casual_logger 0.3.8

This logger with **few settings** to repeat practice of many programming tutorials. Not for product use.
# casual_logger

This logger with **few settings** to repeat practice of many programming tutorials.  
Not for product use.  


//! You can copy and paste and use immediately.

use casual_logger::Log;

fn main() {

    Log::infoln("Hello, world!!");



`default-2020-07-15.log.toml` automatically generated.  

["Now=2020-07-15 17:52:36&Pid=10328&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=1"]
Info = "Hello, world!!\r\n"


## Abstract

The concept used by beginners.

### 1. Used in one example, throw away

* **There is no** configuration file.
* **Rotate** log by date automatically.
* **Delete** old log files. (semi-automatic)
* Log files can **only be placed** in the working directory.
* Only write to **1 file**.

### 2. Human readable log

* TOML does not spoil it.

### 3. Possibility as a tutorial

* **Short introduction**.
* Write the log as a TOML table, it can be **easily parsed**.

### Disclaim

* (1) In trade off for running performance:
  * **Don't forget wait** for logging to complete at **end of program**.
  * There is a waiting time of **1 second or more** before the logger ends.
* (2) In trade off for ease of introduction:
  * You can break the toml format. **Do not validate**.
* (3) In trade off for intelligence suggestion by text editor:
  * It **differs** from the standard Rust log interface.
* (4) In trade off for not stopping running:
  * If the log export fails, the **error is ignored**.

### Tested environment

* OS: `Windows 10`.
* Editor: `Visual studio code`.

## At first, Overall view

Your code:  

//! All features are described in one copy and paste.

use casual_logger::{Extension, Level, Log, Table, LOGGER};

fn main() {
    // Example of Log file name:
    //      'tic-tac-toe-2020-07-11.log.toml'
    //       -----------
    //       Prefix     -----------
    //                  StartDate  ----
    //                             Suffix
    //                                 -----
    //                                 Extention
    // - StartDate is automatically added.
    // Set the prefix with 'set_file_name' method.
    // Log file extension.
    // '.log.toml' or '.log'.
    // '.log' for safety, include a word that
    // clearly states that you can delete the file.
    // If you don't like the .toml extension, change.
    // The higher this level, the more will be omitted.
    // |<-- Low Level --------------------- High level -->|
    // |<-- High priority --------------- Low priority -->|
    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|

    // Remove old log files. This is determined by the
    // StartDate in the filename.

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // Do not call 'Log::xxxxx()' in this code block.

        // Wait for seconds logging to complete.
        // By default it's set to 30 seconds,
        // so you probably don't need to set it.
        logger.timeout_secs = 30;
        // Set to true to allow Casual_logger to
        // output information to stdout and stderr.
        // By default it's set to false,
        // so you probably don't need to set it.
        logger.development = true;
    // Remove old log files. This is determined by the
    // StartDate in the filename.

    // Multi-line string.
    // The suffix "ln" adds a newline at the end.
        "Hello, world!!

    // After explicitly checking the level.
    if Log::enabled(Level::Info) {
        let x = 100; // Time-consuming preparation, here.
        Log::infoln(&format!("x is {}.", x));

    // The level is implicitly confirmed.
    Log::trace("( 1)TRACE");
    Log::traceln("( 2)trace-line");
    Log::debug("( 3)DEBUG");
    Log::debugln("( 4)debug-line");
    Log::info("( 5)INFO");
    Log::infoln("( 6)info-line");
    Log::notice("( 7)NOTICE");
    Log::noticeln("( 8)notice-line");
    Log::warn("( 9)WARN");

    // Fatal is Panic! Can be used as the first argument of.
    // panic!(Log::fatal(&format!("Invalid number=|{}|", 99)));

    // Suffix '_t'. TOML say a table. So-called map.
        "The sky is from top to bottom!!
                // Do not include spaces in your key.
                "fly in the sky.",
            // Not enclose this value in quotation marks.
            .literal("NumberOfSwimmingFish", "2")
a tall

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |                                             *****|

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (7)Trace.");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (7)Trace.");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (7)Trace.");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (7)Trace.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (7)Trace.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (7)Trace.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (7)Trace.");

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |                                      *****       |

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (6)debug. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (6)debug.");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (6)debug.");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (6)debug.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (6)debug.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (6)debug.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (6)debug.");

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |                               *****              |

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (5)Info. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (5)Info. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (5)Info.");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (5)Info.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (5)Info.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (5)Info.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (5)Info.");

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |                      ******                      |

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (4)Notice. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (4)Notice. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (4)Notice. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (4)Notice.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (4)Notice.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (4)Notice.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (4)Notice.");

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |               ****                               |

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (3)Warn.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (3)Warn.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (3)Warn.");

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |       *****                                      |

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (2)Error.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (2)Error.");

    // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    // |*****                                             |

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (1)Fatal.");

    // Wait for logging to complete or to timeout.

