casbin 2.0.9

An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC.
macro_rules! get_or_err {
    ($this:ident, $key:expr, $err:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
            .ok_or_else(|| {
                    "Missing {} definition in conf file",
            .ok_or_else(|| {
                    "Missing {} section in conf file",

macro_rules! register_g_function {
    ($enforcer:ident, $fname:ident, $ast:ident) => {{
        let rm = Arc::clone(&$enforcer.rm);
        let count = $ast.value.matches('_').count();

        if count == 2 {
                move |arg1: ImmutableString, arg2: ImmutableString| {
                    rm.write().has_link(&arg1, &arg2, None)
        } else if count == 3 {
                move |arg1: ImmutableString,
                      arg2: ImmutableString,
                      arg3: ImmutableString| {
                    rm.write().has_link(&arg1, &arg2, Some(&arg3))
        } else {
            return Err(ModelError::P(
                r#"the number of "_" in role definition should be at least 2"#

macro_rules! push_index_if_explain {
    ($this:ident) => {{
        #[cfg(feature = "explain")]
        if $this.cap > 1 {