casper-contract 4.0.0

A library for developing Casper network smart contracts.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.  The format is based on [Keep a Changelog].

[comment]: <> (Added:      new features)
[comment]: <> (Changed:    changes in existing functionality)
[comment]: <> (Deprecated: soon-to-be removed features)
[comment]: <> (Removed:    now removed features)
[comment]: <> (Fixed:      any bug fixes)
[comment]: <> (Security:   in case of vulnerabilities)

## 4.0.0

### Added
* Add `storage::enable_contract_version` for enabling a specific version of a contract.

## 3.0.0

### Added
* Support fetching the calling account's authorization keys via the new function `runtime::list_authorization_keys` which calls the new `ext_ffi::casper_load_authorization_keys`.
* Support providing 32 random bytes via the new function `runtime::random_bytes` which calls the new `ext_ffi::casper_random_bytes`.
* Add `storage::read_from_key` for reading a value under a given `Key`.
* Add `storage::dictionary_read` for reading a value from a dictionary under a given `Key`, calling the new `ext_ffi::casper_dictionary_read`.
* Add `storage::named_dictionary_put` for writing a named value to a named dictionary.
* Add `storage::named_dictionary_get` for reading a named value from a named dictionary.

### Changed
* Update pinned version of Rust to `nightly-2022-08-03`.

## 2.0.0

### Changed
* Update `casper-types` to v2.0.0 due to additional `Key` variant, requiring a major version bump here.

## 1.4.4

### Changed
* Minor refactor of `system::create_purse()`.

## [1.4.0] - 2021-10-04

### Added
* Add `no-std-helpers` feature, enabled by default, which provides no-std panic/oom handlers and a global allocator as a convenience.
* Add new APIs for transferring tokens to the main purse associated with a public key: `transfer_to_public_key` and `transfer_from_purse_to_public_key`.

### Deprecated
* Feature `std` is deprecated as it is now a no-op, since there is no benefit to linking the std lib via this crate.

## [1.3.0] - 2021-07-19

### Changed
* Update pinned version of Rust to `nightly-2021-06-17`.

## [1.2.0] - 2021-05-28

### Changed
* Change to Apache 2.0 license.

## [1.1.1] - 2021-04-19

No changes.

## [1.1.0] - 2021-04-13 [YANKED]

No changes.

## [1.0.1] - 2021-04-08

No changes.

## [1.0.0] - 2021-03-30

### Added
* Initial release of smart contract API compatible with Casper mainnet.

[Keep a Changelog]: