[][src]Function casperlabs_contract::ext_ffi::remove_associated_key

pub unsafe extern "C" fn remove_associated_key(
    account_hash_ptr: *const u8,
    account_hash_size: usize
) -> i32

This function attempts to remove the given public key from the associated keys of the current account. Presently only 32-byte keys are supported; it is up to the caller to ensure that the 32-bytes starting from offset public_key represent the key they wish to remove. The result returned is a status code for adding the key where 0 represents success, 1 means the key was not associated to begin with, 2 means means permission denied (this could be because the function was called outside of session code or because the key management threshold was not met by the keys authorizing the deploy), and 3 means this key cannot be removed because otherwise it would be impossible to meet either the deploy or key management thresholds.

Returns status code for adding the key, where 0 represents success and non-zero represents failure.


  • public_key - pointer to the bytes in wasm memory representing the public key to update, presently only 32-byte public keys are supported.
  • weight - the weight to assign to this public key