Trait cbor_data::Writer

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pub trait Writer: Sized {
    type Output;

Show 19 methods // Required methods fn max_definite(&self) -> Option<u64>; fn set_max_definite(&mut self, max: Option<u64>); // Provided methods fn write_pos( self, value: u64, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_neg( self, value: u64, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_bytes( self, value: &[u8], tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_bytes_chunked( self, value: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>> + Copy, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_str( self, value: &str, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_str_chunked( self, value: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<str>> + Copy, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_bool( self, value: bool, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_null(self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_undefined( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_lit( self, value: Literal, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_array<F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> Self::Output where F: FnOnce(&mut ArrayWriter<'_>) { ... } fn write_array_ret<T, F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> (Self::Output, T) where F: FnOnce(&mut ArrayWriter<'_>) -> T { ... } fn write_dict<F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> Self::Output where F: FnOnce(&mut DictWriter<'_>) { ... } fn write_dict_ret<T, F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> (Self::Output, T) where F: FnOnce(&mut DictWriter<'_>) -> T { ... } fn write_canonical(self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Output, ParseError> { ... } fn write_trusting(self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Output { ... } fn write_item(self, item: &Cbor) -> Self::Output { ... }
Expand description

Low-level primitives for emitting CBOR items.

The methods of this trait give you full control over the encoding of values according to the CBOR specification (apart from the technically allowed non-optimal integer encodings). It allows you to emit any item tagged with any number you desire.

If you are looking for convenient methods of writing end-user data types please refer to the Encoder trait.

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§


fn max_definite(&self) -> Option<u64>

Configured maximum array or dict length up to which definite size encoding is used.


fn set_max_definite(&mut self, max: Option<u64>)

Set the maximum array or dict length up to which definite size encoding is used.

Provided Methods§


fn write_pos( self, value: u64, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write a unsigned value of up to 64 bits. Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_neg( self, value: u64, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write a negative value of up to 64 bits — the represented number is -1 - value. Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_bytes( self, value: &[u8], tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write the given slice as a definite size byte string. Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_bytes_chunked( self, value: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>> + Copy, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write the given slices as a definite size byte string. Tags are from outer to inner.


let cbor = CborBuilder::default().write_bytes_chunked([&[0][..], &[1, 2][..]], [12]);

fn write_str( self, value: &str, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write the given slice as a definite size string. Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_str_chunked( self, value: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<str>> + Copy, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write the given slice as a definite size string. Tags are from outer to inner.


let cbor = CborBuilder::default().write_str_chunked(["a", "b"], [12]);

fn write_bool( self, value: bool, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_null(self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>) -> Self::Output

Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_undefined(self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>) -> Self::Output

Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_lit( self, value: Literal, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64> ) -> Self::Output

Write custom literal value — RFC 8949 §3.3 is required reading. Tags are from outer to inner.


fn write_array<F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> Self::Output
where F: FnOnce(&mut ArrayWriter<'_>),

Write a nested array using the given closure that receives an array builder. Tags are from outer to inner.

let cbor = CborBuilder::default().write_array(None, |builder| {
    builder.write_array_ret(None, |builder| {
        builder.write_pos(42, None);

fn write_array_ret<T, F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> (Self::Output, T)
where F: FnOnce(&mut ArrayWriter<'_>) -> T,

Write a nested array using the given closure that receives an array builder. Tags are from outer to inner.

let (cbor, ret) = CborBuilder::default().write_array_ret(None, |builder| {
    builder.write_array_ret(None, |builder| {
        builder.write_pos(42, None);
assert_eq!(ret, 42);

fn write_dict<F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> Self::Output
where F: FnOnce(&mut DictWriter<'_>),

Write a nested dict using the given closure that receives a dict builder. Tags are from outer to inner.

let cbor = CborBuilder::default().write_array(None, |builder | {
    builder.write_dict_ret(None, |builder| {
        builder.with_key("y", |b| b.write_pos(42, None));

fn write_dict_ret<T, F>( self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = u64>, f: F ) -> (Self::Output, T)
where F: FnOnce(&mut DictWriter<'_>) -> T,

Write a nested dict using the given closure that receives a dict builder. Tags are from outer to inner.

let (cbor, ret) = CborBuilder::default().write_array_ret(None, |builder | {
    builder.write_dict_ret(None, |builder| {
        builder.with_key("y", |b| b.write_pos(42, None));
assert_eq!(ret, 42);

fn write_canonical(self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Output, ParseError>

Interpret the given bytes as a single CBOR item and write it to this builder, canonicalising its contents like CborOwned::canonical()


fn write_trusting(self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Output

Assume that the given bytes are a well-formed single CBOR item and write it to this builder.

If those bytes are not valid CBOR you get to keep the pieces!


fn write_item(self, item: &Cbor) -> Self::Output

Write the given CBOR item

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T> Writer for &mut T
where T: Writer<Output = T>,



impl<'a> Writer for ArrayWriter<'a>


impl<'a, 'b> Writer for KeyBuilder<'a, 'b>


type Output = SingleBuilder<'a, 'b>


impl<'a, 'b> Writer for SingleBuilder<'a, 'b>


impl<'a, O: CborOutput> Writer for CborBuilder<'a, O>


type Output = <O as CborOutput>::Output