Output `./tic-tac-toe-2020-07-15.log.toml` auto generated:  

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=1"]
Info = """
Hello, world!!

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=2"]
Info = "x is 100.\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=3"]
Trace = "( 1)TRACE"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=4"]
Trace = "( 2)trace-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=5"]
Debug = "( 3)DEBUG"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=6"]
Debug = "( 4)debug-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=7"]
Info = "( 5)INFO"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=8"]
Info = "( 6)info-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=9"]
Notice = "( 7)NOTICE"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=10"]
Notice = "( 8)notice-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=11"]
Warn = "( 9)WARN"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=12"]
Warn = "(10)warn-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=13"]
Error = "(11)ERROR"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=14"]
Error = "(12)error-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:17&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=15"]
Fatal = "(13)FATAL"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:18&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=16"]
Fatal = "(14)fatal-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=17"]
Info = """
The sky is from top to bottom!!
ABird = "fly in the sky."
NumberOfSwimmingFish = 2
ThreeMonkeys = """
a tall

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=18"]
Trace = "(7)Trace on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=19"]
Debug = "(6)Debug on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=20"]
Info = "(5)Info on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=21"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=22"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=23"]
Error = "(2)Error on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:19&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=24"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:20&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=25"]
Debug = "(6)Debug on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:20&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=26"]
Info = "(5)Info on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:20&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=27"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:20&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=28"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:20&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=29"]
Error = "(2)Error on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:20&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=30"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:21&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=31"]
Info = "(5)Info on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:21&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=32"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:21&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=33"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:21&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=34"]
Error = "(2)Error on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:21&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=35"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:22&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=36"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:22&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=37"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:22&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=38"]
Error = "(2)Error on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:22&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=39"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:23&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=40"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (3)Warn."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:23&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=41"]
Error = "(2)Error on (3)Warn."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:23&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=42"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (3)Warn."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:24&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=43"]
Error = "(2)Error on (2)Error."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:24&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=44"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (2)Error."

["Now=2020-07-15 18:21:25&Pid=10432&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=45"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (1)Fatal."


Output to terminal:  

casual_logger: 0 sec(s). 15 table(s) left.
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 1 thread(s).
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). 3 table(s) left.
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 1 thread(s).
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 5 thread(s).
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 4 thread(s).
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 3 thread(s).
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 2 thread(s).
casual_logger: 0 sec(s). Wait for 1 thread(s).

It is designed to use `Log::fatal()` as the first argument for `panic!()`. It is the abnormal termination of the program. There is a waiting time.  

## At second, Description


use casual_logger::{Extension, Level, Log, Table, LOGGER};

At the timing of the first writing, a file with a  
time stamp in its name is automatically generated.  
For example: `./tic-tac-toe-2020-07-12.log.toml`  

### File name

| Part          | Name      | Description       | Default   |
| ------------- | --------- | ----------------- | --------- |
| `./`          | file path | Working directory |           |
|               |           | only.             |           |
| `tic-tac-toe` | Prefix    | Editable.         | `default` |
| `-2020-07-12` | StartDate | Auto generated.   |           |
| `.log`        | Suffix    | Editable.         | `.log`    |
| `.toml`       | Extension | Editable.         | `.toml`   |

It is difficult to explain the **file path** for beginners.  
Therefore, it does not move.  

Excite yourself with a **prefix**.  

**StartDate** is basically today.  
If the rotation fails, it is the start date.

**Suffix** to be safe, include a word that  
clearly states that you can delete the file.  

If you don't like the .toml **extension**, leave  
the suffix empty and the .log extension.  


| Enum      | String      | Description                  | Default |
| --------- | ----------- | ---------------------------- | ------- |
| `Log`     | `.log`      | For logs that are too large  |         |
|           |             | to be colored in the editor. |         |
| `LogToml` | `.log.toml` | Toml format.                 | Default |

Set up, Code:  

fn main() {
    // ...

    // Prefix.
    // Extension.

    // ...

