casper-node 1.4.8

The Casper blockchain node
//! Resource limiters
//! Resource limiters restrict the usable amount of a resource through slowing down the request rate
//! by making each user request an allowance first.

use std::{collections::HashSet, sync::Arc, time::Duration};

use async_trait::async_trait;
use casper_types::PublicKey;
use tokio::{
    sync::{mpsc, oneshot},
use tracing::{debug, info, warn};

use crate::types::NodeId;

/// Amount of resource allowed to buffer in `ClassBasedLimiter`.
const STORED_BUFFER_SECS: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2);

/// A limiter.
/// Any consumer of a specific resource is expected to call `create_handle` for every peer and use
/// the returned handle to request a access to a resource.
pub(super) trait Limiter: Send + Sync {
    /// Create a handle for a connection using the given peer and optional validator id.
    fn create_handle(
        peer_id: NodeId,
        validator_id: Option<PublicKey>,
    ) -> Box<dyn LimiterHandle>;

    /// Update the validator sets.
    fn update_validators(
        active_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
        upcoming_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,

/// A per-peer handle for a limiter.
pub(super) trait LimiterHandle: Send + Sync {
    /// Waits until the requestor is allocated `amount` additional resources.
    async fn request_allowance(&self, amount: u32);

/// An unlimited "limiter".
/// Does not restrict resources in any way (`request_allowance` returns immediately).
pub(super) struct Unlimited;

/// Handle for `Unlimited`.
struct UnlimitedHandle;

impl Limiter for Unlimited {
    fn create_handle(
        _peer_id: NodeId,
        _validator_id: Option<PublicKey>,
    ) -> Box<dyn LimiterHandle> {

    fn update_validators(
        _active_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
        _upcoming_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
    ) {

impl LimiterHandle for UnlimitedHandle {
    async fn request_allowance(&self, _amount: u32) {
        // No limit.

/// A limiter dividing resources into multiple classes based on their validator status.
/// Imposes a limit on non-validator resources while not limiting active validator resources at all.
pub(super) struct ClassBasedLimiter {
    /// Sender for commands to the limiter.
    sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ClassBasedCommand>,

/// Peer class for the `ClassBasedLimiter`.
enum PeerClass {
    /// Active validators.
    /// Upcoming validators that are not active yet.
    /// Unclassified/low-priority peers.

/// Command sent to the `ClassBasedLimiter`.
enum ClassBasedCommand {
    /// Updates the set of active/upcoming validators.
    UpdateValidators {
        /// The new set of validators active in the current era.
        active_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
        /// The new set of validators in future eras.
        upcoming_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
    /// Requests a certain amount of a resource.
    RequestResource {
        /// Amount of resource requested.
        amount: u32,
        /// Id of the requesting sender.
        id: Arc<ConsumerId>,
        /// Response channel.
        responder: oneshot::Sender<()>,
    /// Shuts down the worker task

/// Handle for `ClassBasedLimiter`.
struct ClassBasedHandle {
    /// Sender for commands.
    sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ClassBasedCommand>,
    /// Consumer ID for the sender holding this handle.
    consumer_id: Arc<ConsumerId>,

/// An identity for a consumer.
struct ConsumerId {
    /// The peer's ID.
    peer_id: NodeId,
    /// The remote node's `validator_id`.
    validator_id: Option<PublicKey>,

impl ClassBasedLimiter {
    /// Creates a new class based limiter.
    /// Starts the background worker task as well.
    pub(super) fn new(resources_per_second: u32) -> Self {
        let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();

