casual_logger 0.3.0

A logger used when practicing the example programs. Only write to file, rotate by date.


There are only features that are used for self-study of programming examples.
Not for production, but better than not logging anything.


  • Rotate log by date.
  • Delete old log files. (semi-automatic)
  • Write the log as a TOML table. A human-readable format that can be analyzed by a computer.

Not interested:

  • Only write to 1 file on working directory.
  • The file path cannot be set.
  • There is no configuration file.

Do you have this problem?

I wanted to self-learn short programming with a logger, but setting up a logger is difficult than that short programming. For example, a tic-tac-toe program. The logging period is short.

Writing a log parser is tedious.

This logger solves the problem in this way.

(Problem-1 solution)
All features are described in one copy and paste. See "At second, Overall" view below.

(Problem-2 solution)
Write the log as a TOML table. A human-readable format that can be analyzed by a computer.

At first, Disclaim

  • It differs from the standard Rust log interface.
  • Ignore performance for ease of use and ease of explanation.
  • You can break the toml format. Do not validate.
  • Depending on the version of this program, the log writing order may be unstable. Check the serial "Seq" number.
  • If the log export fails, the error is ignored and it continues.
  • There is a waiting time of 1 second or more before the logger ends.
  • Don't forget wait for logging to complete at end of program.

At second, Overall view

Your code:

//! All features are described in one copy and paste.

use casual_logger::{Level, Log, Table, LOGGER};

fn main() {
    let remove_num = if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // Do not call 'Log::xxxxx()' in this code block.
        // Set file name.
        // All: 'tic-tac-toe-2020-07-11.log.toml'
        // Prefix: 'tic-tac-toe'
        // StartDate: '-2020-07-11' automatically.
        // Suffix: '.log' - To be safe, include a word that
        //         clearly states that you can delete the file.
        // Extention: '.toml'
        // If you don't like the .toml extension, leave the
        // suffix empty and the .log extension.
        logger.set_file_name("tic-tac-toe", ".log", ".toml");

        logger.retention_days = 2;
        // The higher this level, the more will be omitted.
        // |<-- Low Level --------------------- High level -->|
        // |<-- High priority --------------- Low priority -->|
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        logger.level = Level::Trace;

        // Wait for seconds logging to complete when fatal.
        // By default it's set to 30 seconds,
        // so you probably don't need to set it.
        logger.fatal_timeout_secs = 30;

        // Remove old log files. This is determined by the
        // StartDate in the filename.
    } else {
        // Setup failed. Continue with the default settings.
    Log::noticeln(&format!("Remove {} files.", remove_num));

    // Multi-line string.
    // The suffix "ln" adds a newline at the end.
        "Hello, world!!

    // After explicitly checking the level.
    if Log::enabled(Level::Info) {
        let x = 100; // Time-consuming preparation, here.
        Log::infoln(&format!("x is {}.", x));

    // The level is implicitly confirmed.
    Log::trace("( 1)TRACE");
    Log::traceln("( 2)trace-line");
    Log::debug("( 3)DEBUG");
    Log::debugln("( 4)debug-line");
    Log::info("( 5)INFO");
    Log::infoln("( 6)info-line");
    Log::notice("( 7)NOTICE");
    Log::noticeln("( 8)notice-line");
    Log::warn("( 9)WARN");

    // Fatal is Panic! Can be used as the first argument of.
    // panic!(Log::fatal(&format!("Invalid number=|{}|", 99)));

    // Suffix '_t'. TOML say a table. So-called map.
        "The sky is from top to bottom!!
                // Do not include spaces in your key.
                "fly in the sky.",
            // Not enclose this value in quotation marks.
            .literal("NumberOfSwimmingFish", "2")
a tall

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |                                             *****|
        logger.level = Level::Trace;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (7)Trace.");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (7)Trace.");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (7)Trace.");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (7)Trace.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (7)Trace.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (7)Trace.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (7)Trace.");

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |                                      *****       |
        logger.level = Level::Debug;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (6)debug. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (6)debug.");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (6)debug.");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (6)debug.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (6)debug.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (6)debug.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (6)debug.");

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |                               *****              |
        logger.level = Level::Info;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (5)Info. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (5)Info. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (5)Info.");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (5)Info.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (5)Info.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (5)Info.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (5)Info.");

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |                      ******                      |
        logger.level = Level::Notice;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (4)Notice. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (4)Notice. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (4)Notice. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (4)Notice.");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (4)Notice.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (4)Notice.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (4)Notice.");

