cartograph 0.1.2

Datacube builder.
//! Photon-lifetime engine function.

use crate::{output::Data, parts::Landscape, util::Key};
use arctk::{
    geom::{Ray, Trace},
    ord::{X, Y, Z},
use rand::prelude::SliceRandom;
use rand::Rng;

/// Determine what a single ray will observe.
pub fn sample<R: Rng>(land: &Landscape, data: &mut Data, index: [usize; 3], mut rng: &mut R) {
    let bump_dist = land.sett.bump_dist();
    let num_pos_samples = land.sett.super_sampling().num_samples();
    let num_cast_samples = land.sett.caster().num_samples();
    let weight = 1.0 / num_pos_samples as f64;
    let voxel = land.grid.gen_voxel(&index);
    let sampler = land.sett.super_sampling();
    let caster = land.sett.caster();

    for n in 0..num_pos_samples {
        let pos = sampler.sample(&voxel, n, rng);

        let mut found = false;

        let mut order = (0..num_cast_samples).collect::<Vec<i32>>();
        order.as_mut_slice().shuffle(&mut rng);
        for m in order {
            let ray = caster.gen_ray(pos, m);

            if let Some(key) = scan(land, ray, bump_dist) {
                    .unwrap() += weight;

                found = true;

        if !found {
                "WARNING! Could not determine key at index: {} : {} : {}",
                index[X], index[Y], index[Z],

            *data.undetermined.get_mut(index).unwrap() += weight;

/// Determine what a single ray will observe.
pub fn scan<'a>(land: &'a Landscape, ray: Ray, bump_dist: f64) -> Option<&'a Key> {
    debug_assert!(bump_dist > 0.0);

    let bound_dist = land
        .expect("Failed to determine distance to grid boundary.");

    land.tree.observe(ray, bump_dist, bound_dist).map(|hit| {
        let interface: &Key = hit.tag();
        let &(ref inside, ref outside) = land
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Entry '{}' not found in interface map.", interface));

        if hit.side().is_inside() {
        } else {