Crate casper_types[][src]

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Types used to allow creation of Wasm contracts and tests for use on the Casper Platform.


By default, the library is no_std, however you can enable full std functionality by enabling the crate’s std feature.


pub use contracts::Contract;
pub use contracts::ContractHash;
pub use contracts::ContractPackage;
pub use contracts::ContractPackageHash;
pub use contracts::ContractVersion;
pub use contracts::ContractVersionKey;
pub use contracts::EntryPoint;
pub use contracts::EntryPointAccess;
pub use contracts::EntryPointType;
pub use contracts::EntryPoints;
pub use contracts::Group;
pub use contracts::Parameter;
pub use crypto::*;
pub use runtime_args::NamedArg;
pub use runtime_args::RuntimeArgs;


Contains types and constants associated with user accounts.

Contains ApiError and associated helper functions.

Contains serialization and deserialization code for types used throughout the system.

Data types for supporting contract headers feature.

Cryptographic types and operations on them

Home of RuntimeArgs for calling contracts

System modules, formerly known as “system contracts”


Macro that makes it easier to construct named arguments.


A struct which behaves like a set of bitflags to define access rights associated with a URef.

A newtype wrapping a u64 which represents the block time.

Error while converting a CLValue into a given type.

A Casper value, i.e. a value which can be stored and manipulated by smart contracts.

A container for contract’s WASM bytes.

A newtype wrapping a HashAddr which is the raw bytes of the ContractWasmHash

A newtype wrapping a [[u8; DEPLOY_HASH_LENGTH]] which is the raw bytes of the deploy hash.

Information relating to the given Deploy.

Era ID newtype.

The effect of executing a single deploy.

A named key.

An operation performed while executing a deploy.

A newtype wrapping a SemVer which represents a Casper Platform protocol version.

A struct for semantic versioning.

Represents a transfer from one purse to another

A newtype wrapping a [[u8; TRANSFER_ADDR_LENGTH]] which is the raw bytes of the transfer address.

A transformation performed while executing a deploy.

Little-endian large integer type

Little-endian large integer type

Little-endian large integer type

Represents an unforgeable reference, containing an address in the network’s global storage and the AccessRights of the reference.


Errors which can be encountered while running a smart contract.

Casper types, i.e. types which can be stored and manipulated by smart contracts.

Error relating to CLValue operations.

The result of executing a single deploy.

The type under which data (e.g. CLValues, smart contracts, user accounts) are indexed on the network.

The type of operation performed while executing a deploy.

Parsing error when creating a SemVer.

The phase in which a given contract is executing.

Error returned when decoding a TransferAddr from a formatted string.

The result of a successful transfer between purses.

The actual transformation performed while executing a deploy.

Error type for parsing U128, U256, U512 from a string.

Error while parsing a URef from a formatted string.


The number of bytes in a serialized AccessRights.

The number of bytes in a Blake2b hash

The number of bytes in a serialized BlockTime.

The length of a deploy hash.

The number of bytes in a Key::Hash.

The number of bytes in a serialized Phase.

Length of SemVer when serialized

The length of a transfer address.

The number of bytes in a URef address.

The number of bytes in a serialized URef where the AccessRights are not None.


A type which can be described as a CLType.

The quality of having a tag


Serialize the given data structure as a pretty-printed String of JSON using serde_json::to_string_pretty(), but after first reducing any string values over MAX_STRING_LEN to display the field’s number of chars instead of the actual value.

Returns the CLType describing a “named key” on the system, i.e. a (String, Key).

Type Definitions

An alias for Keys hash variant.

The result of an attempt to transfer between purses.