cassowary 0.3.0

A Rust implementation of the Cassowary linear constraint solving algorithm. The Cassowary algorithm is designed for naturally laying out user interfaces using linear constraints, like 'this button must line up with this text box'.
# 0.3

* Various fixes (PR #4) from @christolliday. 
  Main breaking change is that variables no longer silently initialise to zero and will report
  their initial value in the first call to `fetch_changes`, also `has_edit_variable` now takes `&self`
  instead of `&mut self`.

## 0.2.1

* Fixed crash under certain use cases. See PR #1 (Thanks @christolliday!).

# 0.2.0

* Changed API to only report changes to the values of variables. This allows for more efficient use of the library in typical applications.

# 0.1

Initial release