cataclysm 0.2.0-alpha.2

A simple http framework

Cataclysm. A simple rust http server

Work in progress: The work is completely unusable in its current state, but updates will come soon until a full HTTP/1.1 server is functional. This legend will be removed when such a state is reached.

Cataclysm is an http framework influenced by actix-web, and built over tokio. A minimal working example is the following

extern crate cataclysm;

use cataclysm::{Server, Branch, http::{Response, Method}};

async fn hello() -> Response {

async fn main() {
    let server = Server::builder(

Closures as callbacks

Until async closures become stable, the option to pass closures as a path handler is with a closure that returns an async block

let server = Server::builder(
    Branch::new("/data").with(|data: Vec<u8>| async {
        // Do something with data
        // ...


Some data can be retrieved from an http request by just adding arguments to the callback, with types that implement the Extractor trait. The default implementation list is the following

  • String: Tries to extract the body as a valid utf-8 string. Returns Bad-Request if the operation fails
  • Vec<u8>: Returns the content of the http call as a stream of bytes
  • Request: Returns the request for a bit more control within the callback
  • Path<T>: Returns the parameters from the path. T must be a tuple.


Cataclysm allows for layer handling, a.k.a. middleware.

let path = Branch::new("/hello")
    .layer(|req: Request, pipeline: Box<Pipeline>| async {
        // Example of timing layer / middleware
        let now = std::time::Instant::now();
        // Execute the deeper layers of the pipeline
        let response = pipeline.execute(req).await;
        // Measure and print time
        let elapsed = now.elapsed().as_nanos();
        info!("Process time: {} ns", elapsed);
        // We return the request for further possible processing.

As seen in the example, layer functions receive a Request and a boxed Pipeline enum. The Pipeline enum contains a nested structure of futures (the layers + the core handler), and has the execute to simplify things a bit. This function must return a Pin<Box<_>> future, so either use the boxed method from the FutureExt trait from the futures crate, or wrap it manually.


  • Regex with / cause problems in branch creation (fix with queue implementation for "{", "}" detection)