### Log rotation




* `retention_days` is 2.
* Today is 2020-07-12.
* Call `Log::remove_old_logs()` method.
* The `./default-2020-07-09.log.toml` file will be deleted.
* The `./default-2020-07-10.log.toml` remains.
* Delete old files by date in filename.

| Name             | Description                | Default |
| ---------------- | -------------------------- | ------- |
| `retention_days` | After this number of days, | `7`     |
|                  | the file will be deleted.  |         |

### Log level



| Name    | Description            | Default |
| ------- | ---------------------- | ------- |
| `level` | Used to switch between | `Trace` |
|         | write and non-write.   |         |


* There are 7 log levels.
  * `|Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|`
  * `|<-- Small ------------------------------ Large -->|`
  * `|<-- Concise -------------------------- Verbose -->|`
  * `|<-- Low Level --------------------- High level -->|`
  * `|<-- High priority --------------- Low priority -->|`

| Level    | Examle of use.                                     |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| `Fatal`  | If the program cannot continue.                    |
| `Error`  | I didn't get the expected result,                  |
|          | so I'll continue with the other method.            |
| `Warn`   | It will be abnormal soon,                          |
|          | but there is no problem and you can ignore it.     |
|          | For example:                                       |
|          | (1) He reported that it took longer to access      |
|          | than expected.                                     |
|          | (2) Report that capacity is approaching the limit. |
| `Notice` | It must be enabled in the server production        |
|          | environment.                                       |
|          | Record of passing important points correctly.      |
|          | We are monitoring that it is working properly.     |
| `Info`   | Report highlights.                                 |
|          | Everything that needs to be reported regularly in  |
|          | the production environment.                        |
| `Debug`  | It should be in a place with many accidents.       |
|          | This level is disabled in production environments. |
|          | Leave it in the source and enable it for           |
|          | troubleshooting.                                   |
|          | Often, this is the production level of a desktop   |
|          | operating environment.                             |
| `Trace`  | Not included in the distribution.                  |
|          | Remove this level from the source after using it   |
|          | for debugging.                                     |
|          | If you want to find a bug in the program,          |
|          | write a lot.                                       |


    // Multi-line string.
    // The suffix "ln" adds a newline at the end.
        "Hello, world!!

    // After explicitly checking the level.
    if Log::enabled(Level::Info) {
        let x = 100; // Time-consuming preparation, here.
        Log::infoln(&format!("x is {}.", x));

    // The level is implicitly confirmed.
    Log::trace("( 1)TRACE");
    Log::traceln("( 2)trace-line");
    Log::debug("( 3)DEBUG");
    Log::debugln("( 4)debug-line");
    Log::info("( 5)INFO");
    Log::infoln("( 6)info-line");
    Log::notice("( 7)NOTICE");
    Log::noticeln("( 8)notice-line");
    Log::warn("( 9)WARN");

A piece of advice.  

    // Fatal is Panic! Can be used as the first argument of.
    panic!(Log::fatal(&format!("Invalid number=|{}|", 99)));

Fatal returns a string so you can try to record a panic message.  
However, the last log may not be written if the program exits first.  
So there is a **timeout_secs** parameter.


    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // Wait for seconds logging to complete.
        // By default it's set to 30 seconds,
        // so you probably don't need to set it.
        logger.timeout_secs = 30;

### Usage of Table

| Static method | Description        |
| ------------- | ------------------ |
| `::default()` | Create a instance. |

| Instance method        | Description                    |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `.str(key, value)`     | Insert a string.               |
|                        | Multi-line string are          |
|                        | output with multiple lines.    |
| `.literal(key, value)` | Not enclose this value in      |
|                        | quotation marks.               |
|                        | You can break the toml format. |
|                        | Do not validate.               |

Do not include spaces in the **key**. TOML collapses.  

It is difficult to explain to beginners how to use TOML.  
If you make a TOML that cannot be parsed **literal**ly,  
please correct it.  


    // Suffix '_t'. TOML say a table. So-called map.
        "The sky is from top to bottom!!
                // Do not include spaces in your key.
                "fly in the sky.",
            // Not enclose this value in quotation marks.
            .literal("NumberOfSwimmingFish", "2")
a tall


["Now=2020-07-12 18:35:23&Pid=20872&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=18"]
Info = """
The sky is from top to bottom!!
ABird = "fly in the sky."
NumberOfSwimmingFish = 2
ThreeMonkeys = """
a tall


### Don't forget wait for logging to complete at end of program


    // Wait for logging to complete or to timeout.

If you do not wait,  
the program will exit before writing all the logs.  


* [ ] Dogfooding.
* [ ] More minimal.

## Appendix

### Customize method


use casual_logger::Log;

pub trait LogExt {
    fn println(s: &str);
impl LogExt for Log {
    /// Info level logging and add print to stdout.
    fn println(s: &str) {
        println!("{}", s);


use crate::LogExt;

pub fn test() {
    Log::println("Hello, world!!");