cat_engine 0.3.1

A 2D graphics engine with audio output support
optional = true
version = "0.11.0"

version = "0.27.0"

version = "0.23.7"

optional = true
version = "0.3.5"

optional = true
version = "0.9.2"

alpha_smoothing = []
audio = ["cpal", "minimp3"]
auto_hide = []
default = ["text_graphics", "simple_graphics", "texture_graphics"]
file_drop = []
fps_counter = []
lazy = []
mouse_cursor_icon = ["texture_graphics"]
simple_graphics = []
text_graphics = ["rusttype"]
texture_graphics = []

authors = ["Clomance <>"]
description = "A 2D graphics engine with audio output support"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
exclude = ["LICENSE", ".gitignore", "Cargo.lock", "logo_400x400.png", "logo.png", "examples", "book", "RELEASE-NOTES.MD"]
homepage = ""
keywords = ["graphics", "opengl", "audio", "playback"]
license = "MIT"
name = "cat_engine"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.3.1"
features = ["default", "audio", "mouse_cursor_icon", "auto_hide", "fps_counter", "alpha_smoothing", "file_drop"]