cat_engine 0.4.3

A 2D graphics engine with audio output support
# 2D графический движок с поддержкой аудио. A 2D graphics engine with audio support. ``` use cat_engine::{ DefaultWindow, Window, WindowEvent }; fn main(){ // Default settings let mut window=Window::new(|_,_|{}).unwrap(); while let Some(event)=window.next_event(){ match event{ WindowEvent::Exit=>break, WindowEvent::Draw=>{ window.draw(|_,g|{ g.clear_colour([1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]); }).unwrap(); } _=>{} } } } ``` Modifying the window. ``` let wi=window.display().gl_window(); let w=wi.window(); w.set_minimized(false); w.set_visible(false); ```