cblas-sys 0.1.4

The package provides bindings to CBLAS (C).
//! Bindings to [CBLAS] \(C).
//! The usage of the package is explained [here][usage].
//! [cblas]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLAS
//! [usage]: https://blas-lapack-rs.github.io/usage


extern crate libc;

use libc::{c_char, c_double, c_float, c_int};

/// A complex number with 64-bit parts.
pub type c_double_complex = [libc::c_double; 2];

/// A complex number with 32-bit parts.
pub type c_float_complex = [libc::c_float; 2];

pub type CBLAS_INDEX = c_int;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CBLAS_LAYOUT {
    CblasRowMajor = 101,
    CblasColMajor = 102,
pub use self::CBLAS_LAYOUT::*;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    CblasNoTrans = 111,
    CblasTrans = 112,
    CblasConjTrans = 113,
pub use self::CBLAS_TRANSPOSE::*;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CBLAS_UPLO {
    CblasUpper = 121,
    CblasLower = 122,
pub use self::CBLAS_UPLO::*;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CBLAS_DIAG {
    CblasNonUnit = 131,
    CblasUnit = 132,
pub use self::CBLAS_DIAG::*;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CBLAS_SIDE {
    CblasLeft = 141,
    CblasRight = 142,
pub use self::CBLAS_SIDE::*;


// Level 1 (functions except for complex)
extern "C" {
    pub fn cblas_dcabs1(z: *const c_double_complex) -> c_double;
    pub fn cblas_scabs1(c: *const c_float_complex) -> c_float;

    pub fn cblas_sdsdot(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    ) -> c_float;
    pub fn cblas_dsdot(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    ) -> c_double;
    pub fn cblas_sdot(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    ) -> c_float;
    pub fn cblas_ddot(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double,
        incy: c_int,
    ) -> c_double;

    // Prefixes Z and C only
    pub fn cblas_cdotu_sub(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        dotu: *mut c_float_complex,
    pub fn cblas_cdotc_sub(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        dotc: *mut c_float_complex,

    pub fn cblas_zdotu_sub(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        dotu: *mut c_double_complex,
    pub fn cblas_zdotc_sub(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        dotc: *mut c_double_complex,

    // Prefixes S, D, SC, and DZ
    pub fn cblas_snrm2(n: c_int, x: *const c_float, incx: c_int) -> c_float;
    pub fn cblas_sasum(n: c_int, x: *const c_float, incx: c_int) -> c_float;

    pub fn cblas_dnrm2(n: c_int, x: *const c_double, incx: c_int) -> c_double;
    pub fn cblas_dasum(n: c_int, x: *const c_double, incx: c_int) -> c_double;

    pub fn cblas_scnrm2(n: c_int, x: *const c_float_complex, incx: c_int) -> c_float;
    pub fn cblas_scasum(n: c_int, x: *const c_float_complex, incx: c_int) -> c_float;

    pub fn cblas_dznrm2(n: c_int, x: *const c_double_complex, incx: c_int) -> c_double;
    pub fn cblas_dzasum(n: c_int, x: *const c_double_complex, incx: c_int) -> c_double;

    // Standard prefixes (S, D, C, and Z)
    pub fn cblas_isamax(n: c_int, x: *const c_float, incx: c_int) -> CBLAS_INDEX;
    pub fn cblas_idamax(n: c_int, x: *const c_double, incx: c_int) -> CBLAS_INDEX;
    pub fn cblas_icamax(n: c_int, x: *const c_float_complex, incx: c_int) -> CBLAS_INDEX;
    pub fn cblas_izamax(n: c_int, x: *const c_double_complex, incx: c_int) -> CBLAS_INDEX;

// Level 1 (routines)
extern "C" {
    // Standard prefixes (S, D, C, and Z)
    pub fn cblas_sswap(n: c_int, x: *mut c_float, incx: c_int, y: *mut c_float, incy: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_scopy(n: c_int, x: *const c_float, incx: c_int, y: *mut c_float, incy: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_saxpy(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_dswap(n: c_int, x: *mut c_double, incx: c_int, y: *mut c_double, incy: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_dcopy(n: c_int, x: *const c_double, incx: c_int, y: *mut c_double, incy: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_daxpy(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_cswap(
        n: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ccopy(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_caxpy(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_zswap(
        n: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zcopy(
        n: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zaxpy(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,

    // Prefixes S and D only
    pub fn cblas_srotg(a: *mut c_float, b: *mut c_float, c: *mut c_float, s: *mut c_float);
    pub fn cblas_srotmg(
        d1: *mut c_float,
        d2: *mut c_float,
        b1: *mut c_float,
        b2: c_float,
        p: *mut c_float,
    pub fn cblas_srot(
        n: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
        c: c_float,
        s: c_float,
    pub fn cblas_srotm(
        n: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
        p: *const c_float,

    pub fn cblas_drotg(a: *mut c_double, b: *mut c_double, c: *mut c_double, s: *mut c_double);
    pub fn cblas_drotmg(
        d1: *mut c_double,
        d2: *mut c_double,
        b1: *mut c_double,
        b2: c_double,
        p: *mut c_double,
    pub fn cblas_drot(
        n: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
        c: c_double,
        s: c_double,
    pub fn cblas_drotm(
        n: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
        p: *const c_double,