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |               ****                               |
        logger.level = Level::Warn;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (3)Warn. Skip!");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (3)Warn.");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (3)Warn.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (3)Warn.");

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |       *****                                      |
        logger.level = Level::Error;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (2)Error. Skip!");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (2)Error.");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (2)Error.");

    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
        // |*****                                             |
        logger.level = Level::Fatal;

    Log::trace("(7)Trace on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::debug("(6)Debug on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::info("(5)Info on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::notice("(4)Notice on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::warn("(3)Warn on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::error("(2)Error on (1)Fatal. Skip!");
    Log::fatal("(1)Fatal on (1)Fatal.");

    // Wait for logging to complete. Time out 30 seconds.
    Log::wait_for_logging_to_complete(30, |secs, message| {
        // Do not call 'Log::xxxxx()' in this code block.
        println!("{} sec(s). {}", secs, message);

Output ./default-2020-07-14.log.toml auto generated:

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=1"]
Notice = "Remove 0 files.\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=2"]
Info = """
Hello, world!!

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=3"]
Info = "x is 100.\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=4"]
Trace = "( 1)TRACE"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=5"]
Trace = "( 2)trace-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=6"]
Debug = "( 3)DEBUG"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=7"]
Debug = "( 4)debug-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=8"]
Info = "( 5)INFO"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=9"]
Info = "( 6)info-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=10"]
Notice = "( 7)NOTICE"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=11"]
Notice = "( 8)notice-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=12"]
Warn = "( 9)WARN"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=13"]
Warn = "(10)warn-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=14"]
Error = "(11)ERROR"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=15"]
Error = "(12)error-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:26&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=16"]
Fatal = "(13)FATAL"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:27&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=17"]
Fatal = "(14)fatal-line\r\n"

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:28&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=18"]
Info = """
The sky is from top to bottom!!
ABird = "fly in the sky."
NumberOfSwimmingFish = 2
ThreeMonkeys = """
a tall

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:28&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=19"]
Trace = "(7)Trace on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:28&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=20"]
Debug = "(6)Debug on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:28&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=21"]
Info = "(5)Info on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:28&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=22"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:29&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=23"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:29&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=24"]
Error = "(2)Error on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:29&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=25"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (7)Trace."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:30&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=26"]
Debug = "(6)Debug on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:30&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=27"]
Info = "(5)Info on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:30&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=28"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:30&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=29"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:30&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=30"]
Error = "(2)Error on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:30&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=31"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (6)debug."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:31&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=32"]
Info = "(5)Info on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:31&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=33"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:31&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=34"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:31&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=35"]
Error = "(2)Error on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:31&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=36"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (5)Info."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:32&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=37"]
Notice = "(4)Notice on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:32&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=38"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:32&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=39"]
Error = "(2)Error on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:32&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=40"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (4)Notice."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:33&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=41"]
Warn = "(3)Warn on (3)Warn."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:33&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=42"]
Error = "(2)Error on (3)Warn."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:33&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=43"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (3)Warn."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:34&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=44"]
Error = "(2)Error on (2)Error."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:34&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=45"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (2)Error."

["Now=2020-07-14 00:16:35&Pid=10928&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=46"]
Fatal = "(1)Fatal on (1)Fatal."

Output to terminal:

casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). 16 table(s) left.
casual_logger fatalln: 0 sec(s). Wait for 1 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 2 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 1 sec(s). 3 table(s) left.
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 3 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 5 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 4 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 3 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 2 thread(s).
casual_logger fatal: 0 sec(s). Wait for 1 thread(s).

It is designed to use Log::fatal() as the first argument for panic!(). It is the abnormal termination of the program. There is a waiting time.

At third, Description


use casual_logger::{Level, Log, Table, LOGGER};

At the timing of the first writing, a file with a
time stamp in its name is automatically generated.
For example: ./tic-tac-toe-2020-07-12.log.toml


Part Name Description Default
./ file path Working directory
tic-tac-toe Prefix Editable. default
-2020-07-12 StartDate Auto generated.
.log Suffix Editable. .log
.toml Extension Editable. .toml

It is difficult to explain the file path for beginners.
Therefore, it does not move.

Excite yourself with a prefix.

StartDate is basically today.
If the rotation fails, it is the start date.

Suffix to be safe, include a word that
clearly states that you can delete the file.

If you don't like the .toml extension, leave
the suffix empty and the .log extension.

Set up, Code:

fn main() {
    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        logger.set_file_name("tic-tac-toe", ".log", ".toml");
        logger.retention_days = 2;
        logger.level = Level::Trace;

    // ...

