pub unsafe extern "C" fn CalcModelPredictionFlat(
    modelHandle: *mut ModelCalcerHandle,
    docCount: size_t,
    floatFeatures: *mut *const f32,
    floatFeaturesSize: size_t,
    result: *mut f64,
    resultSize: size_t
) -> bool
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Use this method only if you really understand what you want. Calculate raw model predictions on flat feature vectors Flat here means that float features and categorical feature are in the same float array. @param calcer model handle @param docCount number of objects @param floatFeatures array of array of float (first dimension is object index, second if feature index) @param floatFeaturesSize float values array size @param result pointer to user allocated results vector @param resultSize Result size should be equal to modelApproxDimension * docCount (e.g. for non multiclass models should be equal to docCount) @return false if error occured