pub unsafe extern "C" fn cass_execution_profile_set_load_balance_dc_aware(
    profile: *mut CassExecProfile,
    local_dc: *const c_char,
    used_hosts_per_remote_dc: c_uint,
    allow_remote_dcs_for_local_cl: cass_bool_t
) -> CassError
Expand description

Configures the execution profile to use DC-aware load balancing. For each query, all live nodes in a primary ‘local’ DC are tried first, followed by any node from other DCs.

Note: Profile-based load balancing policy is disabled by default; cluster load balancing policy is used when profile does not contain a policy.

@deprecated The remote DC settings for DC-aware are not suitable for most scenarios that require DC failover. There is also unhandled gap between replication factor number of nodes failing and the full cluster failing. Only the remote DC settings are being deprecated.

@public @memberof CassExecProfile

@param[in] profile @param[in] local_dc The primary data center to try first @param[in] used_hosts_per_remote_dc The number of hosts used in each remote DC if no hosts are available in the local dc (deprecated) @param[in] allow_remote_dcs_for_local_cl Allows remote hosts to be used if no local dc hosts are available and the consistency level is LOCAL_ONE or LOCAL_QUORUM (deprecated) @return CASS_OK if successful, otherwise an error occurred.

@see cass_cluster_set_load_balance_dc_aware()