causal-hub 0.1.0

A hub for Causal Data Science.
use std::{
    collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet},
    hash::{Hash, Hasher},
    iter::{Enumerate, FilterMap, FusedIterator},
    ops::{Deref, Range},

use bimap::BiHashMap;
use itertools::{iproduct, Itertools};
use ndarray::{iter::IndexedIter, prelude::*, OwnedRepr};

use super::UndirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph;
use crate::{
        algorithms::traversal::{DFSEdge, DFSEdges, Traversal},
        directions, BaseGraph, DefaultGraph, DirectedGraph, ErrorGraph as E, IntoUndirectedGraph,
        PartialOrdGraph, PathGraph, SubGraph,
    types::{AdjacencyList, DenseAdjacencyMatrix, EdgeList, SparseAdjacencyMatrix},
    Adj, Ch, Pa, E, V,

/// Directed graph struct based on dense adjacency matrix data structure.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    labels: BTreeSet<String>,
    labels_indices: BiHashMap<String, usize>,
    adjacency_matrix: DenseAdjacencyMatrix,
    size: usize,

/* Implement BaseGraph trait. */
impl Deref for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    type Target = DenseAdjacencyMatrix;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

pub struct LabelsIterator<'a> {
    graph: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: Range<usize>,

impl<'a> LabelsIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph) -> Self {
        Self {
            graph: g,
            iter: Range {
                start: 0,
                end: g.labels.len(),

impl<'a> Iterator for LabelsIterator<'a> {
    type Item = &'a str;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|x| self.graph.label(x))

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for LabelsIterator<'a> {}

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
pub struct EdgesIterator<'a> {
    g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: FilterMap<
        IndexedIter<'a, bool, Ix2>,
        fn(((usize, usize), &bool)) -> Option<(usize, usize)>,
    size: usize,

impl<'a> FusedIterator for LabelsIterator<'a> {}

impl<'a> EdgesIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph) -> Self {
        Self {
            iter: g.indexed_iter().filter_map(|((x, y), &f)| match f {
                true => Some((x, y)),
                false => None,
            size: g.size,

impl<'a> Iterator for EdgesIterator<'a> {
    type Item = (usize, usize);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(x, y)| {
            // Decrement inner counter.
            self.size -= 1;

            (x, y)

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (self.size, Some(self.size))

impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for EdgesIterator<'a> {}

impl<'a> FusedIterator for EdgesIterator<'a> {}

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
pub struct AdjacentsIterator<'a> {
    g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: FilterMap<
        Enumerate<<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<bool>, Dim<[usize; 1]>> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>,
        fn((usize, bool)) -> Option<usize>,

impl<'a> AdjacentsIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph, x: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            iter: {
                let (row, col) = (g.row(x), g.column(x));

                (&row | &col)
                    .filter_map(|(x, f)| match f {
                        true => Some(x),
                        false => None,

impl<'a> Iterator for AdjacentsIterator<'a> {
    type Item = usize;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

impl<'a> FusedIterator for AdjacentsIterator<'a> {}

impl Display for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        // Write graph type.
        write!(f, "DirectedGraph {{ ")?;
        // Write vertex set.
            "V = {{{}}}, ",
                .map(|x| format!("\"{}\"", self.label(x)))
                .join(", ")
        // Write edge set.
            "E = {{{}}}",
                .map(|(x, y)| format!("(\"{}\", \"{}\")", self.label(x), self.label(y)))
                .join(", ")
        // Write ending character.
        write!(f, " }}")

impl Hash for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

impl BaseGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    type Data = DenseAdjacencyMatrix;

    type Direction = directions::Directed;

    type LabelsIter<'a> = LabelsIterator<'a>;

    type VerticesIter<'a> = Range<usize>;

    type EdgesIter<'a> = EdgesIterator<'a>;

    type AdjacentsIter<'a> = AdjacentsIterator<'a>;

    fn new<V, I, J>(vertices: I, edges: J) -> Self
        V: Into<String>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
        J: IntoIterator<Item = (V, V)>,
        // Remove duplicated vertices labels.
        let mut labels: BTreeSet<_> = vertices.into_iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect();
        // Map edges iterator into edge list.
        let edges: EdgeList<_> = edges
            .map(|(x, y)| (x.into(), y.into()))
        // Add missing vertices from the edges.
        labels.extend(edges.iter().cloned().flat_map(|(x, y)| [x, y]));