    // Prefixes S, D, C, Z, CS, and ZD
    pub fn cblas_sscal(n: c_int, alpha: c_float, x: *mut c_float, incx: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_dscal(n: c_int, alpha: c_double, x: *mut c_double, incx: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_cscal(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zscal(
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_csscal(n: c_int, alpha: c_float, x: *mut c_float_complex, incx: c_int);
    pub fn cblas_zdscal(n: c_int, alpha: c_double, x: *mut c_double_complex, incx: c_int);

// Level 2
extern "C" {
    // Standard prefixes (S, D, C, and Z)
    pub fn cblas_sgemv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_sgbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        kl: c_int,
        ku: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_strmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_stbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_stpmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_float,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_strsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_stbsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_stpsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_float,
        x: *mut c_float,
        incx: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_dgemv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dgbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        kl: c_int,
        ku: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtrmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtpmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_double,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtrsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtbsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtpsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_double,
        x: *mut c_double,
        incx: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_cgemv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_cgbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        kl: c_int,
        ku: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctrmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctpmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctrsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctbsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctpsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *mut c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_zgemv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zgbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        kl: c_int,
        ku: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztrmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztpmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztrsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztbsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztpsv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        n: c_int,
        ap: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *mut c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,

    // Prefixes S and D only
    pub fn cblas_ssymv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ssbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_sspmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        ap: *const c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        y: *mut c_float,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_sger(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ssyr(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_sspr(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        ap: *mut c_float,
    pub fn cblas_ssyr2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_sspr2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float,

    pub fn cblas_dsymv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dsbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dspmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        ap: *const c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        y: *mut c_double,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dger(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dsyr(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dspr(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        ap: *mut c_double,
    pub fn cblas_dsyr2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dspr2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double,

    // Prefixes C and Z only
    pub fn cblas_chemv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_chbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_chpmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        ap: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        y: *mut c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_cgeru(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_cgerc(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_cher(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_chpr(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float_complex,
    pub fn cblas_cher2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_chpr2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        x: *const c_float_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_float_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        ap: *mut c_float_complex,

    pub fn cblas_zhemv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zhbmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zhpmv(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        ap: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        y: *mut c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zgeru(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zgerc(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zher(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zhpr(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double_complex,
    pub fn cblas_zher2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        a: *mut c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zhpr2(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        x: *const c_double_complex,
        incx: c_int,
        y: *const c_double_complex,
        incy: c_int,
        ap: *mut c_double_complex,

// Level 3
extern "C" {
    // Standard prefixes (S, D, C, and Z)
    pub fn cblas_sgemm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        transb: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        c: *mut c_float,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ssymm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        c: *mut c_float,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ssyrk(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        c: *mut c_float,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ssyr2k(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        c: *mut c_float,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_strmm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_float,
        ldb: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_strsm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_float,
        ldb: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_dgemm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        transb: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        c: *mut c_double,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dsymm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        c: *mut c_double,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dsyrk(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        c: *mut c_double,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dsyr2k(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        c: *mut c_double,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtrmm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_double,
        ldb: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_dtrsm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_double,
        ldb: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_cgemm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        transb: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_csymm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_csyrk(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_csyr2k(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctrmm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ctrsm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_zgemm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        transb: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zsymm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zsyrk(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zsyr2k(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztrmm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_ztrsm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        transa: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        diag: CBLAS_DIAG,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,

    // Prefixes C and Z only
    pub fn cblas_chemm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_float_complex,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_cherk(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_float,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_cher2k(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_float_complex,
        a: *const c_float_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_float_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_float,
        c: *mut c_float_complex,
        ldc: c_int,

    pub fn cblas_zhemm(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        side: CBLAS_SIDE,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        m: c_int,
        n: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: *const c_double_complex,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zherk(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: c_double,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,
    pub fn cblas_zher2k(
        layout: CBLAS_LAYOUT,
        uplo: CBLAS_UPLO,
        trans: CBLAS_TRANSPOSE,
        n: c_int,
        k: c_int,
        alpha: *const c_double_complex,
        a: *const c_double_complex,
        lda: c_int,
        b: *const c_double_complex,
        ldb: c_int,
        beta: c_double,
        c: *mut c_double_complex,
        ldc: c_int,

extern "C" {
    pub fn cblas_xerbla(p: c_int, rout: *const c_char, form: *const c_char, ...);