cargo_toml 0.11.6

`Cargo.toml` struct definitions for parsing with Serde
# Deserialize `Cargo.toml`

<img src="the-real-tom.jpeg" align="left" alt="due to a milkshake duck situation, the preferred Tom for this format has been replaced">

This is a definition of fields in `Cargo.toml` files for [serde]( It allows reading of `Cargo.toml` data, and serializing it using TOML or other formats. It's used by [the site]( to extract information about crates.

To get started, see [`Manifest::from_slice`][docs].


Additionally, this crate supports basic post-processing of the data to emulate Cargo's `autobins` feature, which sets manifest defaults based on presence of files on disk (other non-disk data sources are also supported).