        // Compute new graph order.
        let order = labels.len();
        // Map vertices labels to vertices indices.
        let labels_indices: BiHashMap<_, _> = labels
            .map(|(i, x)| (x, i))
        // Initialize adjacency matrix given graph order.
        let mut adjacency_matrix = DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem((order, order), false);

        // Initialize the size.
        let mut size = 0;
        // Fill adjacency matrix given edge set.
        for (x, y) in edges {
            // Get associated vertices indices.
            let (i, j) = (
            // Set edge given indices.
            adjacency_matrix[[i, j]] = true;
            // Increment size.
            size += 1;

        Self {

    fn clear(&mut self) {
        // Clear the vertices.
        // Clear the vertices map.
        // Clear the adjacency matrix.
        self.adjacency_matrix = Default::default();
        // Clear the size.
        self.size = 0;

    fn label(&self, x: usize) -> &str {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("No vertex with label `{}`", x))

    fn labels(&self) -> Self::LabelsIter<'_> {

    fn vertex(&self, x: &str) -> usize {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("No vertex with identifier `{}`", x))

    fn vertices(&self) -> Self::VerticesIter<'_> {
        // Assert vertex set and vertices map are consistent.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.labels.len(), self.labels_indices.len());


    fn order(&self) -> usize {
        // Check iterator consistency.
        debug_assert_eq!(V!(self).len(), self.labels.len());
        // Assert vertex set and vertices map are consistent.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.labels.len(), self.labels_indices.len());
        // Assert vertex set is consistent with adjacency matrix shape.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.labels_indices.len(), self.adjacency_matrix.nrows());
        // Assert adjacency matrix is square.


    fn has_vertex(&self, x: usize) -> bool {
        // Check vertex existence.
        let f = self.labels_indices.contains_right(&x);

        // Check iterator consistency.
        debug_assert_eq!(V!(self).any(|y| y == x), f);
        // Assert vertex set and vertices map are consistent.
        debug_assert_eq!(x < self.order(), f);


    fn add_vertex<V>(&mut self, x: V) -> usize
        V: Into<String>,
        // Cast vertex label.
        let x = x.into();

        // If vertex was already present ...
        if !self.labels.insert(x.clone()) {
            // ... return early.
            return self.vertex(&x);

        // Get vertex identifier.
        let i = self.labels.iter().position(|y| y == &x).unwrap();

        // Update the vertices map after the added vertex.
        for (j, y) in self.labels.iter().skip(i).enumerate() {
            // Add the given vertex and increment subsequent ones by overwriting the entries.
            self.labels_indices.insert(y.clone(), i + j);

        // Compute the new size of adjacency matrix.
        let n = self.adjacency_matrix.nrows();
        // Allocate new adjacency matrix.
        let mut adjacency_matrix = DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem((n + 1, n + 1), false);
        // Compute blocks.
        let (p, q) = ([0..i, (i + 1)..(n + 1)], [0..i, i..n]);
        let (p, q) = (iproduct!(p.clone(), p), iproduct!(q.clone(), q));
        // Copy old adjacency matrix using blocks operations.
        for ((p_start, p_end), (q_start, q_end)) in {
                .slice_mut(s![p_start, p_end])
                .assign(&self.adjacency_matrix.slice(s![q_start, q_end]));
        // Replace old with new adjacency matrix.
        self.adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix;

        // Assert vertex has been added.
        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with vertices map.
        // Assert vertices labels are still associated to an ordered and
        // contiguous sequence of integers starting from zero, i.e in [0, n).
        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with adjacency matrix shape.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.labels_indices.len(), self.adjacency_matrix.nrows());
        // Assert adjacency matrix is still square.

