catj 0.2.0

A light process isolation sandbox used for competitive programming contest
//! A light process isolation sandbox used for Competitive Programming contest.
//! ## Features
//! + [cgroups]( Record cpu and memory usage (may fall back to [getrusage](
//! + [mount]( and [chroot]( Created an isolated file system
//! + [setrlimit]( Set resource limits (cpu, address size, stack size, file size)
//! + [setuid]( and [setgid]( Run submission under another user and group
//! + [ptrace]( Filter submission syscall
//! > **Note**
//! >
//! > To enable all of above features, it is highly recommended to use it under the **root** user, otherwise it may fall back automatically.
//! ## Usage
//! ```bash
//! # Compile C++ source code
//! $ catj compile ./fixtures/aplusb/source/ac.cpp -o a.out
//! # Run a.out
//! $ catj run --stdin ./fixtures/aplusb/testcases/ --read . -- ./a.out
//! 2
//! # Generate report
//! $ catj --report run --stdin ./fixtures/aplusb/testcases/ --stdout ./sub.out --read . -- ./a.out
//! # or
//! $ catj -r run -i ./fixtures/aplusb/testcases/ -o ./sub.out -R . -- ./a.out
//! Status     0
//! Signal     ✓
//! Time       1 ms
//! Time user  1 ms
//! Time sys   0 ms
//! Memory     0 KB
//! ```

pub use catbox::run;
pub use context::{CatBox, CatBoxBuilder, CatBoxOption, CatBoxOptionBuilder, CatBoxResult};
pub use error::CatBoxError;
pub use syscall::{RestrictedSyscall, SyscallFilter};

mod catbox;
mod cgroup;
pub mod context;
mod error;
mod syscall;
mod utils;