            ((resources_per_second as f64) * STORED_BUFFER_SECS.as_secs_f64()) as u32,

        ClassBasedLimiter { sender }

impl Limiter for ClassBasedLimiter {
    fn create_handle(
        peer_id: NodeId,
        validator_id: Option<PublicKey>,
    ) -> Box<dyn LimiterHandle> {
        Box::new(ClassBasedHandle {
            sender: self.sender.clone(),
            consumer_id: Arc::new(ConsumerId {

    fn update_validators(
        active_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
        upcoming_validators: HashSet<PublicKey>,
    ) {
        if self
            .send(ClassBasedCommand::UpdateValidators {
            debug!("could not update validator data set of limiter, channel closed");

impl LimiterHandle for ClassBasedHandle {
    async fn request_allowance(&self, amount: u32) {
        let (responder, waiter) = oneshot::channel();

        // Send a request to the limiter and await a response. If we do not receive one due to
        // errors, simply ignore it and do not restrict resources.
        // While ignoring it is suboptimal, it is likely that we can continue operation normally in
        // many circumstances, thus the message is downgraded from what would be a `warn!` to
        // `debug!`.
        if self
            .send(ClassBasedCommand::RequestResource {
                id: self.consumer_id.clone(),
            debug!("worker was shutdown, sending is unlimited");
        } else if waiter.await.is_err() {
            debug!("failed to await resource allowance, unlimited");

impl Drop for ClassBasedLimiter {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.sender.send(ClassBasedCommand::Shutdown).is_err() {
            warn!("error sending shutdown command to class based limiter");

/// Background worker for the limiter.
/// Will permit any amount of current/future validator resource requests, while restricting
/// non-validators to `resources_per_second`, although with unlimited one-time burst. The latter
/// guarantees that any size request can be satisfied (e.g. a message larger than the burst limit).
/// Stores up to `max_stored_resources` during idle times to smooth this process.
async fn worker(
    mut receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ClassBasedCommand>,
    resources_per_second: u32,
    max_stored_resource: u32,
) {
    let mut active_validators = HashSet::new();
    let mut upcoming_validators = HashSet::new();

    let mut resources_available: i64 = 0;
    let mut last_refill: Instant = Instant::now();

    // Whether or not we emitted a warning that the limiter is currently implicitly disabled.
    let mut logged_uninitialized = false;

    while let Some(msg) = receiver.recv().await {
        match msg {
            ClassBasedCommand::UpdateValidators {
                active_validators: new_active_validators,
                upcoming_validators: new_upcoming_validators,
            } => {
                active_validators = new_active_validators;
                upcoming_validators = new_upcoming_validators;
                    "resource classes updated"
            ClassBasedCommand::RequestResource {
            } => {
                if active_validators.is_empty() && upcoming_validators.is_empty() {
                    // It is likely that we have not been initialized, thus no node is getting the
                    // reserved resources. In this case, do not limit at all.
                    if !logged_uninitialized {
                        logged_uninitialized = true;
                        info!("empty set of validators, not limiting resources at all");

                let peer_class = if let Some(ref validator_id) = id.validator_id {
                    if active_validators.contains(validator_id) {
                    } else if upcoming_validators.contains(validator_id) {
                    } else {
                } else {

                match peer_class {
                    PeerClass::ActiveValidator | PeerClass::UpcomingValidator => {
                        // No limit imposed on validators.
                    PeerClass::Bulk => {
                        while resources_available < 0 {
                            // Determine time delta since last refill.
                            let now = Instant::now();
                            let elapsed = now - last_refill;
                            last_refill = now;

                            // Add appropriate amount of resources, capped at `max_stored_bytes`.
                            resources_available +=
                                ((elapsed.as_nanos() * resources_per_second as u128)
                                    / 1_000_000_000) as i64;
                            resources_available =
                                resources_available.min(max_stored_resource as i64);

                            // If we do not have enough resources available, sleep until we do.
                            if resources_available < 0 {
                                let estimated_time_remaining = Duration::from_millis(
                                    (-resources_available) as u64 * 1000
                                        / resources_per_second as u64,