        // Return new vertex.

    fn del_vertex(&mut self, x: usize) -> bool {
        // Get vertex label and identifier.
        let x_i = self.labels_indices.remove_by_right(&x);

        // If vertex was not present ...
        if x_i.is_none() {
            // ... then return early.
            return false;

        // Get vertex label and identifier.
        let (x, i) = x_i.unwrap();

        // Remove vertex label.

        // Update the vertices map after the removed vertex.
        for (j, y) in self.labels.iter().skip(i).enumerate() {
            // Decrement subsequent ones by overwriting the entries.
            self.labels_indices.insert(y.clone(), i + j);

        // Compute the new size of adjacency matrix.
        let n = self.adjacency_matrix.nrows();
        // Allocate new adjacency matrix.
        let mut adjacency_matrix = DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem((n - 1, n - 1), false);
        // Compute blocks.
        let (p, q) = ([0..i, i..(n - 1)], [0..i, (i + 1)..n]);
        let (p, q) = (iproduct!(p.clone(), p), iproduct!(q.clone(), q));
        // Copy old adjacency matrix using blocks operations.
        for ((p_start, p_end), (q_start, q_end)) in {
                .slice_mut(s![p_start, p_end])
                .assign(&self.adjacency_matrix.slice(s![q_start, q_end]));
        // Replace old with new adjacency matrix.
        self.adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix;

        // Assert vertex has been removed.
        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with vertices map.
        // Assert vertices labels are still associated to an ordered and
        // contiguous sequence of integers starting from zero, i.e in [0, n).
        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with adjacency matrix shape.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.labels_indices.len(), self.adjacency_matrix.nrows());
        // Assert adjacency matrix is still square.


    fn edges(&self) -> Self::EdgesIter<'_> {

    fn size(&self) -> usize {
        // Check iterator consistency.
        debug_assert_eq!(E!(self).len(), self.size);


    fn has_edge(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        self.adjacency_matrix[[x, y]]

    fn add_edge(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        // If edge already exists ...
        if self.adjacency_matrix[[x, y]] {
            // ... return early.
            return false;

        // Add edge.
        self.adjacency_matrix[[x, y]] = true;
        // Increment size.
        self.size += 1;

        // Assert size counter and adjacency matrix are still consistent.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.size, self.adjacency_matrix.mapv(|f| f as usize).sum());


    fn del_edge(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        // If edge does not exists ...
        if !self.adjacency_matrix[[x, y]] {
            // ... return early.
            return false;

        // Remove edge.
        self.adjacency_matrix[[x, y]] = false;
        // Decrement size.
        self.size -= 1;

        // Assert size counter and adjacency matrix are still consistent.
        debug_assert_eq!(self.size, self.adjacency_matrix.mapv(|f| f as usize).sum());


    fn adjacents(&self, x: usize) -> Self::AdjacentsIter<'_> {
        Self::AdjacentsIter::new(self, x)

    fn is_adjacent(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        // Check using has_edge.
        let f = self.has_edge(x, y) || self.has_edge(y, x);

        // Check iterator consistency.
        debug_assert_eq!(Adj!(self, x).any(|z| z == y), f);


/* Implement DefaultGraph trait. */
impl Default for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            labels: Default::default(),
            labels_indices: Default::default(),
            adjacency_matrix: DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem((0, 0), false),
            size: 0,

impl DefaultGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn empty<V, I>(vertices: I) -> Self
        V: Into<String>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
        // Remove duplicated vertices labels.
        let labels: BTreeSet<_> = vertices.into_iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect();

        // Compute new graph order.
        let order = labels.len();
        // Map vertices labels to vertices indices.
        let labels_indices = labels
            .map(|(i, x)| (x, i))
        // Initialize adjacency matrix given graph order.
        let adjacency_matrix = DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem((order, order), false);