Log rotation, Code:

    let remove_num = if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
    } else {
    Log::noticeln(&format!("Remove {} files.", remove_num));

Logger Properties

Name Description Default
retention_days After this number of days, 7
the file will be deleted.
level Used to switch between Trace
write and non-write.

Example of retention_days:

  • retention_days is 2.
  • Today is 2020-07-12.
  • The ./default-2020-07-09.log.toml file will be deleted.
  • The ./default-2020-07-10.log.toml remains.
  • Delete old files by date in filename.

Example of level:

  • There are 7 log levels.
    • |Fatal< Error < Warn < Notice < Info < Debug <Trace|
    • |<-- Small ------------------------------ Large -->|
    • |<-- Concise -------------------------- Verbose -->|
    • |<-- Low Level --------------------- High level -->|
    • |<-- High priority --------------- Low priority -->|
Level Examle of use.
Fatal If the program cannot continue.
Error I didn't get the expected result,
so I'll continue with the other method.
Warn It will be abnormal soon,
but there is no problem and you can ignore it.
For example:
(1) He reported that it took longer to access
than expected.
(2) Report that capacity is approaching the limit.
Notice It must be enabled in the server production
Record of passing important points correctly.
We are monitoring that it is working properly.
Info Report highlights.
Everything that needs to be reported regularly in
the production environment.
Debug It should be in a place with many accidents.
This level is disabled in production environments.
Leave it in the source and enable it for
Often, this is the production level of a desktop
operating environment.
Trace Not included in the distribution.
Remove this level from the source after using it
for debugging.
If you want to find a bug in the program,
write a lot.


    // Multi-line string.
    // The suffix "ln" adds a newline at the end.
        "Hello, world!!

    // After explicitly checking the level.
    if Log::enabled(Level::Info) {
        let x = 100; // Time-consuming preparation, here.
        Log::infoln(&format!("x is {}.", x));

    // The level is implicitly confirmed.
    Log::trace("( 1)TRACE");
    Log::traceln("( 2)trace-line");
    Log::debug("( 3)DEBUG");
    Log::debugln("( 4)debug-line");
    Log::info("( 5)INFO");
    Log::infoln("( 6)info-line");
    Log::notice("( 7)NOTICE");
    Log::noticeln("( 8)notice-line");
    Log::warn("( 9)WARN");

A piece of advice.

    // Fatal is Panic! Can be used as the first argument of.
    panic!(Log::fatal(&format!("Invalid number=|{}|", 99)));

Fatal returns a string so you can try to record a panic message.
However, the last log may not be written if the program exits first.
So there is a fatal_timeout_secs parameter.


    if let Ok(mut logger) = LOGGER.lock() {
        // Wait for seconds logging to complete when fatal.
        // By default it's set to 30 seconds,
        // so you probably don't need to set it.
        logger.fatal_timeout_secs = 30;

Usage of Table

Static method Description
::default() Create a instance.
Instance method Description
.str(key, value) Insert a string.
Multi-line string are
output with multiple lines.
.literal(key, value) Not enclose this value in
quotation marks.
You can break the toml format.
Do not validate.

Do not include spaces in the key. TOML collapses.

It is difficult to explain to beginners how to use TOML.
If you make a TOML that cannot be parsed literally,
please correct it.


    // Suffix '_t'. TOML say a table. So-called map.
        "The sky is from top to bottom!!
                // Do not include spaces in your key.
                "fly in the sky.",
            // Not enclose this value in quotation marks.
            .literal("NumberOfSwimmingFish", "2")
a tall


["Now=2020-07-12 18:35:23&Pid=20872&Thr=ThreadId(1)&Seq=18"]
Info = """
The sky is from top to bottom!!
ABird = "fly in the sky."
NumberOfSwimmingFish = 2
ThreeMonkeys = """
a tall

Don't forget wait for logging to complete at end of program


    // Wait for logging to complete. Time out 30 seconds.
    Log::wait_for_logging_to_complete(30, |secs, message| {
        // Do not call 'Log::xxxxx()' in this code block.
        println!("{} sec(s). {}", secs, message);

If you do not wait,
the program will exit before writing all the logs.


  • Dogfooding.

Tested environment

  • OS: Windows 10.
  • Editor: Visual studio code.


Customize method


use casual_logger::Log;

pub trait LogExt {
    fn println(s: &str);
impl LogExt for Log {
    /// Info level logging and add print to stdout.
    fn println(s: &str) {
        println!("{}", s);


use crate::LogExt;

pub fn test() {
    Log::println("Hello, world!!");