catalog 0.1.0

A file-based map to store key/value pairs in a file and get them using binary search


A "file-backed" map, which inserts keys and values into a file in O(n) time, and gets the values in O(log-n) time using binary search and file seeking. For now, it only supports (hashable) keys and values that implement the Display and FromStr traits (i.e., those which can be converted to string and parsed back from string). This will change to serialization in the near future.

See the module documentation for more information.


Note that this is still experimental, and so use it at your own risk!

Add the following to your Cargo.toml...

git = ""
version = "*"

Have a look at the detailed example for the precise usage.


  • documentation and examples
  • serialize the values, so that all (serializable) types can be supported
  • add more methods required for maps
  • maintain a separate thread for file-writing, so that we don't block on insertion