        Self {
            size: 0,

    fn complete<V, I>(vertices: I) -> Self
        V: Into<String>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
        // Remove duplicated vertices labels.
        let labels: BTreeSet<_> = vertices.into_iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect();

        // Compute new graph order.
        let order = labels.len();
        // Map vertices labels to vertices indices.
        let labels_indices = labels
            .map(|(i, x)| (x, i))
        // Initialize adjacency matrix given graph order.
        let mut adjacency_matrix = DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem((order, order), true);
        // Remove self loops.
        adjacency_matrix.diag_mut().map_inplace(|x| *x = false);

        // Compute size.
        let size = order * (order.saturating_sub(1));

        Self {

/* Implement TryFrom traits. */
impl<V> From<EdgeList<V>> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph
    V: Into<String>,
    fn from(edge_list: EdgeList<V>) -> Self {
        Self::new([], edge_list)

impl<V> From<AdjacencyList<V>> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph
    V: Clone + Into<String>,
    fn from(adjacency_list: AdjacencyList<V>) -> Self {
        // Map into vertices.
        let vertices: Vec<_> = adjacency_list.keys().cloned().collect();
        // Map into edges.
        let edges = adjacency_list
            .flat_map(|(x, ys)| std::iter::repeat(x).take(ys.len()).zip(ys.into_iter()));

        Self::new(vertices, edges)

impl<V, I> TryFrom<(I, DenseAdjacencyMatrix)> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph
    V: Into<String>,
    I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
    type Error = E;

    fn try_from(
        (vertices, adjacency_matrix): (I, DenseAdjacencyMatrix),
    ) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        // Remove duplicated vertices labels.
        let labels: BTreeSet<_> = vertices.into_iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect();

        // Check if vertex set is not consistent with given adjacency matrix.
        if labels.len() != adjacency_matrix.nrows() {
            return Err(E::InconsistentMatrix);
        // Check if adjacency matrix is not square.
        if !adjacency_matrix.is_square() {
            return Err(E::NonSquareMatrix);

        // Map vertices labels to vertices indices.
        let labels_indices = labels
            .map(|(i, x)| (x, i))

        // Cast to standard memory layout (i.e. C layout), if not already.
        let adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix.as_standard_layout().into_owned();

        // Compute size.
        let size = adjacency_matrix.mapv(|f| f as usize).sum();

        Ok(Self {

impl<V, I> TryFrom<(I, SparseAdjacencyMatrix)> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph
    V: Into<String>,
    I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
    type Error = E;

    fn try_from(
        (vertices, adjacency_matrix): (I, SparseAdjacencyMatrix),
    ) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        // Allocate dense adjacency matrix.
        let mut dense_adjacency_matrix =
            DenseAdjacencyMatrix::from_elem(adjacency_matrix.shape(), false);
        // Fill dense adjacency matrix from sparse triplets.
        for (&f, (i, j)) in adjacency_matrix.triplet_iter() {
            dense_adjacency_matrix[[i, j]] = f;
        // Delegate constructor to dense adjacency matrix constructor.
        Self::try_from((vertices, dense_adjacency_matrix))

/* Implement Into traits. */

impl Into<EdgeList<String>> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn into(self) -> EdgeList<String> {
            .map(|(x, y)| (self.label(x).into(), self.label(y).into()))

impl Into<AdjacencyList<String>> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn into(self) -> AdjacencyList<String> {
            .map(|x| {
                    Adj!(self, x).map(|y| self.label(y).into()).collect(),

impl Into<(BTreeSet<String>, DenseAdjacencyMatrix)> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn into(self) -> (BTreeSet<String>, DenseAdjacencyMatrix) {
        (self.labels, self.adjacency_matrix)

impl Into<(BTreeSet<String>, SparseAdjacencyMatrix)> for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn into(self) -> (BTreeSet<String>, SparseAdjacencyMatrix) {
        // Get upper bound capacity.
        let size = self.size * 2;
        // Allocate triplets indices.
        let (mut rows, mut cols) = (Vec::with_capacity(size), Vec::with_capacity(size));
        // Build triplets indices.
        for ((i, j), &f) in self.adjacency_matrix.indexed_iter() {
            if f {
        // Shrink triplets indices to actual capacity.
        // Build data vector.
        let data: Vec<_> = std::iter::repeat(true).take(rows.len()).collect();
        // Construct sparse adjacency matrix.
        let sparse_adjacency_matrix =
            SparseAdjacencyMatrix::from_triplets(self.adjacency_matrix.dim(), rows, cols, data);