                        // Subtract requested amount.
                        resources_available -= amount as i64;

                if responder.send(()).is_err() {
                    debug!("resource requester disappeared before we could answer.")
            ClassBasedCommand::Shutdown => {
                // Shutdown the channel, processing only the remaining messages.
    debug!("class based worker exiting");

mod tests {
    use std::{collections::HashSet, time::Duration};

    use tokio::time::Instant;

    use super::{ClassBasedLimiter, Limiter, NodeId, PublicKey, Unlimited};
    use crate::{crypto::AsymmetricKeyExt, testing::init_logging};

    /// Something that happens almost immediately, with some allowance for test jitter.
    const SHORT_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);

    async fn unlimited_limiter_is_unlimited() {
        let mut rng = crate::new_rng();

        let unlimited = Unlimited;

        let handle = unlimited.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), None);

        let start = Instant::now();
        let end = Instant::now();

        assert!(end - start < SHORT_TIME);

    async fn active_validator_is_unlimited() {
        let mut rng = crate::new_rng();

        let validator_id = PublicKey::random(&mut rng);
        let limiter = ClassBasedLimiter::new(1_000);

        let mut active_validators = HashSet::new();
        limiter.update_validators(active_validators, HashSet::new());

        let handle = limiter.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), Some(validator_id));

        let start = Instant::now();
        let end = Instant::now();

        assert!(end - start < SHORT_TIME);

    async fn inactive_validator_limited() {
        let mut rng = crate::new_rng();

        let validator_id = PublicKey::random(&mut rng);
        let limiter = ClassBasedLimiter::new(1_000);

        // We insert one unrelated active validator to avoid triggering the automatic disabling of
        // the limiter in case there are no active validators.
        let mut active_validators = HashSet::new();
        active_validators.insert(PublicKey::random(&mut rng));
        limiter.update_validators(active_validators, HashSet::new());

        // Try with non-validators or unknown nodes.
        let handles = vec![
            limiter.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), Some(validator_id)),
            limiter.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), None),

        for handle in handles {
            let start = Instant::now();

            // Send 9_0001 bytes, we expect this to take roughly 15 seconds.
            let end = Instant::now();

            let diff = end - start;
            assert!(diff >= Duration::from_secs(9));
            assert!(diff <= Duration::from_secs(10));

    async fn nonvalidators_parallel_limited() {
        let mut rng = crate::new_rng();

        let validator_id = PublicKey::random(&mut rng);
        let limiter = ClassBasedLimiter::new(1_000);

        let start = Instant::now();

        // We insert one unrelated active validator to avoid triggering the automatic disabling of
        // the limiter in case there are no active validators.
        let mut active_validators = HashSet::new();
        active_validators.insert(PublicKey::random(&mut rng));
        limiter.update_validators(active_validators, HashSet::new());

        // Parallel test, 5 non-validators sharing 1000 bytes per second. Each sends 1001 bytes, so
        // total time is expected to be just over 5 seconds.
        let join_handles = (0..5)
            .map(|_| limiter.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), Some(validator_id.clone())))
            .map(|handle| {
                tokio::spawn(async move {

        for join_handle in join_handles {
            join_handle.await.expect("could not join task");

        let end = Instant::now();
        let diff = end - start;
        assert!(diff >= Duration::from_secs(5));
        assert!(diff <= Duration::from_secs(6));

    async fn inactive_validators_unlimited_when_no_validators_known() {

        let mut rng = crate::new_rng();

        let validator_id = PublicKey::random(&mut rng);
        let limiter = ClassBasedLimiter::new(1_000);

        limiter.update_validators(HashSet::new(), HashSet::new());

        // Try with non-validators or unknown nodes.
        let handles = vec![
            limiter.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), Some(validator_id)),
            limiter.create_handle(NodeId::random(&mut rng), None),

        for handle in handles {
            let start = Instant::now();

            // Send 9_0001 bytes, we expect this to take roughly 15 seconds.
            let end = Instant::now();

            let diff = end - start;
            assert!(diff <= SHORT_TIME);