caves 0.2.1

A collection of embedded, thread-safe key-value stores in Rust.
# How to contribute

First, read the [``] file for the legal status of the project.

You can contribute by sending a pull request as follows:

1. Fork the repository.
2. Make your changes and then run the tests with `cargo test`.
3. If your changes close any issues, specify them in the respective commits
   (`Closes #...`), and update `` if necessary.
4. Create a pull request that targets the `master` branch.

Once you've sent a PR, wait for the CI steps to finish successfully. When the CI
and review process complete successfully, please ensure that your branch
presents a clear history of changes, i.e., squash fixup commits and update stale
commit messages. Finally, the PR will be merged with the "Rebase and merge"