        (self.labels, sparse_adjacency_matrix)

/* Implement PartialOrdGraph trait. */
impl PartialEq for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        // Check that V(\mathcal{G}) == V(\mathcal{H}) && E(\mathcal{G}) == E(\mathcal{H}).
        self.labels.eq(&other.labels) && self.adjacency_matrix.eq(&other.adjacency_matrix)

impl Eq for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {}

impl PartialOrd for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
        // Compare vertices sets.
        let lhs: HashSet<_> = V!(self).map(|x| self.label(x)).collect();
        let rhs: HashSet<_> = V!(other).map(|x| other.label(x)).collect();
        // If the vertices sets are comparable ...
        partial_cmp_sets!(lhs, rhs).and_then(|vertices| {
            // ... compare edges sets.
            let lhs: HashSet<_> = E!(self)
                .map(|(x, y)| (self.label(x), self.label(y)))
            let rhs: HashSet<_> = E!(other)
                .map(|(x, y)| (other.label(x), other.label(y)))
            // If the edges sets are comparable ...
            partial_cmp_sets!(lhs, rhs).and_then(|edges| {
                // ... then return ordering.
                match (vertices, edges) {
                    // If vertices and edges are the same, then ordering is determined.
                    (Ordering::Greater, Ordering::Greater) => Some(Ordering::Greater),
                    (Ordering::Less, Ordering::Less) => Some(Ordering::Less),
                    // If either vertices or edges are equal, the rest determines the order.
                    (_, Ordering::Equal) => Some(vertices),
                    (Ordering::Equal, _) => Some(edges),
                    // Every other combination does not determine an order.
                    _ => None,

impl PartialOrdGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {}

/* Implement SubGraph trait. */
impl SubGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn subgraph<I, J>(&self, vertices: I, edges: J) -> Self
        I: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
        J: IntoIterator<Item = (usize, usize)>,
        // Initialize new indices.
        let mut indices = vec![false; self.order()];
        // Add the required vertices.
        for x in vertices {
            indices[x] = true;

        // Initialize a new adjacency matrix.
        let mut adjacency_matrix = Self::Data::from_elem(self.adjacency_matrix.dim(), false);
        // Fill the adjacency matrix.
        for (x, y) in edges {
            // Add the edge.
            adjacency_matrix[[x, y]] = true;
            // Add the vertices.
            indices[x] = true;
            indices[y] = true;

        // Map the indices.
        let indices: Vec<_> = indices
            .filter_map(|(i, f)| match f {
                true => Some(i),
                false => None,

        // Get minor of matrix.
        let adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix
            .select(Axis(0), &indices)
            .select(Axis(1), &indices);

        // Get vertices labels.
        let vertices = indices.into_iter().map(|x| self.label(x));

        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with adjacency matrix shape.
        debug_assert_eq!(vertices.len(), adjacency_matrix.nrows());
        // Assert adjacency matrix is still square.

        // Build subgraph from vertices and adjacency matrix.
        Self::try_from((vertices, adjacency_matrix)).unwrap()

    fn subgraph_by_vertices<I>(&self, vertices: I) -> Self
        I: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
        // Remove duplicated vertices identifiers.
        let indices: BTreeSet<_> = vertices.into_iter().collect();
        // Cast to vector of indices.
        let indices: Vec<_> = indices.into_iter().collect();

        // Get minor of matrix.
        let adjacency_matrix = self
            .select(Axis(0), &indices)
            .select(Axis(1), &indices);

        // Get vertices labels.
        let vertices = indices.into_iter().map(|x| self.label(x));

        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with adjacency matrix shape.
        debug_assert_eq!(vertices.len(), adjacency_matrix.nrows());
        // Assert adjacency matrix is still square.

        // Build subgraph from vertices and adjacency matrix.
        Self::try_from((vertices, adjacency_matrix)).unwrap()

    fn subgraph_by_edges<J>(&self, edges: J) -> Self
        J: IntoIterator<Item = (usize, usize)>,
        // Initialize new indices.
        let mut indices = vec![false; self.order()];

        // Initialize a new adjacency matrix.
        let mut adjacency_matrix = Self::Data::from_elem(self.adjacency_matrix.dim(), false);
        // Fill the adjacency matrix.
        for (x, y) in edges {
            // Add the edge.
            adjacency_matrix[[x, y]] = true;
            // Add the vertices.
            indices[x] = true;
            indices[y] = true;

        // Map the indices.
        let indices: Vec<_> = indices
            .filter_map(|(i, f)| match f {
                true => Some(i),
                false => None,

        // Get minor of matrix.
        let adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix
            .select(Axis(0), &indices)
            .select(Axis(1), &indices);

        // Get vertices labels.
        let vertices = indices.into_iter().map(|x| self.label(x));

        // Assert vertex set is still consistent with adjacency matrix shape.
        debug_assert_eq!(vertices.len(), adjacency_matrix.nrows());
        // Assert adjacency matrix is still square.

        // Build subgraph from vertices and adjacency matrix.
        Self::try_from((vertices, adjacency_matrix)).unwrap()

/* Implement DirectedGraph trait. */

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
pub struct AncestorsIterator<'a> {
    g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: FilterMap<
        Enumerate<<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<bool>, Dim<[usize; 1]>> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>,
        fn((usize, bool)) -> Option<usize>,

impl<'a> AncestorsIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph, x: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            iter: {
                // Get underlying adjacency matrix.
                let adjacency_matrix = g.deref();
                // Initialize previous solution.
                let mut prev = Array1::from_elem((adjacency_matrix.ncols(),), false);
                // Get current ancestors set, i.e. parents set.
                let mut curr = adjacency_matrix.column(x).to_owned();

                // Check stopping criterion.
                while curr != prev {
                    // Update previous.
                    // Select current parents.
                    let next = adjacency_matrix & &curr;
                    // Collapse new parents.
                    let next = next.fold_axis(Axis(1), false, |acc, f| acc | f);
                    // Accumulate new parents.
                    curr = curr | next;

                curr.into_iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(x, f)| match f {
                    true => Some(x),
                    false => None,

impl<'a> Iterator for AncestorsIterator<'a> {
    type Item = usize;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

impl<'a> FusedIterator for AncestorsIterator<'a> {}

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
pub struct ParentsIterator<'a> {
    g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: FilterMap<
        Enumerate<ndarray::iter::Iter<'a, bool, Dim<[usize; 1]>>>,
        fn((usize, &bool)) -> Option<usize>,

impl<'a> ParentsIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph, x: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            iter: g
                .filter_map(|(i, &f)| match f {
                    true => Some(i),
                    false => None,

impl<'a> Iterator for ParentsIterator<'a> {
    type Item = usize;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

impl<'a> FusedIterator for ParentsIterator<'a> {}

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
pub struct ChildrenIterator<'a> {
    g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: FilterMap<
        Enumerate<ndarray::iter::Iter<'a, bool, Dim<[usize; 1]>>>,
        fn((usize, &bool)) -> Option<usize>,

impl<'a> ChildrenIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph, x: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            iter: g
                .filter_map(|(i, &f)| match f {
                    true => Some(i),
                    false => None,

impl<'a> Iterator for ChildrenIterator<'a> {
    type Item = usize;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

