "3"),
        Syllable::new("ma", "5"),
assert_eq!(entry.jyutping, Some(
        Syllable::new("nei", "5"),
        Syllable::new("hou", "2"),
        Syllable::new("maa", "1"),
assert_eq!(entry.definitions, Some(vec!["how are you?".to_string()]));

You can also instantiate a Cedict from a FromStr, Read, or AsRef<Path> implementor:

use cccedict::cedict::Cedict;
use std::str::FromStr;

let cedict_entries = "\
你嘅 你嘅 [ni3 ge2] {nei5 ge3} /your's (spoken)/
你地 你地 [ni3 di4] {nei5 dei6} /you guys; you all/
你好嗎 你好吗 [ni3 hao3 ma5] {nei5 hou2 maa1} /how are you?/";

let cedict = Cedict::from_str(cedict_entries).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cedict.entries.len(), 3);

let reader: &[u8] = cedict_entries.as_bytes();
let cedict = Cedict::from_file(reader).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cedict.entries.len(), 3);

use std::path::Path;
let path = Path::new("fixtures/cccanto-test.txt");
let cedict = Cedict::from_path(path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cedict.entries.len(), 3);


  • Add a Cedict struct to convert an entire cedict files into CedictEntrys
  • Implement some useful way of querying said Cedict (mimic entries API?)