cat_engine 0.6.1

A 2D graphics engine with audio output support
# ![logo]

# CatEngine [![Crate badge]][] [![Doc badge]][]

[Crate badge]:

[Doc badge]:

A 2D graphics engine with audio support for Windows and Linux.

Uses OpenGL 2.0 and above.

Supported platforms:
 - Windows, Linux
 - Mac, iOS might work anyway

#### Features

You can disable some unnecessary modules with Rust features (see [list of features](book/EN/

#### Dependencies

 - Graphics - [glium]
 - Images - [image]
 - Fonts - [ttf-parser] and [ab_glyph_rasterizer]
 - Audio - [cat_audio]

If you use audio feature, alsa delevopment libraries are required for Linux: `libasound2-dev` for Debian and Ubuntu, `alsa-lib-devel` for Fedora (see [cpal](

<!-- ## [My own game]( -->

## [Release notes]RELEASE-NOTES.MD

## [Pre-release]

## [The book]book/README.MD