impl<'a> FusedIterator for ChildrenIterator<'a> {}

#[allow(dead_code, clippy::type_complexity)]
pub struct DescendantsIterator<'a> {
    g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph,
    iter: FilterMap<
        Enumerate<<ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<bool>, Dim<[usize; 1]>> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>,
        fn((usize, bool)) -> Option<usize>,

impl<'a> DescendantsIterator<'a> {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(g: &'a DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph, x: usize) -> Self {
        Self {
            iter: {
                // Get underlying adjacency matrix.
                let adjacency_matrix = g.deref();
                // Initialize previous solution.
                let mut prev = Array1::from_elem((adjacency_matrix.ncols(),), false);
                // Get current ancestors set, i.e. parents set.
                let mut curr = adjacency_matrix.row(x).to_owned();

                // Check stopping criterion.
                while curr != prev {
                    // Update previous.
                    // Select current parents.
                    let next = &adjacency_matrix.t() & &curr;
                    // Collapse new parents.
                    let next = next.fold_axis(Axis(1), false, |acc, f| acc | f);
                    // Accumulate new parents.
                    curr = curr | next;

                curr.into_iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(x, f)| match f {
                    true => Some(x),
                    false => None,

impl<'a> Iterator for DescendantsIterator<'a> {
    type Item = usize;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

impl<'a> FusedIterator for DescendantsIterator<'a> {}

impl DirectedGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    type AncestorsIter<'a> = AncestorsIterator<'a>;

    type ParentsIter<'a> = ParentsIterator<'a>;

    type ChildrenIter<'a> = ChildrenIterator<'a>;

    type DescendantsIter<'a> = DescendantsIterator<'a>;

    fn ancestors(&self, x: usize) -> Self::AncestorsIter<'_> {
        Self::AncestorsIter::new(self, x)

    fn parents(&self, x: usize) -> Self::ParentsIter<'_> {
        Self::ParentsIter::new(self, x)

    fn is_parent(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        self.adjacency_matrix[[y, x]]

    fn children(&self, x: usize) -> Self::ChildrenIter<'_> {
        Self::ChildrenIter::new(self, x)

    fn is_child(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        self.adjacency_matrix[[x, y]]

    fn descendants(&self, x: usize) -> Self::DescendantsIter<'_> {
        Self::DescendantsIter::new(self, x)

    fn in_degree(&self, x: usize) -> usize {
        // Compute in-degree.
        let d = self.adjacency_matrix.column(x).mapv(|f| f as usize).sum();

        // Check iterator consistency.
        debug_assert_eq!(Pa!(self, x).count(), d);


    fn out_degree(&self, x: usize) -> usize {
        // Compute out-degree.
        let d = self.adjacency_matrix.row(x).mapv(|f| f as usize).sum();

        // Check iterator consistency.
        debug_assert_eq!(Ch!(self, x).count(), d);


/* Implement PathGraph */
impl PathGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    fn has_path(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
        self.has_edge(x, y) || BFS::from((self, x)).skip(1).any(|z| z == y)

    fn is_acyclic(&self) -> bool {
        !DFSEdges::new(self, None, Traversal::Forest).any(|e| matches!(e, DFSEdge::Back(_, _)))

impl IntoUndirectedGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    type UndirectedGraph = UndirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph;

    fn to_undirected(&self) -> Self::UndirectedGraph {
        // Make the adjacent matrix symmetric.
        let adjacency_matrix = &self.adjacency_matrix | &self.adjacency_matrix.t();

        Self::UndirectedGraph::try_from((self.labels.clone(), adjacency_matrix)).unwrap()

impl MoralGraph for DirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph {
    type MoralGraph = UndirectedDenseAdjacencyMatrixGraph;

    fn moral(&self) -> Self::MoralGraph {
        // Make an undirected copy of the current graph.
        let mut h = self.to_undirected();
        // For each vertex ...
        for x in V!(self) {
            // ... for each pair of parents ...
            for e in Pa!(self, x).combinations(2) {
                // ... add an edge between them.
                h.add_edge(e[0], e[1]);
