cashaddr 0.1.3

Cashaddr codec library
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A library crate providing a dependency-free, pure rust implementation of the cashaddr codec.


  • Trait-based interfaces for transcoding arbitrary sequence of bytes to/from cashaddr strings
  • Generalized interface supporting all standard and many non-standard use-cases
  • Convenience methods for succinct expression of common conversion parameters
  • Custom hash types
  • Arbitrary prefixes
  • Elided prefix
  • Descriptive error types
  • Payload struct for encapsulating parsed cashaddr payload and hash type

About the Codec

Cashaddr is a base32-based encoding scheme designed to encode a hash digest and hash type which describes the use case for the hash. The hash is an arbitrary sequence of either 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, or 64 bytes. The cashaddr format represents this information as a string which consists of 2 parts: an arbitrary user-defined prefix, and a base32-encoded representation of the hash, hash type, hash length, and a checksum which checks both the hash payload and the user prefix. For details, see the cashaddr spec


Most of the codec algorithm logic was copied from bitcoincash-addr. This crate seeks to improve on bitcoincash-addr by providing a more generalized and ergonomic user interface, adding support for arbitrary prefixes, and reducing scope to only matters directly related the cashaddr codec itself (base58check codec removed from scope).