case_style 0.2.0

Converts from and to different case styles

case_style Documentation

Converts from and to different case styles


There are two ways to use this libary. One is when you know the type upfront:

use case_style::CaseStyle;
let kebab = CaseStyle::from_camelcase("camelCase").to_kebabcase();
println!("{}", kebab);
assert_eq!("camel-case", kebab);

And one where you don't know exactly:

use case_style::CaseStyle;
let kebab = CaseStyle::guess("snake_case").unwrap().to_kebabcase();
println!("{}", kebab);
assert_eq!("snake-case", kebab);

The guess method is restrictive by design, so you should decide a backup type yourself like:

use case_style::CaseStyle;
let input = "user just typed this in :P";
let snake = CaseStyle::guess(input)
println!("{}", snake);
assert_eq!("user_just_typed_this_in_:p", snake);

In the previous example you can see that the convertion of styles does not remove odd characters. This you should also do youself.

use case_style::CaseStyle;
let input = "this is just some random input 🦖 ";
let filtered_input: String = input
    .filter(|x| x == &' ' || x.is_ascii_alphanumeric())
let filtered_input = filtered_input.trim();

let snake = CaseStyle::guess(filtered_input)
println!("{}", snake);
assert_eq!("thisIsJustSomeRandomInput", snake);

Current supported formats:

  • SnakeCase
  • CamelCase
  • ConstantCase
  • KebabCase
  • LowercaseSpace
  • PascalCase
  • SentenceCase

for a up to date list look at the docs

License: Unlicense