ccash-rs 1.0.0

The Rust bindings for the CCash ledger API (CCash available here:
The Rust API for the online [CCash bank API](

The library is intended to be used in an asynchronous context.

Documentation is available [here](htts://!

# Versioning

The versioning scheme this API crate uses is as follows:

- Incrementing, for example, `1.21.3` -> `2.21.3` indicates breaking changes
  and X in `X.Y.Z` matches that of the max CCash version the API can comply to, 
  Y being the major version of the API crate and Z being the current patch/minor
  version of the crate.
- Incrementing, for example, `1.21.3` -> `1.22.2` indicates non-breaking changes
  that is still backwards-compatible with the previous version.